Inch of Radiance

Chapter 2.2 – Martial Addict Tian Gang

Book 2 Chapter 2.2 – Martial Addict Tian Gang

“Old Jack, make arrangements for my entrance into the Underground Boxing Arena as soon as possible. Right, I don’t like things to be too noisy or lively, so help me find a villa here,” said Li Yang with a smiling expression. His words made it sound as if he wanted Old Jack to put up the money, and of course, this was done deliberately.

When Old Jack heard this, he immediately suppressed his inner conflicts. His eyes continuously flickered, and it was obvious that he was struggling internally. Just now, Li Yang knocked down Tian Gang with a single kick, and Li Yang’s reputation instantly rose to a similar status as the Demon King’s within his heart.

If he really was the agent of Demon King, then he would definitely be able to make at least 10 million. However, an ordinary villa within Manhattan would still cost several million dollars. With this, didn’t it mean that he would have to spend quite a bit of money? However, when Old Jack recalled that he hadn’t signed the contract with Li Yang yet, he immediately became anxious. “Ah, this Mu Yi won’t sign with anyone else right? Ah, if that happens, then I won’t even be able to make a single dollar!” When he thought up to this point, he suppressed the pain in his heart. “My dear Mu Yi, you need a villa. As your agent, of course I’ll satisfy your request.”

Although Old Jack was trying really hard to maintain a smile, his stiff expression and two shuddering hands ill.u.s.trated that Old Jack was currently suffering on the inside. Several million! This amount of money even to him, an Underground Boxing Arena agent, was still a large number.

“Haha… Old Jack, you are simply too kind. I wasn’t asking you to buy it for me, the money will still be put up by me. Why are you so enthusiastic? Of course, if you really want to help me pay for it, I wouldn’t stop you!” Li Yang appeared to be extremely astonished.

Old Jack became momentarily stunned, but of course, money was more important than face, so Old Jack immediately said, “Oh, Mu Yi, dear Mu Yi, you really are generous. Just now? Just now I made an error, and I’m growing in years. This brain is also starting to fail, hehe… “ Old Jack laughed as he spoke, and was not embarra.s.sed at all.

Li Yang didn’t like to accept favors, and he definitely would not allow others to buy him a villa. Just now, he was simply teasing Old Jack, however, this proved that at the vest least, Li Yang was worth at least a few million in Old Jack’s heart…

Three days later, on Old Jack’s balcony.

Li Yang was currently sitting on a couch, and he looked rather comfortable. Next to the couch was a small circular desk, and on the circular desk was a bottle of vodka.

“Heng heng, although this Absolut Vodka has quite a high alcoholic content and can be considered a strong drink, it still doesn’t taste as good as Erguotou!” Li Yang was currently holding a win cup while admiring the residential area’s beauty. He was muttering, and it was obvious that he was rather unsatisfied.

If Old Jack heard his say these words, he would definitely die from internal suffering. This Absolut Vodka was specially ordered from Sweden, and normally even if you had money, you wouldn’t be able to buy it. He used his own earnings from dozens of years of work as an underground boxing agent to order it.

Erguotou, that was simply something that old men drank in Beijing. It was cheap beyond belief, and a bottle was simply a few Renminbi (RMB). As for New York, Erguotou in New York was still relatively expensive, and costed a bit more than 10 dollars to buy. However, compared to the hundred thousand dollar Absolut Vodka, the disparity was not just a little bit.

“Hi, Mu Yi!” A cry rang out, and Li Yang did not need to turn his head to know that Old Jack was coming.

Old Jack walked up to the balcony, and looked at that bottle of vodka. He couldn’t help but feel his heart getting torn apart. However, he still consoled himself. “Isn’t it just a few hundred thousand dollars? A villa costs a few million!” It was quite obvious that he remembered the events three days ago. If at that time, Li Yang didn’t add that sentence, he really would have had to spend a few million.

“Old Jack, didn’t I tell you not to disturb me for no reason?” Li Yang slightly furrowed his brows.

“Ha, Mu Yi, it’s an important matter. I found the villa you wanted, haha, I really am too fortunate this time. A Californian Asian business owner went bankrupt, and he’s currently struggling to sell his villa. However, where would he find a buying price with such little time? When he heard that I was buying, he immediately sent someone to look for me. I simply used a bit of my agent methods, and the villa valued at 6 million dollars was offered to me at 4 million. The contract will be signed tomorrow morning.” Old Jack was extremely excited as he spoke to Li Yang.

Li Yang’s eyes faintly lit up, and he stood up shortly after. He turned around to greet Old Jack and said, “Old Jack, this really is good news. Come, let us toast for his sake!”

When Old Jack heard this, a smile immediately bloomed on his face. “Oh, Mu Yi, then you have to drink with me on this!” While speaking, Old Jack took out an especially large win cup, and the remaining half of the strong liquor was completely poured out.

“Come, come, come, let’s toast, cheers for the new villa!” Old Jack held that king sized wine cup and touched Li Yang’s ordinary win cup with it. Without caring about the difference in cup sizes, he raised his head and drank.

Gu gu…

Li Yang’s eyes widened as he saw Old Jack drink it all in one go; he became stupefied! This was genuine Absolut Vodka, a truly alcoholic drink!

“Haha, with this, I drank fifty thousand dollars. Worth, worth!” Old Jack felt proud of himself. Giving Li Yang that bottle of first-rate vodka had made his heart suffer bitterly, and now that he drank half of it in one go, he immediately felt much more comfortable.

“Old Jack, are you okay?” Li Yang spoke with concern towards the completely red-faced Old Jack, as drinking that much strong alcohol at once was rather frightening. Fortunately, this Old Jack had already been drinking strong liquor for the past ten years. His life wasn’t in danger, however drinking all that at once, once that powerful alcohol took effect, then…

Peng! Right when Old Jack was about to say that nothing was wrong, he began to feel dizzy. Heaven and earth swayed, and he immediately collapsed. Soon after, snoring could be heard.

Li Yang felt a bit distressed. “This… don’t tell me that I have to carry him down?” Seeing Old Jack lying on the floor, it seemed as though even if the world was about to end, he would still have no reaction. Li Yang sighed and grabbed Old Jack by his suit, and Old Jack was carried just like this with one hand downstairs. Fortunately, Old Jack’s suit was brand name, and it didn’t tear along the way.

The next day.

“Mu Yi, that villa will soon be yours, what do you think? Not bad right? In addition, it’s only roughly 100 meters away.” Old Jack pointed at a luxurious villa not too far away, and the current Old Jack was rather energetic. It was as if yesterday’s events never happened.

However after saying so much, Li Yang seemed to not show the slightest reaction. Old Jack felt that it was rather strange and turned around towards Li Yang.

At this moment, Li Yang’s gaze was resting past the villa towards a restaurant — Taibai Restaurant. A smiling expression was on his face, and at the same time, an individual walked inside. That person was Tian Gang.

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