Inch of Radiance

Chapter 11.2 – Snow Werewolf

Book 2 Chapter 11.2 – Snow Werewolf

Snow werewolves are a type of Siberian beastman. On Earth, the only types of beastman that were recognized were the werewolves and snow werewolves. The snow werewolf’s fighting strength was a bit stronger than that of a regular werewolf. However, the number of snow werewolves in existence were much lower, and there were less of them than a tenth of the number of ordinary werewolves within criminal societies.

The Russian special forces division ‘Blood’ found quite a few snow werewolves who had yet to rouse their hidden powers within the scope of their country. They used a few special methods to allow these snow werewolves to awaken and train, becoming their country’s effective experts. The special division ‘Blood’ was equivalent to the Security Bureau 9th and 11th division.

There was also ‘Exterminators,’ one of the three great organizations. This ‘Exterminators’ organization’s core power also consisted of these snow werewolves.

These two great organizations added together occupied ninety percent of the snow werewolves. The rest of them were scattered about in various locations.

“The snow werewolves’ most powerful features are their sharp claws. No wonder this fellow liked to tear his opponents into shreds.” Li Yang stood near the corner of the arena. A slight smile appeared on his lips. “After being in this Underground Boxing Arena for so long, I finally met a respectable opponent. Alright, I’ll have a showdown with you then!”

‘Ripper’ Carter was also inwardly shocked. “This fellow actually dodged my attack just now. It seems like his speed is not any less than mine, however, how could a human be so fast? Could it be that this fellow is part of the Blood Clan?” Carter looked at Li Yang who was completely dressed in black. He nodded his head inwardly; the Blood Clan did indeed like the color black.

“Heng heng, who gives a f.u.c.k whether you are part of the Blood Clan or not. Even if you are, your only strength is you speed. Your strength is definitely not equivalent to mine!” A light flashed in Carter’s eyes, and his feet moved. The energy from his powerful muscles instantly exploded. In that instance, his speed reached a terrifying level. Carter shifted instantly within the small arena.

Inclined kick!

Hu! A strong gale shot out, and Carter’s waist thick right leg was like a guillotine as it horizontally swept towards Li Yang’s head region. Carter stuck out his tongue in a bloodthirsty manner.

Li Yang’s eyes slightly narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly widened them. A strand of ice cold killing intent flowed out. Li Yang used all of his strength! His right leg became like a sharp sword in that instant, and with a hu sound, after images appeared in the air. In that instant, Li Yang’s right leg horizontally smashed into the incoming ‘Ripper’ Carter’s right leg.


The sound of the collision reverberated throughout the entire stadium. However, everyone looked at Li Yang in shock, because only now did the after images left behind by Li Yang’s right leg slowly disappear. Meanwhile, Li Yang’s original body was like floating cotton as he used the force from the collision to float down to the other side of the stadium.

“His speed is actually faster than mine, but his strength is a bit less than mine! This vampire must be at the Earl rank.” ‘Ripper’ Carter stood there without moving. He looked at Li Yang who retreated to the other side and made this decision in his mind.

“Abnormal. The physical power of a werewolf is abnormal. This fellow is just as unusual. The strength of my physical body is already almost 200,000 crystals, yet I failed to defeat him through this force, instead losing an exchange!” Li Yang’s brows slightly furrowed.

Carter! Carter! Carter! Carter! Carter!…

After seeing that ‘Carter’ was currently on top, the spectators who were supporting Carter all began to cheer. Meanwhile, Li Yang’s supporters also began to shout and yell.

Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu!…

In that split second, the stadium’s atmosphere erupted. ‘Ripper’ Carter became excited, sending off light from his eyes; he loved being cheered on by the crowd! Meanwhile, Li Yang stood quietly and undisturbed, as if he was like ten-thousand year old black ice as he stood on the side.

“Go die!”

Following a howl, ‘Ripper’ Carter finally used up his supreme skill ‘Snow Werewolf’s Splitting Claw’! In that instant, only the countless images of claws could be seen rising high into the air, all of them rushing towards Li Yang.

The Underground Boxing Arena’s athletes mainly used their legs, yet this ‘Ripper’ Carter was a rarely seen individual who use his hands. However, there were no limitations within the Underground Boxing Arena. As long as it allowed the rich and powerful and their dames go crazy, it was good.

‘Piercing Clouds and Moving Mists’

Li Yang’s body immediately appeared to be like lightning, instantly flashing out from within the air-tight rain of claws. His right leg hiddenly exploded towards that ‘Ripper’ Carter’s chest.

Chinese martial skill — Heart Penetration Kick!

Waves of Xiantian qi a.s.sembled towards Li Yang’s feet, and both the strength of his physical body and his Xiantian qi simultaneously erupted!

However, ‘Ripper’ Carter was worthy of being called snow werewolf. Although Li Yang’s speed was astonishingly fast, Carter still noticed. However, it was already too late for Carter to defend himself, and could only move slightly to avoid a fatal blow.


Seeing his bleeding abdomen, ‘Ripper’ Carter’s beast race madness finally ignited. Hou~~~Carter howled towards the sky, and all of the dark energy within the stadium rushed towards ‘Ripper’ Carter. He had already went crazy, transforming himself. If he didn’t transform, his only conclusion would be death!

“f.u.c.k! He was so powerful without transforming, what about after transforming?!!! His strength should increase by at least several folds. Even if he didn’t reach that of a sixth rank expert, it should still be at the peak of the fifth rank. Currently, the strength of my physical body and internal combined together only totals to about 40,000 crystals! I absolutely cannot allow him to transform!” Li Yang widened his eyes, and his kick that mixed China’s leg technique with the death leg technique finally erupted.

Death leg technique — Chain Sweeping Kick!

Li Yang’s two legs were like lever-style guillotines, brandishing into a whirlwind. They chopped down towards Carter like a wheel, his Xiantian qi acc.u.mulated within his thighs. The force was powerful, and the current Carter definitely could not bear it.

The current Carter who was in the process of transforming had a much slower reaction time.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!…

Carter was like a meat sandbag, being smashed by Li Yang’s two legs until his entire body flowed with fresh blood. Fortunately, a snow werewolf’ vitality was exuberant. Moreover, he had already somewhat transformed, and while absorbing the dark energy, the bruises on his body was quickly recovering at a visible speed.

Chinese martial skill — Heavy Five Chained Kicks!

Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong!

The explosive sound penetrated through the entire stadium. The Heavy Five Chained Kicks struck out, each kick stronger than the last, each kick more fierce than the last!


‘Ripper’ Carter sprayed blood towards the sky. There was a shocking empty cavity in his chest, and it was precisely blasted apart forcibly by Li Yang’s Heavy Five Chained Kicks. He madly tried to absorb the dark energy to recover, but the amount of dark energy being absorbed was far from being sufficient. Without the dark energy, Carter’s transformation also stopped.

Li Yang revealed a fierce expression on his face.

Death leg technique — High Pressure Splitting Leg!

Li Yang’s right leg firmly smashed into the immobile Carter’s head region. Carter’s cervical vertebra snapped with a loud and clear sound, and his body was immediately about to powerlessly drop. His cervical vertebra was snapped, and his windpipe was fractured; he died on the spot.

Death Leg Technique — Reverse Rotating Kick!

It was the same move he used during the very first fight. Li Yang’s left leg was like a whirlwind, rotating an entire a hundred and eighty degrees and bringing with it a high pressure stream of qi. It forcibly sent the already dead Carter out of the arena with a kick. Blood continuously spilt out in midair.


The entire stadium was silent!

A long time later, noise like thunder rose!!!

Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu! Mu!…

Li Yang’s supporters all began to howl, madly roaring and yelling. There were also many rich and powerful who were cursing, cursing that Carter made the money they gambled disappear like water…

Li Yang did not care at all about the shouts of the judge and people below. He seemed extremely calm and undisturbed as he left left the boxing arena alone.

“This fight was not bad. I earned twenty million dollars!” Li Yang revealed a slight smile as he walked down from the boxing arena. He immediately thought of the ‘Piercing Clouds and Moving Mists’ he cultivated, saying inwardly, “En, the match ended. It’s about time. After a bit, I will go to the bottom of the Hudson River to begin my training!”

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