Inch of Radiance

Chapter 10.2 – Exam 

Book 1 Chapter 10.2 – Exam 

Li Yang had already planned accordingly. After pa.s.sing the exam in the morning, he would then leave to buy an engagement in the afternoon to propose to Jiang Xue. He didn’t tell Jiang Xue anything on the phone last night because he decided he would surprise her today.

After eating breakfast, Li Yang did some light exercises and before heading towards base.

“Li Yang, you arrived as well. Within our group, you and Hei Yan are most promising ones this time. We all have high hopes for you two!” When Li Yang walked into the base, Tan Jin who arrived earlier laughed and walked towards him.

“Haha, Eldest brother Tan, your energy currently already reached several hundred crystals. After practicing a bit more, even if you don’t get accepted this time around, there is still next year. Moreover, even if I get accepted into the Security Bureau 11th Division, I will still sign up to be located in Shanghai!” Li Yang smiled and said.

He decided that upon pa.s.sing the exam, he would ask for Jiang Xue’s hand in marriage and to settle down in Shanghai. After all, Jiang Xue’s parents both lived here.

“That’s great, in the future we brothers can still meet often. However, this year I’m afraid there no hope left. This a.s.sessment is simply too difficult, and the people they take are too few!” Tan Jin helplessly shook his head.

The Security Bureau 11th Division did not accept many people each year. Generally speaking, they would not be recruited unless the individual possessed extraordinary strength.

Soon after, Heavenly Net base’s nine members all arrived.

On the other end of the corridor, division captain Meng Tian and two other middle aged-men walked over while chatting amongst themselves. Li Yang’s group of nine immediately understood that those two middle-aged men were a.s.sessment judges.

When Meng Tian saw his team members, he quickly said something to the other two before walking towards Li Yang’s group.

Meng Tian encouragingly smile towards his men and spoke, “This time, you all need to properly display your skills. The two examiners who arrived today are both top level experts from the Security Bureau 11th division. They are both Paragon realm Xiantian experts.

“Xiantian Paragons? Aren’t they fifth-ranked experts?” Tian Lin suddenly exclaimed, and everyone became shocked. The last a.s.sessment only had two fourth-ranked experts, but this time the Security Bureau 11th Division actually sent two fifth-ranked experts.

The gap between ranks increased the higher you reached, and it increased by ten-fold!

Fifth-ranked experts were considered super experts even within the international underground world. There weren’t many Paragon Xiantian experts within the Security Bureau 9th Division, so when two of them suddenly showed up, how could Li Yang and the others not be shocked?

“Listen up your guys. Last time, the two examiners returned and informed them that there were two members that were qualified to enter the Security 11th Division. In addition, Li Yang’s Flying Dagger last time left quite an impression. When they realized that his dagger could immediately shift directions mid-flight, they almost lost. This year, Li Yang’s energy level increased by quite a bit, the Security Bureau 11th Division was afraid that they would no longer be a match!” Meng Tian said while laughing.

The two middle-aged men also walked up from behind, and when one of them of them heard these words, he began to lightly scold, “I see how it is Meng Tian, your Li Yang is indeed not bad, but there’s no need for such arrogance right? After this exam, won’t Li Yang be a part of our Security Bureau 11th Division anyway?”

Meng Tian retorted, “Hehe, you dead octopus, do you remember what you guys said to me when I decided to become a Security Bureau 9th Divison captain?”

That year, Meng Tian and the two other middle-aged men were all members of the Security Bureau 11th Division. Normally, Security Bureau 11th Division members would all decide to get married and lead ordinary careers, and secretly blend into the world! However, Meng Tian decided to completely devote his time to his country. He did not marry, and willingly came to China’s economic core, Shanghai, to look after a couple of peak Houtian brats.

Li Yang and the others have been together with Meng Tian for quite a long time and yet none of them knew how strong Meng Tian really was. The strength of Meng Tian was definitely not in one bit inferior to Zhang Yu and the other expert, after all, he called Zhang Yu a ‘dead octopus’.

“Haha, enough, let’s start the a.s.sessment!” Zhang Yu laughed loudly, and together with his brother Zhang Shan walked towards the a.s.sessment area.

Zhang Yu walked at the very front, the corners of his mouth had a hint of an enigmatic smile. “Worried that fourth-ranked experts weren’t a match for Li Yang so the two of us were sent? Meng Tian, this time you guessed wrong.” Zhang Yu still remembered the words that the division captain previously said.

“Zhang Yu, this Li Yang must be recruited into my Security Bureau 11th Division regardless of how low his energy level is. Last time those two idiots actually did not recruit Li Yang, they really are r.e.t.a.r.ds. Li Yang’s potential strength is not something that even the entire Security Bureau 11th Division can handle! Once he enters the Security Bureau 11th Division, then our Security Bureau 11th Division would definitely be able to look down on the underground world!”

“Division captain, are saying that it is the legendary…”

The division captain flatly replied, “You are now already a Paragon Xiantian, and with a bit more work you would be able to condense a golden Dan. Letting you know this is not a big deal, but behind him is a Truth cultivation sect. In addition, it is a major sect from the Kun Lun Paradise!”

Zhang Yu immediately went blank, he clearly understood what the Kun Lun Paradise major sect was!

The Security Bureau’s real super experts, such as high ranking members as well as other individuals, were all the same level as a division captain. They were all members of different Truth cultivation families, and they all cultivated in ordinary Truth cultivation techniques. Although these high ranking members were superior compared to ninjas and warriors, they were far inferior to individuals from the Kun Lun Paradise.。

Kun Lun Paradise, that was a Truth cultivation Holy Land! If Li Yang was one of their members, then the power he represented was frightening.

“Li Yang, this time you are going to enter my Security Bureau 11th Division for certain, however, what rank should I give you?” Zhang Yu at this time was already thinking about things to do after the a.s.sessment, particularly what rank to give him. Suddenly, Zhang Yu made a decision. “Although Li Yang’s offensive power is not bad, there are many who are stronger in the Security Bureau 11th Division. The most important aspect regarding him is his background. Since it’s like this, then I will judge his attack power as being at the Xiantian Paragon level, then I’ll a.s.sign him to supervising. Won’t that be enough?”

Zhang Yu did not dare allow Li Yang to go on any dangerous mission since it would not be worth it if Li Yang sacrificed himself. Supervising was the safest job, and it came with a lot of authority as well.

While Zhang Yu was thinking about these things, he was walking towards the exam room as well.

“Same rules, everyone must first test their internal energy level. Start up the a.s.sessment equipment!” Meng Tian motioned for Tian Lin to start the equipment. Tian Lin was smiling as he walked towards the testing equipment, and since he didn’t have high expectations for this a.s.sessment at all, he was comparably more relaxed.

“Come up one by one!” Meng Tian ordered them.

The first one to walk up was the confident Hei Yan. As soon as he walked into the testing equipment’s vicinity, the exam light shot towards Hei Yan before fading again soon after.

“1,350 Crystals!” A electronic voice sounded out.

Zhang Yu’s eyes immediately lit up, his face also had a smiling expression. “Ho, an unexpected surprise!”

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