Inch of Radiance

Chapter 15.1 – Transformation

Book 1 Chapter 15.1 – Transformation

Li Yang pa.s.sed his days comfortably, extremely comfortably. There weren’t any situations that needed his attention, and he spent his entire day cultivating the ‘Demonic Yang Law’. The only thing Overlord Xiang Yu did was help increase Li Yang’s absorption of the heaven and earth spiritual essence.

Li Yang was currently under house arrest in one of Heavenly Net’s secluded rooms.

“Xue, wait for me, I will work hard and train.” Li Yang was currently sitting cross-legged on the floor while absorbing the world’s spiritual essence. His internal energy methodically operated within him as it increased, becoming more and more pure and profound. The corners of Li Yang’s lips revealed a faint smiling expression, and after knowing that he could still be together with Jiang Xue, Li Yang was no longer interested in the matters of the material world.

“Li Yang, you can’t be too impetuous as this route of cultivation opposes the heavens. Even with the help of the Overlord, without half a year, it is impossible to forcefully cross through and succeed in breaking through the void and fly into the Devil Realm!” Xiang Yu reminded, as he was a bit worried that Li Yang might be rushing his training and not establishing a good foundation. When the time to cross over came, it would not be good if his soul was split apart and scattered by the heavens.

Li Yang replied within his mind, “Don’t worry, I won’t play around with my little life. Moreover, I’m not in a rush right now, because there is still a matter that I need to take care of.”

To let Lin Tianyu taste “a little bit” of pain, this was what Li Yang still had to do.

“To force Xue to die, Heng, Lin Tianyu, I will let you learn what is to live but want to die!” The hatred Li Yang had within his heart for Lin Tianyu did not diminish at all.

After Jiang Xue was killed, although there was a chance for Li Yang to once again meet up with Jiang Xue, they would still be apart for more than several hundred years. In addition, cultivating in the Devil’s way was not guaranteed to be safe, and who could be sure that something unexpected wouldn’t happen during the process? All of these needed to be calculated in order to take Li Tianyu’s head.

Li Yang changed, his temperament changed! Perhaps it could be said that he transformed.

In the past, Li Yang would do everything for the sake of his country and follow all of the rules set by it. The current Li Yang after being influenced by the demonic nature only did things that benefited himself. Towards those that showed him kindness, he was thankful, and towards those that treated him with enmity, he took revenge.

No matter what, however, his personal strength was still of great importance. Because of this, Li Yang had his eyes close, and was earnestly cultivating…

Pudong International Airport.

Li Shuo had just gotten off the airplane.

“Mister Li, please enter the car.” A man wearing a well-ironed suit came out from a limousine and walked to Li Shuo’s side before speaking in a respectful manner.

Li Shuo nodded his head and followed the man into the limousine.

Within the limousine.

Du du– Hearing his cellphone ringing, Li Shuo’s brows slightly furrowed. “I already called more than ten times, why hasn’t big brother answered yet?”

Li Shuo immediately told the man next to him, “Go directly to where Senior Ceng is.” Ceng Honggang was a major disciple of the Hong Mercenaries’ Grand Chief. He was in charge of all of the Hong Mercenaries within Shanghai.

A villa within the Shanghai suburbs.

“Junior came to me as soon as he arrived in Shanghai, I wonder if it’s for the sake of that older brother of yours?” Ceng Honggang was casually lying down on the couch while looking at Li Shuo with a slight smile on his face.

Li Shuo nodded his head. “Right, Senior, did something happen to my big brother?”

Ceng Honggang slightly laughed and said, “Something happen? It’s not something as simple as that, your brother is quite daring, he actually dared to try and the Holy Forest Group’s heir Lin Tianyu.”

When Li Shuo heard this, his eyes immediately widened. “Holy Forest Group? The United Kingdom’s Holy Forest Group?”

Ceng Honggang joked, “Oh? Are you saying that this is something that I made up? That I am making such a big fuss out of nothing?”

Li Shuo took in a deep breath and calmed himself down before asking, “Senior, how is my older brother nowadays?” After finding out that something happened to his older brother, it was difficult for Li Shuo to keep his past cool-headedness.

Ceng Honggang indifferently said, “Is there even a need to say it out loud? Of course he was brought back by the Security Bureau. However, your brother is quite formidable, and actually managed to kill three Black Devil Group bodyguards. Those were all Fourth-ranked experts! However, that Lin Tianyu definitely wouldn’t let the matter rest, therefore…”

“I understand, Senior, then I’m going to leave first!” After Li Shuo found out what he wanted to know, he immediately left.

Ceng Honggang looked at Li Shuo’s disappearing figure with a sliver of a slight cold laugh, “Xiao Li Flying Dagger? Li Shuo, although I have never seen you use the Flying Dagger, I’m guessing that you probably know it as well. If it is true, then how I deal with you will have to change as well.”

A room within a restaurant.

“General w.a.n.g, it’s already quite obvious what happened. Your men actually wanted to me, and three of my bodyguards even died. As for “a murderer deserves to pay with his life”, the decision on Li Yang’s punishment shouldn’t take so long right?” Lin Tianyu was sitting on a recliner while comfortably smoking a cigar and looking at Meng Tian.

Meng Tian immediately stood up and said, “General w.a.n.g, the Lin heir used his own influence to hara.s.s Jiang Xue to death. The reason Li Yang did such things was because the woman he loved died. Ultimately, the situation should still a problem that resulted from the Lin heir’s actions. Li Yang’s actions are pardonable. I hope the general can be lenient.”

General w.a.n.g was the highest ranked commander stationed within Shanghai.

“Meng Tian, please sit for now. I have already sent a report concerning today’s matters to the Security Bureau 11th Division, so I believe that there will be a decision soon. Although you guys came to me to settle this dispute, it’s still better that your Security Bureau people decide. After all, Li Yang has still successfully completed an A-rank mission!” While General w.a.n.g did say things this way, it was obvious that he wanted to help Li Yang stall a bit.

Lin Tianyu faintly laughed dully, and soon after stood up. He gently threw away the cigar in his hand, and looked down towards General w.a.n.g. “General w.a.n.g, first of all I have to declare that Jiang Xue was not hara.s.sed to death by me, but rather suicided. If you guys want to continue to claim that I forced her to death, the we can go to court. Also, not to mention “a murderer has to pay with his own life”, your men killed three people. If the general’s decision does not satisfy me, I don’t mind settling that in court either.”

“Right, as Lin Tianyu, I still have some international power. Right now, there aren’t many individuals who were able to live after killing my people!” Lin Tianyu had a evil smile on the corners of his mouth as he walked out with Ding Yuyang, Fei Li and Ai Er who were previously standing behind him.

General w.a.n.g looked at Lin Tianyu’s disappearing figure and helplessly said to Meng Tian, “Meng Tian ah, although our relationship isn’t bad, it seems like the current situation is really rather unfavorable…”

Meng Tian’s face also had a bitter expression, and said with a sigh, “Li Yang, it seems like this Division Captain really can’t help you anymore. Everything will depend on the decision of the general headquarters.”

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