Inch of Radiance

Chapter 1.1 – Underground Boxing Arena

Book 2 Chapter 1.1 – Underground Boxing Arena

John F. Kennedy International Airport, exit lobby.

A short haired, black-clad youth was currently dragging his luggage down the lobby. The youth’s upper body was wearing a sleeveless and black skin-tight sport vest. His distinct pectoral and abdominal muscles matched his nearly perfect figure, and all the girls within the vicinity could not help but cast their gazes in his direction.

This was Li Yang.

Li Yang had changed. He had trained like a madman within that Biological Research Facility for a year, and together with the changes the B1 gene medicine brought to his body, Li Yang’s facial shape became even more firm. However, what became more firm and persistent was not just his facial structure, but also his emotion and temperament! Xue’s departure might be what caused Li Yang to truly mature, and this made Li Yang transform into a true man. This transformation was a transformation of the soul, and this was what resulted in Li Yang’s current temperament.

Li Yang’s hairstyle also changed, and his original brilliant and unique long hair was cut into short hair, and it was now a short hairstyle that was barely an inch long! The inch long hair matched Li Yang’s firm facial shape as well as his robust and nearly perfect body. This would definitely make countless girls shriek, however within the airport, not a single woman approached him!

This was due to his aura, an ice-cold aura that spread out and repelled those around him. That black colored sport vest as well as the black trousers covered him entirely in black, allowing the ice-cold aura to proliferate even further.

“Drive to Manhattan 57th Street!” Li Yang used english when he spoke to the taxi driver. During his years as a top-notch expert within the elite special forces ‘Dragon Fang’, he became extremely proficient in both high tech weaponry as well as english.

When the driver heard this, he immediately opened his eyes wide as he stared at Li Yang. He was not startled due to Li Yang’s proficiency in english, as there were many people who spoke english well in New York. He was shocked because of the place Li Yang spoke of.

Manhattan 57th Street!

Manhattan 57th and 58th street were definitely New York’s most dangerous areas, and even the police did not dare to arrest anyone on those two streets. More than half of New York’s yearly fatal cases happened on these two streets.

“Sir, do you understand what kind of place that is? If you are a tourist, I advise you not to go there. There are many other places in New York to have fun, for example Broadway, the Metropolis Opera House, the art gallery, and many others. You can also go to Chinatown to have some Dim Sum, as it is quite excellent there. At night, you can go to 5th avenue or 42nd street to enjoy the nightlife.” The driver was like a tour guide, and introduced a bit of New York to him.”

“Don’t worry, I know what kind of place Manhattan 57th street is. Isn’t it just slightly dangerous? Don’t worry, just go!” LI Yang lightly laughed as he spoke.

When the driver heard this, he nodded his head. “Oh! If Sir already understands, then I won’t waste your time with useless words anymore.” The driver immediately drove the taxi cab towards their destination.

Why were Manhattan’s 57th and 58th street so dangerous?

The reasoning behind this was because those two streets were both known as the ‘Boxer Streets’. All of the greatest international boxers all resided here, and although the boxers’ strength were rather valiant, they had rather bad tempers. Because of this, whenever there was a dispute, manslaughter wouldn’t be too uncommon.

New York is the economic center of the United States, and at the same time, it is the economic center of the world. New York has five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. Within those five, Manhattan is the smallest at barely 50 square kilometers, and it can’t even compare to a small village in China. However, this small Manhattan nevertheless represents the heart of New York with its great banks, great insurance companies, great industry companies, world renown New York Stock Exchange as well as many others. Among these, Wall Street was even more so one of America’s financial tyc.o.o.n representatives.

However — not only was Manhattan the economic center, but at the same time, it is also the most concentrated area of international underground activities.

Central Park, America’s central park, covers an area of more than 40 hectares. Everyone knows what central park is like on the outside, however, how many people knew about what went on under it?

Underneath Central Park was a 30 hectare area of land occupied by the general headquarters of the Underground Boxing Arena!

Indeed, the well known Central Park, the symbol of New York, the emblem of America — Underneath Central Park was actually the general headquarters of the Underground Boxing Arena, and the area where dark forces had their fun. While countless tourists were enjoying Central Park, how could they possibly have imagined that there were actually innumerable experts battling it out in ways they’ve only seen in movies?

This wasn’t all that strange, as the people behind the Underground Boxing Arena were from the Five Great criminal organizations. There were people from the American Mafia as well as the the Green Mercenaries which had experts as common as the clouds.

The five great criminal organizations were separated into the America’s Chinese Green Mercenaries, American Mafia, Asia’s Hong Mercenaries and Mountain Pa.s.s group, as well as Europe’s Italian Mafia! Within these five, the American Mafia was originally formed from members that split off from the Italian Mafia, and that was why the Italian Mafia always felt hostility towards the American Mafia.

At the time Central Part was being constructed, the Underground Training Arena opened up at the same time. With the influence of the Green Mercenaries and American Mafia inside of the Senate and the House of Representatives, as well as the fact that America was a capitalist country, many great capitalists were influenced by these two great criminal organizations behind the scenes. For them to construct an Underground Boxing Area underneath Central Park was not a difficult task at all. (IET: I want to remind you guys again that this is a Xuan Huan novel, and therefore everything is fict.i.tious. Please do not run to America’s Central Park to look for experts! Haha…)

Manhattan’s 57th Street.

Li Yang walked into the residential area of 57th street. Of course, all of the houses within Manhattan’s residential area were luxurious villas, and each and every one of them held terrifying prices values.

“En, this one right here!” Li Yang looked at the villa in front of him, and it was the one that was a bit more luxurious compared to the dozen surrounding it. According to Li Yang’s estimations, without several million dollars, it wouldn’t be possible to own such a place. This still wasn’t considered that expensive, as the same villas on 5th street would go for 40 to 50 million dollars. Of course, this was due to the location of 5th street, but Manhattan was still known for ‘inch of land is an inch of gold’, and so the villas on 57th street would still go for several million dollars.

When the villa’s security guard saw Li Yang, he immediately walked towards him. He appeared respectful as he said, “Sir, are you Mister Mu Yi from China?”

Li Yang nodded his head, and Mu Yi was the name he decided to use in America. This was the name he told Xue, and that was why Li Yang decided on it. However, it could also possibly be because of Li Yang’s longing for Xue within his heart.

“Ah, Mister Mu Yi, please follow me. Mister Jack has been expecting Mister Mu Yi for quite a while already!” When the security guard heard this, he immediately became even more respectful.

Li Yang nodded his head, and secretly said inwardly, “It seems like the Hong Mercenaries are more impressive than I thought!”…

“Ah, esteemed Mister Mu Yi. I, Old Jack, am extremely honored to have the privilege of being your future manager!” An amiable and chubby old man narrowed his eyes, and he bowed to Li Yang as he spoke.

Li Yang slightly nodded his head and said, “You already know the purpose for my visit. I don’t like to waste time, so the things that needs to be taken care of, you should just say it!”

When Old Jack heard this, he immediately laughed and said, “Esteemed Mister Mu Yi, please follow me to see my boxers. In the future, you will become one of them!” Li Yang nodded, and immediately followed old Jack into the villa’s immense training facility. According to the design of the villa, this large training facility should normally have been a garden, however, old Jack transformed it into a large, sealed training facility.

Currently, there were six large individuals madly training within this room.

A large Caucasian male single-handedly gripped an enormous barbell while training his arm strength, and from the remaining five individuals, four of them were furiously kicking a sandbag. Li Yang could tell with a glance that the sandbag was special, and that normal sandbags would easily break under the pressure of their kicks. The last one was surprisingly an asian person, and Li Yang even determined that it was a chinese man after he felt the opposing party’s aura. That large Chinese man continuously did frog jumps, and he carried weights all over his body.

“Mister Mu Yi, these individuals represent my wealth. Those four are high division boxers, and the other two are both top division boxers. That frog jumping child, right, him. Look at the form of that frog jump! He similarly came from china, and is one of the ten super boxers!” Old Jack explained this to Li Yang with pride.

Li Yang faintly laughed, and he casually walked over to one of the sandbags.


Li Yang’s right leg turned into an afterimage, and struck horizontally against the sandbag. The powerful force from his leg was so powerful it created a terrifying sound, and that whistling sound made all of the surrounding boxers who were training pause for a moment before looking at Li Yang in astonishment.


It was like a tire exploding in the middle of summer, and that special sandbag was unexpectedly blown apart by a single kick. The grains of sand within the sandbag slowly trickled out, and it was as if was an hourgla.s.s as it slowly tricked out sand…

“Old Jack, what level of expert do you say I am then?” Li Yang looked at the dumbstruck Old Jack, and asked while smiling.

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