In Search of Love

Chapter 2

T/N: I"m skipping most of chapter 2 because I rarely like modern novels. The last 20% of chapter 2 is when and after her transmigration occurs. The first 80% of chapter 2 is a long list of her various jobs due to her mom"s unhappiness with every single job plus her dad being killed while doing surveillance work as police officer when she was a teenager. 

I"m only going to be translating chapter 3. When I skimmed through chapter 2 to 9, the story seemed interesting. But once I started translating, there were too many unnecessarily repet.i.tive sentences. And its only chapter 3!

t.i.tle: In Search of Love

Chapter: 003 out of 125

Excerpt from chapter 2 (last 20%)

Su Xiao Pei sighed. She checked that her alarm clock had been set and the air conditioner temperature was comfortable. Near her pillow, there was a photo of her parents smiling sweetly. She buried herself in her pillow. Suddenly, she thought that she should ask that mental case matchmaker to talk with her mom. He should go tell her mom that her fated person was in a coma and that there would be no hope in this lifetime. Ask her mom to stop hurrying around to arrange blind dates. It was too tiring to have to go on a blind date once a week.

She let her imagination run wild until she eventually fell asleep.

She didn"t know how much time had pa.s.s when she suddenly woke up.

She didn"t know why, but she felt like she was still dreaming.

A breeze blew by her. It was somewhat cold. In a daze, she wanted to pull up her quilt. She suddenly discovered that she wasn"t lay down on her bed. She was leaning over something instead. She opened her eyes in surprise and almost fell to the ground. She shrunk back from fear.

Nearby, two people, a man and woman, were in front of a campfire. They were wearing ancient Chinese costumes.

Su Xiao Pei blinked. She woke up from her daze.

From above, the moonlight was bright. Below, the campfire was raging.

As for herself, she was lay down on a tall tree. She was wearing Winnie the Pooh pajamas.

Su Xiao Pei blinked again. She quietly turned her head to look around. It was a dark and quiet forest. There was only the sound of the wind blowing and leaves rustling. Other than the two people in front of the campfire below, it seemed as if there were no other signs of human habitation.

Because of the cold, Su Xiao Pei had goose b.u.mps. This dream was too strange.

The two people started talking at this time.

"Are you feeling well?" The young man"s velvety voice was very attractive and somewhat pleasant, but his accent was strange.

"This servant is feeling better. Many thanks to this hero for rescuing." The woman"s voice was also good. Her accent was also strange.

Furthermore, why did they say "this servant" and "hero"? This was so bizarre.

(T/N: Just wanted to note that the words in parenthesis have been replaced in modern Mandarin with new, different sounding words like the way corse has been replaced by corpse in modern English.)

Su Xiao Pei furrowed her eyebrows. She naturally thought of that elderly, paranoid patient"s words.

"If you find that you"ve been pulled over there, don"t be scared, you"ll be okay."

Censored cursing.

This servant has time traveled! Su Xiao Pei imagined herself saying those types of words.

She really wanted to step on that matchmaker"s face.

To have time traveled. What a dirty trick! She was an educated intellectual.

Start of chapter 3

Su Xiao Pei calmed down her heart, and then looked around again. All things can be explained by logic. The situation right now must have a scientific and reasonable explanation.

Dreamland? Hallucination?

But, her sense of touch was clear and her sense of hearing was normal. She could even smell the forest"s vegetation and soil. The air was very fresh and clean. Fine, she time traveled. Anyways, everything was too realistic. The details were complete without any gap.

Su Xiao Pei wasn"t able to convince herself. She had confirmed that her perception of the situation was correct.

This wasn"t a dream. She wasn"t hallucinating.

Then, what"s going on?

Not far away from her, the man and woman were still talking.

Su Xiao Pei adjusted her breathing to restrain herself from becoming frantic. While she did this, she listened to their conversation. Their conversation was dry and bookish and their accent was strange, but Su Xiao Pei could still follow it.

So, this man was pa.s.sing by this mountain and he met this woman. Two months ago, bandits caught this woman. When she was finally had the opportunity to escape, she could only aimlessly flee because she was too deep in the mountain. Fortunately, she met and was saved by this kindhearted man. The man had also promised her to bring her home once it was dawn.

After Su Xiao Pei heard this conversation, her heart sank further. Great, this mountain has bandits. She looked at the woman who had met with misfortune. The woman seemed still scared and very cautious. Her body was curled up. But, her clothes were neat and her appearance looked stronger than Su Xiao Pei"s.

Su Xiao Pei moved slightly on the tree branch to scout the ground below. She was very high up. If she fell, would she probably break her arms and legs? The branch she was on wasn"t very st.u.r.dy. With her abilities, she wouldn"t be able to climb to the tree trunk that was somewhat far away. Even if she were able to reach the tree trunk, she wouldn"t be able to safely climb down to the bottom of the tree.

In addition, her feet were ice-cold from the lack of socks and shoes. There was also an embarra.s.sing matter. She wasn"t wearing undergarments beneath her pajamas.

She looked at trouble-befallen woman again and sighed. Compared to that woman, her appearance seemed more likely someone who had escaped from being kidnapped by bandits.

What should she do now?

She couldn"t just lie here until she woke up from this dream. Realistically, in her current situation, she seemed like a person waiting for death. Her limbs had stiffened and her body was cold.

Did she really have to experience falling to her death? If she died, would she wake up?

Su Xiao Pei closed her eyes to organize her thoughts. In the darkness of this mountain forest, there were only two people. She had to take this opportunity.

Before she had time to finish thinking, she suddenly heard the young man ask, "Miss?" The sound came from nearby, directly beneath her.

Su Xiao Pei quickly opened her eyes. She didn"t know when that man had left the campfire. His head was looking up at her. How did she not hear his footsteps? And, why did he ask if she was a girl? Of course, she was a girl. Anyone with eyes could tell she was female.

She looked in the direction of the campfire. That woman was also looking at her with an expression of surprise. She must be surprised that there would be a person on a tree.

Fine, compared to that woman, her clothing was strange. Her short hair was also unusual.

"Miss? Why are you here? " The young man called out again. His tone was certain this time.

Why was she here? This question was difficult to answer. Su Xiao Pei couldn"t help feeling panic. What should she say? But, she knew she had to say something. Regardless if this was a dream or a hallucination, or she had really time traveled, there were the only two people on this mountain forest.

She didn"t want to fall her to death or continue holding onto this branch. How should she address him?

"Hero," she somewhat mutely said.

She cleared her throat, "Hero." This was so awkward. Could she change it to mister instead?

The man nodded to show that he heard, but he didn"t speak as if he were waiting for her to continue.

Su Xiao Pei carefully looked at his face. Lighted by the campfire, his face looked honest. She prepared herself to say "this servant", but saying "this servant" was more difficult than saying "hero". After a while, she still couldn"t say that word.

Finally, she gritted her teeth to say, "Hero, please save me."

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