Infinite Evolution

Chapter 14: Elected.

Chapter 14: Elected.

Shen Ruyi"s voice threatened on this side, while Li Qing on the other side got the timing right and pulled the trigger on the ground in front of Li Guodong"s foot-according to his calculation, the energy wave of the explosion hit the ground in front of him, and the fluctuating energy could completely tear up Li Guodong"s parts below the knee without hurting his ears.

Therefore, he took advantage of Shen Ruyi"s howl and pulled the trigger decisively when the other party"s attention was attracted.

The idea is good. If this gun works, including the Li Guodong brothers, he can harvest six ears. Even if it is no good, he can still grab the three in the opposite hand.

The plan is good, but what backfired and left Li Qing scratching his head was that after the crisp "honk-honk" sound of the trigger sounded, the energy gun in front did not emit the destructive energy.

On the contrary, the ringing noise attracted everyone"s attention. Li Guodong and Li Guobin both raised their heads and looked at Li Qing.

But Shen Ruyi"s reaction at this time was relatively quick. Before the other party got up, he also fired a similar shot from the ground in front of the two men"s feet-but the same did not work.

All this happened between the crackles, from Shen Ruyi"s propaganda to the two men pulling the trigger one after another, only two seconds pa.s.sed.

And gun successively misfire also let Li Guodong brothers leng for a second, then two people seem to think of what glances, qi qi ejection from the ground, suddenly and violently challenged.

From the edge of the bed came toward Li Qing and Shen Ruyi, the speed of the brothers is really comparable to cheetahs-both of them are normal to the intensifier, theory of physical quality theory of fighting ability, is not compared with ordinary people, at the moment in this narrow s.p.a.ce, but also can play their fighting advantage.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Li Guodong was close to Li Qing, who instinctively counterattacked, reaching for the b.u.t.t and hitting the former on the head.

But the gunstocks were too slow to get close to each other"s head. Li Guodong raised his arm and opened it at once. The strength and physique gap between the two sides suddenly appeared at the moment. Li Qing"s own strength was not as good as that of the other. His arm had a disability. After he was shot by the other side, the gun flew out directly and his body was unstable immediately.

However, fortunately, he has studied martial arts for several years. When in danger, his body instinctively responded. Back two steps to stabilize the body first, and then see the other side greeting fist, one side will hold each other"s elbow joint hard twist, at the same time the foot kicked in the other"s ankle.

According to his actual combat at ordinary times, when such a twist is made, because the center of gravity is unstable, the other party will usually fall a dog and eat excrement.

But today, his moves did not work for the first time-because the power gap between the two sides was so wide that when Li Qing laid hands on each other to wring their elbows, the feeling on their hands was totally wrong, just like a child wringing an adult"s arm. Although the moves were right, the latter did not have any difficulty at all. At the foot of the kung fu is also, the other side rushed over the strength is too strong, a kick on the ankle, but he was shock back, although the other side is also a stumble, but still a punch to greet him up.

With a m.u.f.fled sound of "Peng", Li Guodong firmly punched Li Qing in the shoulder blade, then his whole bone collapsed, and Shengsheng was. .h.i.t with a hollow. Originally, this punch was aimed at Li Qing"s face. If this punch is strong, it will probably kill him.

And this moment of meetings, also let Li Guodong found a fact-that is, Li Qing"s physical quality is far from as high as he imagined.

When he got this information, he was refreshed. No matter what kind of routine, he fell on Li Qing in a direct fit.


One thousand

U672c is small, with four big men in a group and no room to escape. Moreover, Li Guodong fit to pounce on Li Qing without avoiding his fists and feet. He simply used unreasonable rogue play-and this play, in this narrow s.p.a.ce and under the absolute difference in physical quality between the two sides, also became the most correct choice.

Therefore, Li Qing was unavoidable. He hugged him and knocked him on the metal door behind him. The sound of bone fracture and vertigo came to him at once. But it was not over yet. After he hugged Li Qing, Li Guodong did not stop. His hands clasped Li Qing and did not let him fight back. Then his arms muscles tightened to the extreme, allowing Li Qing"s chest to slowly collapse. Li Guodong wanted to use his own physical advantages to strangle Li Qing directly.

The pressure from his chest made Li Qing"s ribs groan and groan, and the air in his alveoli was continuously squeezed out. If he could see his life value at this moment, he would find it falling like running water. On the other side of the situation is not very optimistic, Shen Ruyi although there is no life danger, but pure strength enhancer, simply can"t control their own strength, a punch to his bones broken first, is also completely unable to make moves to help Li Qing.

There are still two or three seconds left. When Li Qing was about to die, he used his last strength to bite Li Guodong"s eye socket with his side head and squeezed his sharp teeth into each other"s eyes.

Under the pain of the other party"s eating, instinctive arms were sent off, and at this moment, Li Qing, who was already dying but still not unconscious because of his strong spirit, saw that the surrounding s.p.a.ce began to disintegrate slowly. As when he came, all the people and things around him were broken into a gla.s.s slag state. The vertigo in the brain like taking the elevator too fast came again, and when he opened his eyes again, he came to the pure white s.p.a.ce of the puppet. The strong Mediterranean hairstyle of the puppet also appeared in his eyes again.

"Ha ha ha, not bad, not bad in the first game." Puppet stood in the white s.p.a.ce and looked at Li Qing with the same expression forever. "Young man, do you want to treat your injury

Two thousand

U52bf? If you treat this kind of injury outside, you will get at least more than 300 points. I"ll make it cheaper for you. What do you think of the friends.h.i.+p price of 150? "

"good." Although I don"t know what the points are, Li Qing, who may die in minutes, has no other choice.

At the moment when his voice was just heard, a white light fell from the sky of the white s.p.a.ce. Li Qing lay in the white light, watching his collapsed chest slowly swell up, his twisted arm also continuously returned to its original position like clay figurine, and the burning feeling in his chest slowly disappeared. After only ten seconds, he no longer felt any pain and stood up from the ground, and looked at his watch at the same time-the state column there had shown health.

Then the white light dispersed and the puppet voice came out.

"It"s really not easy for me to choose someone who can perform like this during the novice test. It"s really good to kill a flying dragon bird by myself." The puppeteer said with a crack in his mouth and a "quack" smile, "but don"t be careless, the first task is usually the simplest, and in the first scene, you are the only one called and the others are ordinary people who have been tested, so it"s not surprising that you can survive."

"Elected? Ordinary people tried? " When Li Qing heard the puppet"s words, a strange expression appeared on his face. "Is there any difference between me and others?"

"Of course, I brought you here. You came here voluntarily. You came here to clear the customs for the resurrection of your mother five times. Therefore, you are the chosen one." When the puppet spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to himself, "See, I, only those brought in by angels like me, are the chosen ones, and most of the other people are sent randomly. They may have been sent by s.p.a.ce at the moment of death, or they may have been sent inexplicably under any circ.u.mstances, such as reading a large size on a writing a.s.signment. When they are sent, information will be sent to their minds, but angels like me will never appear. "

"Angels?" Li Qing once again wondered.

"Yes, angel, the two words have to be read separately, not the kind of magic creature with a little wings as you imagine, but the heaven-make. Here, we angels are workers who belong to the s.p.a.ce. We may be in any form, little angels or demons. But these are not the key. The key you need to understand now is that we have the ability to make our own choices, and the quality of our life or death is entirely controlled by the performance of those who are called. That is to say, you performed well, I got a promotion and a raise, you performed poorly, and I was suspended from work. If you performed badly, s.p.a.ce will judge that I have no ability to choose candidates, so I will have to fart, understand? "

"I see." Li Qing nodded, "You are expressing that we are in the same boat."

"Yes! That"s what I mean! " Puppet heard Li Qing"s words, his left hand spread out and his right hand clenched on the palm. "It"s really not difficult to communicate with people who have strengthened their wisdom."

"Since we are in the same boat, you should give me more help." Li Qing spoke and looked at the puppet.

"I also want to ah, but can"t ah, I have to follow the rules of s.p.a.ce, even can"t give you too much information. But now that you have pa.s.sed a test, what I can tell you is that in the next one, you must be careful of other callers. In addition to novice tasks, at least two callers will meet in other tasks. You also know the rules of ears. Everyone"s ears can be sold for a large sum of money. The more powerful the person, the more valuable the ears will be. If several companions can be killed in a mission, the reward for the mission may turn over. No one can resist the temptation. Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of offending people here. In the death s.p.a.ce, except for novice tasks, the death rate in each trial is very high. In most cases, it is ma.s.s destruction. Some people who can survive, that is, one or two, so no one will think of such things as posterior approaches. "

"moreover, what I want you to be careful is that, so far, you are the weakest of these candidates."

"The weakest one? Who are the other callers? " Li Qing u


76b1 frowned. If the opponent is strong, it is really not good news for him.

"What are the people? Of course, the angels think the strongest person! They may be special members of Mensa with an intelligence of more than 150. They may also be core members of the InternationalHigh-IQSociaty Society. They may be experts in a certain academic field, the world"s top secret agent, or a determined fighter. No matter how you look at it, you are not so outstanding among those who have been called. "

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