Inch of Radiance

Chapter 5.2 – One Billion Dollars

Book 2 Chapter 5.2 – One Billion Dollars

“You are saying that you are willing to help me kill the target of this mission, a seventh rank Wolf Monarch?” Li Yang appeared to be doubting Xiang Yu’s words. After all, Xiang Yu once said that in the future, Li Yang had to take care of his matters alone, and could not rely on Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu previously said those thing because he was worried that Li Yang would rely on him too much, and that depending on others wasn’t good for one’s mental cultivation. In addition, if one relied excessively on others, the growth of their own strength would be slow as well. That was why he told Li Yang that in the future, he had to deal with his matters himself.

Only by facing difficulties and challenges alone, by unearthing one’s own potential, and by breaking through one’s own limits could one acquire greater achievements.

This meant that what Xiang Yu said in the past should be sensible, however, the current Overlord Xiang Yu said he would help him, wasn’t he contradicting himself?

“Li Yang ah, just don’t worry about it. Although Overlord has said before that you should take care of your own matters, there are still special circ.u.mstances. For example, this werewolf that has reached the Wolf Monarch stage. Even if I allowed you to face him alone, could you defeat him? For you to defeat him, it’s simply an impossible task, and you would gain no benefits. When selecting opponents, you only need to choose those who are a bit more powerful than you, and only those are suitable for you to fight against. When fighting against them, you could unearth a greater amount of potential! Fighting against those who were far stronger is not self-discipline, but rather asking for death!” reprimanded Overlord Xiang Yu.

When Li Yang heard this, he also thought that this was reasonable. What level of physical body strength did a werewolf who reached the Wolf Monarch have? It was highly likely that Li Yang’s Flying Daggers would not be able to hurt him. If even his most powerful Flying Daggers could not inflict any damage, wouldn’t Li Yang just be seeking death?

“What Overlord said is still reasonable, however, I believe that only under pressure would one be able to more easily break through one’s own restraints and enter a higher boundary! That’s why when I face the werewolf, I will first depend on my own strength. After completely bringing out my own potential, I will continuously extract my own strength to fight the opposing party. If I lose, then at that time, Overlord can take action. Overlord, what do you think?” Li Yang definitely did not want to let any opportunities that could potentially increase his strength go.

“En, this is acceptable as well. This way will benefit you and give you more breakthroughs!” Overlord Xiang Yu expressed his approval.

Li Yang suddenly said in a strange tone, “This… Overlord, when it reaches the point where I completely lose, what happens if I get killed by that Wolf Monarch? Of course, it isn’t that I don’t trust Overlord, just that you also understand that a physical body cultivator is extremely fast. That werewolf purely cultivates his physical body, and he has a seventh rank physical body. How frightening is that, his speed will definitely have reached an incomprehensible speed. If I even make the slightest miscalculations, I fear that he will kill me in the blink of an eye. Overlord needs to be especially careful.”

Overlord Xiang Yu stared blankly for a period of time, and then he howled furiously within Li Yang’s mind, “You muddle-headed brat, what kind of person was Overlord back in the devil realm? For ascension stage cultivators, just a wave of my hand could kill over ten thousand of them. Now that Overlord is like a fallen tiger, whose primordial spirit can’t even absorb much energy, and can only absorb roughly the amount of an ascension stage cultivator, you don’t think Overlord can protect you anymore? Even if his speed was as fast as lightning, under Overlord’s divine awareness, it might as well be a snail crawling past. You should be 120% relaxed!” Overlord Xiang Yu’s angry tone was extremely obvious.

“I won’t say anymore then, and prepare to accept this mission!” Li Yang did not want to talk back to the angry Overlord, and immediately looked towards the computer screen. He moved his mouse and clicked a few times, accepting the mission!

Suddenly, a prompt appeared on top of his computer!

“Your rank is not high enough, unable to accept this mission!”

Lifeless. Li Yang’s face was lifeless as he stared distractedly.

“What happened? Why can’t I accept this mission? Insufficient rank? What does that mean?” Li Yang immediately opened up a web page that explained the process of accepting missions. missions were divided into four ranks. C rank missions — hundred thousand dollars to nine hundred ninety thousand dollar missions. B rank missions — 1 million dollar missions to 9 million nine hundred ninety thousand dollar missions. A rank — 10 million dollar missions to ninety nine million dollar missions. S rank — one hundred million dollar or higher missions. were similarly divided into C, B, A and S rank.

Each could only accept missions their rank and below. For example, a C rank could only accept C rank missions, and a S rank could accept any mission.

An’s rank and their actual strength were unrelated, and only corresponded to the missions they could undertake.

After completing ten C rank missions, a C rank would be promoted to B rank.

After completing ten B rank missions, a B rank would be promoted to A rank.

After completing ten A rank missions, an A rank would be promoted to S rank.

“f.u.c.k!” After staring at it for a long time, Li Yang swore out in anger.

While he was feeling disappointed, a bitter feeling rushed to his head. After seeing the billion dollars in reach (Within Li Yang’s heart, he believed that as long as he had Overlord’s help, that Wolf Monarch mission was going to be completed with certainty), it unexpectedly stated that his rank wasn’t high enough.

Li Yang finally understood what that account name ‘ Bullet — C rank’ meant!

In the end, this couldn’t be helped. After all, S rank missions were quite rare, and when one appears, many people would want to accept it. With so many people trying to grab it, who deserved to be the one to receive it? In addition, with the difficulty of S rank missions, ordinary wouldn’t be able to complete it. To allow all to be able to accept it, of various strength would just die one after another. At the same time, the person who issued the mission would also be dissatisfied, after all, a lot of time would be wasted.

For the sake of efficiency, as well as reinforcing the compet.i.tion between, this system was created.

“I currently need to complete ten C rank, ten B rank, and ten A rank missions. Only like this would I meet the requirements to accept this S rank mission. However, missions aren’t always available, especially the higher ranked ones. It seems like there are only six A ranked missions available, and they are all currently being carried out.” Li Yang became increasingly depressed.

Suddenly, Li Yang sighed, and shortly after, he laughed. “Forget it, I won’t try to fool myself any longer. A Wolf Monarch ranked werewolf, some other can try to complete it. Even if the mission is accepted, they would only die!” Li Yang could not accept the mission, and could only have these ill thoughts towards others.

Wengwengweng… His cellphone vibrated, and Li Yang answered shortly after.

“Dear Mu Yi, this is Old Jack. Your first underground boxing arena match has already been scheduled. The day after tomorrow at eight in the evening, underground boxing arena headquarter arena number three. Oh, right, when I reported your squatting and bench press results, I slightly reduced your results by a bit. Others will think that you are only an ordinary boxer, and so the boxing arena’s gambling pool will be greater. Should we bet a bit? I, Old Jack, know that Mu Yi will definitely win, and in addition, the opponent I scheduled you against is the number one within the high division boxers. Your compensation will definitely not be low, so let’s take this opportunity to earn a bit, what do you think?”

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