
Chapter 64

After a fierce battle, people generally go through several processes: first would be "not knowing where one was," and then "weeping with joy." After a while, when they think of their lost comrades and saw the devastation, their energy would be exhausted, then comes the stage of "overcome by sorrow".

The process of "weeping with joy" by the base people had not yet finished, even before they could feel sorrow, things went wrong again.

"You guys..." Bixing Lu said in the communication channel, but his voice was quickly drowned out.

He frowned, then sent the scanned energy fluctuation graph directly to the communication channel, but it was drowned out as well.

Bixing Lu: "Hey!"

If one would want to fix the military discipline of these, probably only missiles could have some effect.

Bixing Lu was a civilized person. He did not have the habit of raising his voice, neither had the temper of using a missile to aim at his teammates. In desperation, he had to shout at the communication channel: "Wait a second, let me ask for marriage first!"

This sentence finally received some response, Monoeye Hawk shouted back with a louder voice: "Little b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you tired of living!"

The noise in the communication channel was finally smoothed up by the father and son.

"Thank you, Dad," Bixing Lu turned serious and re-sent the energy fluctuations graph again. "The high-energy particle flow which was blown up by transfer point 001 has pa.s.sed, and there should be no such intense energy response nearby. Guys, we have not finished yet. Be alert."

Everyone was prepared to listen to gossip news, but they entered into the military news channel which was out of their expectations. After a moment of being startled, the whispering seemed to be like a soft breeze that quickly turned into a strong wind, breaking out in the communication channel. hissed with a low voice: "Shut up! Don"t talk!"

Foucault also snorted and comforted her own people: "Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Weasel asked nervously: "What about Commodore Lin?"

Jingheng Lin did not respond, he thought it was too annoying and quieted the communication channel early. He lifted the cup towards the air, saying to Zhanlu without any beginning or ending: "One ounce."

Zhanlu knew what he meant this time. The door of the wine cabinet opened automatically and gave Lin a strong drink.

Jingheng Lin said that he was going to return, but he did change from the frank behavior before. He just stayed still and did not have any words on the tramps in the base who were hanging about. He pressed the spirits under his tongue and his eyes did not leave the remote communications system graph. His quiet side profile was like a wolf waiting for a war.

Jingshu Huang glanced at his expression and said: "Will ..."

Jingheng Lin raised a finger and stopped her voice.

At the same time, this thousand ducks in the communication channel gradually became "mute". Jingheng Lin reopened the communication channel and heard the last dunce who came from who knows where and asked one sentence: "What"s going on? Why don"t you talk?"

No one answered him.

It was because, at this time, even Bixing Lu was not required to explain how to look at the abnormal energy fluctuation graph. As long as they had not been disconnected from the mental network, everyone could see -

In the pitch dark universe, it seemed that there were hidden shadows and monsters there, coming out from the field like relentless waves, as if there was no end to them, making people hold their breaths, swinging back and forth between ecstasy and despair.

Not far from them, the group of mechs which made more threatening gestures than the previous ones slowly showed their heads. On the dark fuselage, the sign of the Guard of Prince Cayley was a nightmare-like totem - but this time, the other party was all heavy mechs.

This was a mech team with hypers.p.a.ce heavy mechs.

Like the mech team which besieged the Silver Fortress.

Like the mech team which buried two IU mech teams at the Heart of Rose.

Like the mech team which destroyed planet Cayley, planet Beijing-β and planet Egret.

The base"s Self-Defense Force people who suffered from heavy casualties were surrounding Heavy Mech No. 3, and were stunned to see this group of giants descending from the sky, like ants waiting for the pouring rain.

And the anti-tracking system on which they depended on had already been used to bury the previous opponent.

White took a shaky breath, then asked Lin Jingheng as he glanced at him: "Com... Commodore, why are you still drinking?"

Jingheng Lin swallowed the wine under his tongue and looked back at the four students. He felt that they were young and fearless, and felt that his limbs were a little cold.

He was not afraid of death, nor was he afraid of losing, but he did not want to talk to Prince Cayley.

The world with singing and dancing to celebrate the good times was falling, and he had been out of touch with reality for more than three months in this small broken base. On one hand, he was eager to know the outside situation every day, on the other hand, he was a little scared to know. Because the IU fell to this point, whether it was intentional or unintentional, he himself could not get rid of the responsibility - "intentional" meant being frenziedly broken, "unintentional" meant being stupid enough to touch the world, none of them was better than the other.

However, he had to, because the Silver Ninth Squadron probably ate too much junk food that they ran slower than climbing. Commodore Lin himself alone, carrying a bunch of c.r.a.ppy sc.r.a.p iron, could not control the rhythm very accurately and was only able to delay time this way.

A communication request was sent to Heavy Mech No. 3, and then through the remote system, was publicly released to the communication channel.

Jingheng Lin exhaled with the smell of alcohol and agreed to the communication request.

The unforgettable old face of Ares Von immediately appeared in front of everyone, and the muzzle of Monoeye Hawk almost went off.

For sure, the four students remembered this madman who bombed planet Beijing β. Mint covered her mouth and Rickhead clenched his fists. He could hardly tell whether it was a virtual shadow or a real person in front of him. A low roar made its way up to his throat - Jingheng Lin held his shoulders in one hand and pushed him aside easily.

If there was an ancestral grave for Ares Von, it must have already been dug into a subway transfer station. He did not care much about others, and he has received a lot of vengeful hatred. His eyes were on Jingheng Lin"s body, and his pupils obviously shrank. After staring at Jingheng Lin carefully for a moment, Ares Von said with his metal mouth: "It seems that I am qualified to say a few words to you, introducing myself: I am Prince Cayley, my name is Ares Von. May I ask this very familiar gentleman, what is your name?"

Lin Jingheng showed a vague half-smile and asked: "Who do you think I look like?"

When Jingheng Lin was in charge of the Silver Fortress, he used to have several positions. He was a pain of the governments of the seven galaxies which wanted to fight for military autonomy, was a pain for some of the top leaders of the IU, and was a pain for the three interstellar pirate groups. His photographs were nailed to the dartboard by countless people, and thousands of holes were pierced every day.

Of course, it was not possible for Ares Von not to recognize this face, but he also did not think that the person under this face was Jingheng Lin.

Prince Cayley kept a straight face, and only the skin on one of the corners of his eyes twitched like having the wrong nerve: "If I remember correctly, it should be stipulated in the portrait law of your IU that It is illegal to have an artificial plastic surgery to become another person, especially celebrities."

Jingheng Lin smiled at his words and said: "Neither the officials nor the people would investigate, Jingheng Lin cannot climb out from the cenotaph to sue me. If it"s a big deal, I will repeat playing his obituary several times. His Royal Highness Prince Cayley, I just took a bunch of brothers and stayed at a corner. How did we offend you?"

Ares Von said: "You are from the Silver Ten Squadrons."

Lin Jingheng snorted from the nose, not knowing whether it was an acquiescence or a sneer.

"The face can change, the ident.i.ty can be forged, the things engraved in the bones will never change, and the a.n.a.lysis of the battle preferences at the important juncture of life and death will never go wrong." Ares whispered, "Your level, should at least be the major general, which Silver Squadron are you from?"

Jingheng Lin raised his eyebrows impatiently: "His Royal Highness Prince Cayley, the Silver Fortress is already blown up by you to the ashes: are there any Silver Ten Squadrons? What do you want?"

Everyone in the base was holding their breaths and concentrating to watch Jingheng Lin deliberately hoodwinking Prince Cayley. It was the first time they had heard Commodore Lin talk so much.

Ares Von quite aptly replied: "The Silver Fortress was not bombed by me, nor did the AUG. I only care about the Eighth Galaxy. In the Eighth Galaxy, from stars to planets, from corpses to wrecks, they are all mine. Under my eyes, there can be no underground pa.s.sages and unknown transfer points."

Jingheng Lin actually seemed to talk reasonably with Ares. After being silent for a moment, there was no anger on his face, and he nodded. "So, you want our underground pa.s.sage map."

"Yes. The Eighth Galaxy is my backyard. No one wants a bunch of snake caves in the backyard," Ares Von said bluntly. "Days ago, I had a man sent by myself to explore the pa.s.sage, with a mech team. They didn"t come back. People and mechs disappeared silently in the Desert of Death. I don"t know if you have seen them."

Jingheng Lin did not make public about what he had done, so aside from Monoeye Hawk and Bixing Lu, most people were quite confused, but they all felt that by the words of Prince Cayley, the atmosphere of chatting was suddenly tense.

Jingheng Lin looked up at Ares Von, then answered his question: "What you mean is that I killed these people, the team is buried by me, so you are here for revenge —— is there evidence?"

Aris Von opened his hand, his shoulders with copper and iron were not flexible enough to make a "shrug" movement, looking like a doll which cannot react well: "Primalien has been with me for over a hundred years. He has been escorting me from Cayley to the extraterritorial regions. Although he became more and more abnormal in these years, I have not been willing to change. There are not many loyal people around me, and there are fewer people who can withstand the test. He died in the Desert of Death for no reason, I am very distressed for that."

One wanted evidence, one said "distressed", the base people in the communication channel who were listening felt that the signal might not be good enough. After listening to a few words, the dialogue could not be understood.

Jingheng Lin moved his finger and sent a message to the communication channel.

"Shield is open, prepare for an emergency transfer."

The anti-tracking system became ashes, but the transfer points had not been blown up after all.

The people of the base did not dare come out, and the shields that were closed just now were lit up one by one. The people whose shields were damaged were protected by others.

However, this legion of was too slow, and before they were ready, Prince Cayley said: "I don"t have evidence, but since I am so distressed, of course, I am looking for someone to fire at. Why, you happen to be here, you just look the most suspicious? The missile"s muzzle can fire without any evidence."

When Jingheng Lin listened to Zhanlu about the life of Ares Von, at that time, he said that this person was like a pirate version of himself. In fact, it was not completely belittling himself improperly —— Commodore Lin himself personally bombed Xin Lu"s transfer point, which blew up his anger, so Primalien must be slaughtered; Prince Cayley"s own people who went out to do things died halfway and made him so distressed, therefore whoever in the vicinity was unlucky and got pulled out for him to release his anger.

There were no transfer points near the base"s b.u.m soldiers, they could only make an emergency transfer. The emergency transfer was not something that these junior players could afford, but when they saw the missile towards their face, they broke out with unimaginable potential. Most of them actually ran successfully. For the first time in their lives, they got the opportunity of having a taste of protective gas, which terribly suffocated them to death.

The team that was originally huddled together like quails was dispersed in disorder, like a handful of broken peas, scattered all over the place.

Jingheng Lin directly jumped to transfer point 0051. This transfer point was very close to transfer point 001 that was blown up. For some reason, he did not disconnect from the remote connection with the base. At this time, the underground pa.s.sage leading to the base was really exposed under Ares Von"s eyes.

Aris Von suddenly realized: "Stop, don"t chase him!"

However, it was too late.

The vanguard of the pirates was too fast, they chased Jingheng Lin through the transfer point 0051. Jingheng Lin suddenly turned and faced his pursuers, blocking their advancement with strong firepower. He took a quick look at the location of everyone in the communication channel and picked the nearest: "Monoeye Hawk, detonate 0051."

Bixing Lu suddenly turned around.

Monoeye Hawk laughed, not caring whether detonating 0051 would also make Jingheng Lin be involved or not. He was driving a small mech, was just in a blind spot in the sky. After launching three missiles. .h.i.tting transfer point 0051, he ran to make an emergency transfer.

The pirates" heavy mechs near transfer point 0051 was under the intensive attack from Heavy Mech No. 3. It was too late to dodge, and the transfer point exploded. At that moment, the panicked drivers who were near the transition point lost consciousness collectively. Their mental network jurisdiction was taken away, violently transferred to the muzzle, and sent dozens of missiles to their own troops.

When the missile flew out, the expanding transfer point swallowed more than a dozen pirates" heavy mechs. Jingheng Lin made a quick emergency transfer before the explosive energy collided and rushed into the Prince Cayley"s Guard!

In the same kind of trap, after the AUG prophet fell for it and got defeated, he almost blew up half of their own troops. Ares Von was deeply hurt by this a.n.a.logy and he was furious: "Take him!"

In an instant, countless unfolding mental networks pressed against Zhanlu, like packs of hungry tigers and wolves, wanting to deprive him of the mental network. Even the pa.s.sengers in the mech felt great pressure. The students who were just liberated from protective gas from the emergency transfer were dizzy and had buzzing in their ears. They held their heads and squatted in a row. There were countless missiles and the particle guns aimed at the Heavy Mech No.3, then pa.s.sed it by. The alarm and the warning light in the mech cabin flashed, nearly making people"s heartbeat explode.

Bixing Lu: "Follow me!"

The base who were all over the place finally heard a voice and quickly gathered behind him, like a small school of fish swimming upstream during a typhoon. They rushed to the end of the Prince Cayley"s Guard team. Before the rear of the team came over them, Bixing Lu suddenly fired a missile at a half-exposed transfer point.

Prince Cayley"s Guards was really afraid of this group of saboteurs who exploded transfer points if they didn"t agree with each other. The pirates who were closest to the transfer point reacted greatly and rushed away, the team was suddenly chaotic. Jingheng Lin"s Heavy Mech No.3 took advantage of this gap, separating the pirate"s teams like a sharp-edged knife and rushed out in a crowd.

At the same time, Bixing Lu followed the missiles into the transfer point. The small group of people behind him followed him like fishes, and Weasel laughed: "Mr. Lu, is it a lie?"

"This is embarra.s.sing," Bixing Lu said, "I"m unarmed, I can only rely on lying."

He said it was embarra.s.sing, but in fact, he was not embarra.s.sed at all. He took the small mech group and shuttled back and forth between the transfer points that had not been ex. When he was chased tightly, he fired at the transfer point. The fake action of firing for the first time scared the pirates away, and the second firing effect began to be poor. The third fake action, this became the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".

The Prince Cayley"s Guard released the transfer interference, and then a row of particle guns blocked their way in advance. Numerous shields were destroyed. Bixing Lu seemed to hear the sound of the shields of small mechs being overwhelmed. The next moment, the alarm of being locked by a missile started to ring. He had no time to hide.

At this time, Zhanlu"s mental network suddenly enveloped like an invisible shield. The pirates" mental network surrounding them was suddenly attacked, and they slammed against each other in the invisible man-machine connecting port. The pirates around there seemed to have all been immobilized.

"G.o.d..." Someone who forgot Commodore Lin"s taboo sighed in the communication channel. "It was not injustice to be swept down from the mental network that year."

"Get into the underground pa.s.sage for return..." Jingheng Lin"s voice came from the communication channel intermittently, "Hurry up!"

The small mech group drilled out of the gap and rushed to the underground channel. "But the base..."

"Don"t worry," Bixing Lu stopped him. "Listen to him."

Ares Von was so angry that he laughed: "Do you really think that you are Jingheng Lin just by having the same face?"

Jingheng Lin grabbed a syringe of the soothing agent.

At this time, Ares Von and Bixing Lu received an alarm at the same time -

Abnormal energy was coming from the base"s underground pa.s.sage!

Weasel asked: "Mr. Lu, is this still a lie?"

Ares sneered: "The same trick is used for too many times, have you exhausted your bag of tricks?"

This joke-like abnormal energy fluctuation was "falsified" very carelessly, and it was extremely fast, like a hyper-s.p.a.ce ma.s.sive mech team.

However, in the Eighth Galaxy, how come there were so many mech teams?

Bixing Lu suddenly shouted: "Get away!"

The base people followed him and separated into two immediately. Then, the glare penetrated everyone"s mental network and went through directly in the flank of the middle army of Prince Cayley"s Guards.

A team of extremely fast-moving heavy mech army came down from the sky.

The Silver Ninth Squadron.

Everyone suspected that they were having hallucinations from nitrogen poisoning.

Thirty heavy mechs were like a poisonous dagger, gouging the heart out of Prince Cayley"s Guard, and cutting it directly into two pieces. The two rows of missiles were like magical weapons that could separate the sea, rolled up onto both sides. In the violent bombing, the gravity system on Ares Von"s mech was almost out of order, and he stood up fiercely: "Silver..."

At this moment, a communication request was sent, and a subordinate accepted it with a trembling hand. Jingheng Lin"s face which was like a poster of a dart target advertis.e.m.e.nt came in front of him.

The man who had just shouldered the mental power of almost an entire pirate team had cold sweat on his temples, and his face was very pale. He clapped his hands and whisked the residue of soothing agent syringe that was accidentally crushed: "Then, also let me make a self-introduction: Your Royal Highness Von, I am authentic, there is no violation of anyone"s right of portrait. For escaping from the Heart of the Rose with your — the extraterritorial pirates — help, I have not thanked you in person yet."

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