In The Future, My Whole Body Is A Treasure

Chapter 2: To the Capital Star

In the Future, My Whole Body is a TreasureChapter 2: To the Capital Star

When Ren Sheng woke up, he felt that he is in a wrong place.

As a ginseng spirit, he likes sunshine, likes the land, and is sincerely close to the Earth. But now he, unexpectedly can’t feel anything!

He definitely felt a strong breath of life when he fell through time and s.p.a.ce crack, at his foot was Earth, how come after he lost consciousness for a bit, something seems to be entirely dead?

Could it be that he is caught? Ren Sheng was alarmed in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more it felt like this.

Before suddenly a group of people broke into the place where he lived, they were after him to rob what his Master had left for him, they also coveted his body and were eager to eat him. Although he ran away, he was already injured. When he fell through the time and s.p.a.ce crack the injuries got heavier and made it so that he was unable to stay awake.

Now, someone must have taken advantage of his weakness to lock him here!

This room is surrounded by metal, so airtight that not even a hint of aura can be sensed, he was injured and naturally couldn’t move his mana, he is afraid that he can only let those people cut off his meat. He won’t die for a while, this would also ensure that each piece of meat is fresh …

The more Ren Sheng thinks, the more he believes this to be the case. His injuries have not been tended to carefully and he can’t move mana at all, just like an ordinary person.

“Master Luo Yi, are you awake?” Just as Ren Sheng was thinking about how to escape, the door of the room suddenly opened, and two tall, strong young men came in from outside.

Ren Sheng subconsciously shrank to the corner, and then found something wrong with the situation. The accent of the two people was weird, their body didn’t have even have a little of psychic power!

Did those people find two people weaker than him to guard him? Is this a conspiracy?

Dai Nuo noticed ‘Luo Yi’ panic, and deliberately softened his voice: “Master Luo Yi, you have been unconscious for a long time. Although we have given you nutritional fluids, but you still have to eat something. What do you want to eat?”

Who is this Master Luo Yi? What about eating? He is a ginseng spirit, if they find a feng shui treasure to take root on earth and let him bask in the sun, he does not need to eat at all, do these people not know it.

No, he can eat too … Do these people intend to feed him with spirit objects and fatten him up, and then cut his meat out later?

Seeing the exquisite face of the young man frightened and not talking, Dai Nuo and the soldier beside him could only look at one another.

After the s.p.a.ceship exploded, because there were only a few staff at the Blessed Star, Dai Nuo informed the nearby garrison, now they were on a military ship, flying towards the Capital Star.

The explosion of the Liberal Alliance s.p.a.ceship was a mystery, but judging from the current situation, it doesn’t seem to matter to the bride.

The poor Kai, I am afraid, has been frightened.

“Dai Nuo, later you will take care of this young master Luo Yi, first get him something to eat.” The young Major thought that the future Marshal’s wife looked small and weak, he had never been good at dealing with this kind of people.

“Yes, Major!” Dai Nuo immediately gave a military salute. Although, he felt that a Kai was not worthy of the Marshal, but this was the future Marshal’s lady, he will take good care of him.

This ship was a military aircraft. Because the soldiers in the garrison could not be arbitrarily transferred, there were very few people on the s.p.a.ceship. Dai Nuo came to the kitchen and found that there wasn’t even a chef present.

He originally wanted to take all the food from the s.p.a.ceship, as a result, he found that food machine could only produce nutritious meals (?) ……

With three bowls of different flavors of nutritious meals, Dai Nuo came back to the Kai’s room again: “Master Luo Yi, do you want to eat?”

Ren Sheng stared at him without speaking, he is now aware more and more that things are amiss.

If those people caught him, they should get something restraining to lock him up, why would they just use ordinary iron around the room? Besides, he had no new injuries, except for the original wounds … Didn’t everyone aim for Dongfu (cave dwelling) that his Master left behind for him, and is not everyone anxious to chew him up?

“Master Luo Yi, everything is okay now, and we will be able to reach the Capital Star in 10 days …” Dai Nuo racked his brain to console the person in front of him. Although he had witnessed the explosion of the s.p.a.ceship and found that the bride will be brought to the Capital Star, but if he wants to visit the Marshal, he has to rely on this future, Mrs. Marshal.

Ren Sheng listened quietly. Although he couldn’t understand most of the words that this person said, he could still understand that this person wanted him to eat.

This person was not malicious, is still a mortal, was he really wrong before? Ren Sheng understood these things clearly.

Although not much, but this thing can also be barely regarded as nourishment. For the today him, this is better than nothing … The pair of hands entangled as if roots, Ren Sheng again think that this person is mortal.

“Master Luo Yi, there’s only nutritious meal in the kitchen …” Dai Nuo was a little embarra.s.sed, he wanted to say  few more words, but saw that the Young Master Luo Yi in front of him, carried the nutritious meal and then poured it into a bowl and ate it, soon second bowl was also eaten, followed by the third bowl.

This...... he didn’t even chew!

"Do you want more?" Dai Nuo asked softly.

Ren Sheng nodded without hesitation.

Soon, Dai Nuo once again brought three bowls of nutritious meals.

Ren Sheng poured them into his mouth in turns.

Dai Nuo once again brought three bowls and Ren Sheng again poured them into his mouth …

“Master Luo Yi, eating too much will lead to belly ache, you can eat more next time …” Dai Nuo felt a sheen of sweat on his head. He had already run six times and Luo Yi had already eaten 18 servings of the nutritious meal.

This nutritious meal is in accordance with the capacity of average soldier’s appet.i.te, although many other people eat more than one, but 18 … this Kai’s appet.i.te is equal to that of a Marshal …

Ran Sheng thought that these humans can’t seem to eat too much … Nodded, his mood was somewhat low.

Dai Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and asked: "What else do you want?”

“I’d like to have much more to eat next time.” Ren Sheng whispered, although he had met a group of wicked people before, this person seems good?

The boy"s voice is soft and like a child, although the accent is a little weird unexpectedly it seems nice, but what he said ……

Dai Nuo subconsciously glanced at the teenager’s stomach, eating so much he really has no problem?

“Can’t you? It can be a little less …” Ren Sheng looked pitifully at Dai Nuo.

“Of course, I can. I will send it!” Dai Nuo wiped his sweat with his hand. Isn’t it just eating more? Many do so? He shouldn’t make a fuss.

“Thank you.” Ren Sheng, revealed a smile.

Dai Nuo suddenly wanted to marry a wife and give birth to a child. Will his child be this cute in the future?

No, this is Mrs. Marshal, not a child! Dai Nuo left in a trance.

The military s.p.a.ceship quickly flew towards the capital, and at this time, the people of the Capital Star also got the news.

The old housekeeper took the communicator in his hands and hurried into the mansion and saw a man and a woman sitting face-to-face.

The man looked young for his age, he had white hair, and sometimes coughed for several times, the woman is very young and beautiful.

She is such a beautiful woman, she looked at the old man in front of her with unusually gentle eyes.

These two people are Zhao Peng of one of the five major families of Federation, and his wife Shen Qiu Shi.

"Master, Madam, outside there is news, it said that there was an accident with the Liberal Alliance s.p.a.ceship." The housekeeper whispered.

"What happened?" Shen Qiu Shi turned her head and frowned slightly.

The old housekeeper quickly made it clear what the matter was, and also mentioned that the s.p.a.cecraft"s explosion was doubtful (full of suspicion).

"Get someone to pick up the child and get someone to check it out." Shen Qiu Shi quickly said.

“Do you really want Lingyu to marry that child? Lingyu’s current body …” Zhao Peng’s son will only be able to live for only few more months. Many people are demanding that he send him away from the Capital Star, they fear that the energy in his body might riot one day and explode.

The energies of the Zerg Queen, by devouring the planet, are all within his son’s body. He can now only wait to die, he is afraid …

“If it hadn’t been for the President of the Chambers of Commerce’s insistence, I wouldn’t have agreed to such ridiculous thing, but if that person’s ability is really soft and not weak, it can at least make Lingyu feel better…” Shen Qiu Shi signed. If someone with mild power is around, her son will feel better. If not, she wouldn’t have agreed to let the Kai come here.

“If he is good, we can adopt him later, if he’s not a good one, send him back,” Zhao Peng said.

Shen Qiu Shi nodded her head, and her eyes flashed with tears. She had always thought that her husband only living for a few more years is the most desperate thing for her. She never expected that her son only had few months left…

Note: I would like to say here that I am not a Chinese speaker or reader. This is me only translating through MTL. So, if you notice something that is wrong please comment nicely.

This is the first time I am using the blog, so I am not really aware of the "know-how" of the blog. I thought of posting it to Wordpress instead but I couldn"t figure that out properly either. So, if anyone has any advice regarding the workings of the blog, please fell free to tell me. I"ll accept any kind of help. 

I"ll try posting one chapter every week. Translating gets harder the more you move along, I wonder how people do that? Now, I just feel so much more respect for anyone that is translating anything out there. 

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