Inch of Radiance

Chapter 7.1 – Underground World

Book 2 Chapter 7.1 – Underground World

England’s Lin clan’s official residence.

“What?! There’s actually someone who placed a bounty on my Lin family’s clansmen!” Currently, Lin Tianyu looked like a beggar as he yelled into the phone. Just now, the car he was returning back in was targeted by a rocket launcher! Fortunately, the bronze battle armor Lin Tianyu wore within his body displayed its might, and together with Lin Tianyu running away quickly, he was able to preserve his life. However, his favorite boyfriend Ding Yuyang was killed in that accident, and currently, Lin Tianyu was simply in a deranged state.

Suddenly, Lin Tianyu took a deep breath and leaned against the couch. He held a cigar between his fingers, and after taking a breath, he returned to his usual state.

“Does the old man know of this news?” Lin Tianyu spoke of his grandfather, and he was also the founder of Holy Forest group. If there was a person Lin Tianyu feared, then it would be his grandfather Lin Aotian. As for his father, Lin Tianyu always looked down on him in disdain.

“The old man has already been informed on this news. During these past few days, several attempts have happened. The old man has already asked his old friend to look into who gave out this mission!” replied a voice from within the phone.

Lin Tianyu’s brows deeply furrowed. He was not worried about his grandparents, as the old couple rarely left the clan, making it rather difficult for outsiders to attack them. If the wanted to make some money, then they would have to target his parents, his sister, or himself.

“My mother and father should still be okay, right? Wait, what about my sister who always changes boyfriends? How is she?” Lin Tianyu continued to ask.

The voice on the phone paused for a while, and only after a long time did it continue, “Nothing happened to the family lord, as he has the most bodyguards within the entire city. However, madam, she…”

Lin Tianyu immediately became anxious, and said, “What exactly happened to my mother?” Lin Tianyu began to feel a bit frightened within his heart, and although he did not care much about his father, he cared a lot about his mother. His father was a womanizer to the point where he even brought other women back with him.

He still recalled that one year when his father recklessly used his powers as the family lord to bring back a woman from mainland China. Moreover, within the family, he openly declared that this was his second lady! In addition, that woman from mainland China had a child, and Lin Tianyu’s father was absolutely devoted to that illegitimate child, and favored him over Lin Tianyu. That year, the young Lin Tianyu already felt that this illegitimate child would threaten his future. However, as a child, he could do nothing, and could only watch the illegitimate child’s status climb higher and higher!

The impression that Lin Tianyu’s mother gave everyone was always a woman from a wealthy family, gentle and n.o.ble. However, it was this very same person that displayed her might, and within a single night, that ‘second lady’ and her illegitimate child disappeared, never to be seen again. No one knew what exactly happened that day, and since then, the aggressive and grand Lin family lord no longer had his former drive. He began to slowly fall into depression, and the family matters began to fall into Lin Tianyu’s hands.

“Madam only suffered a serious injury, and her life is not in danger. Young master does not need to worry!” The words that sounded from within the phone made Lin Tianyu release a slight breath of relief.

“As for the young miss, young master even more so does not need to worry. During these past few years, who knows how many men she has played tricks on. Even now, there are still countless pursuing her, yet none have succeeded yet. However, the young miss should slow down, as changing boyfriends like this isn’t a good thing!” The voice within the phone seemed to be extremely concerned about this lady.

Lin Tianyu spoke, “Uncle Lan, Ah Jiao’s character is something you understand, and she always talks about having freedom. Don’t talk about her matters anymore, Uncle Lan, you should also quickly put my family’s power into effect. You must find out who sent out that mission!”

“Right, young master, the organization is backed by the Green Mercenaries and the American Mafia, two of the world’s five greatest syndicates. With the amount of influence our Holy Forest Group has, they wouldn’t care much about us, and would definitely not break their rules and reveal their clients for us. This individual who issued the mission to defeat our family works in the dark, and we are in the light. It really is rather difficult to deal with!” Uncle Lan seemed to be facing some difficulties.

Lin Tianyu also understood. Although his Holy Forest Group was not a small organization, it was not worth mentioning in front of the world’s five great organizations. Any of the five great syndicates could easily exterminate his Holy Forest Group.

“Uncle Lan, just do your best! If there really is nothing we can do about this, then I’ll ask the church to take action. To be disturbed all day by these is not a small matter!”

“Right, our Holy Forest Group provides the church with so much money every year, so they should take action too. If the Church takes action, then the Green Mercenaries and American Mafia would definitely give some face!” Uncle Lan also approved Lin Tianyu’s thinking.

“Then I’ll leave you to those tasks, Uncle Lan. I’ll hang up first!” Lin Tianyu hung up the phone, and deeply inhaled the smoke from his cigar before slowly exhaling. “No matter who you are, as long as you dare to stand against I, Lin Tianyu, and dare to oppose my Lin family, I will definitely find you and torture you to death!” Lin Tianyu’s eyes contained a cold look, as if the gaze came from an African Forest Python.

After the compet.i.tion, Li Yang returned to his villa.

“The six million spent on the bounty just now was returned instantly. This gambling really does bring in money quick, especially when the results of the gamble is within the control of one’s own hands!” Li Yang smiled and walked into his own villa.

Within the villa, there was a computer set up.

“I wonder what the results of that billion dollar S rank mission are? If I recall correctly, an S rank accepted it a few days ago!” Li Yang coveted this billion dollars this entire time, and he always felt rather helpless about his own rank. He didn’t even have the chance to accept this mission.

He opened up the page containing the billion dollar mission, and all the that accepted this mission were displayed.

“November 3rd, S rank ‘Value’ accepted the mission. Three days later, ‘Value’ pa.s.sed away, mission failed!”

“November 6th, S rank ‘Hero’ accepted the mission, three days later, ‘Hero’ pa.s.sed away, mission failed!”

“November 9th, S rank ‘Ferocious Man’ accepted the mission, five days later, ‘Ferocious Man’ pa.s.sed away, mission failed!”

“December 2nd, S rank ‘Battle G.o.d’ accepted the mission, one day later, ‘Battle G.o.d’ pa.s.sed away, mission failed!”

Li Yang inhaled a cold breath of air. Within roughly a month’s worth of time, seven S rank have continuously died. One has to understand that S rank aren’t normal people, and they’ve all completed ten rank A missions before becoming an S rank Their skills are all impossible to defend effectively against, so what did the deaths of seven S rank mean?

This meant that Li Yang still had a chance!

“Haha, it seems like those S rank are beginning to become scared. Otherwise, within these past twenty days, there wouldn’t have been only four S rank who died! En, I will first work hard and accept a few more missions to quickly attain S rank. Who knows, maybe by the time I reach S rank, this mission still might not be complete! Seventh rank expert, Wolf Monarch, you really must continue to work hard. Don’t let anyone else get rid of you!” When Li Yang decided to do something, he would immediately do it. He immediately moved to the mission accepting webpage and began to accept missions…

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