Infinite Evolution

Chapter 5: Equipping Scanning Devices.

Chapter 5: Equipping Scanning Devices.

Can"t stand the "buzzing" sound of flies in my ear, Li Qing quickly interrupted the man"s speech and said simply: "Because I feel that worm is poisonous!"

As if to confirm his words, his voice did not fall on one side and the m.u.f.fled hum of men came from the other.

Looking up to the other side, Li Qing saw that he was the first to approach the two young men, and his body had a toxic reaction successively-Li Qing could not see their expressions because of the relatively long distance between them. However, after stuffy hum, they both issued the bellows-like breathing sounds of patients with severe asthma at the same time, and then dropped the gun they had just picked up and ran away from the battlefield in pain.

"dyspnea, blood toxoid?"  Seeing the two men"s situation, Li Qing climbed out of the hole, then saw the poisoned two men didn"t run far and fell to the ground. The muscle spasm seemed out of their control and the whole body began to twitch.

"No, it"s a mixture of blood toxoid and nerve toxoid, and it can make the person who is two or three times more than the average person produce toxic reaction in a few seconds. This is absolutely toxic and very difficult."  Li Qing"s side has just come to the conclusion that the two men who ran in earlier started foaming at the mouth. At the same time, the young woman did not dare to approach the other side before she could see the situation.

The ground of minced meat, and still squirming worm corpse, and the foaming at the mouth companion, finally let the pent-up woman produced the most instinctive fear reaction-then, clean vomiting.

Red Huang Zhi vomited all over the floor and gave off a pungent smell.

After vomiting, the woman seemed to recover a little. She ran back to Li Qing, who was watching outside the hole, and asked for help: "Please, help me, I don"t know what to do ..."

"I"m sorry, I"m really in danger now."  While speaking, Li Qing inadvertently glanced at his blood volume on the watch-only 22 left.

When glancing at his wrist.w.a.tch, Li Qing noticed a detail-he had noticed earlier that he could not see other people"s wrist.w.a.tch data, including the woman in front of him-in the same way, that is to say, everyone"s data and situation can only be seen by himself, which to a certain extent has preserved the concealment of his full intelligence and also made others less anxious to peep.

The woman sought protection, but Li Qing took a look at the tight skin of the woman"s heart. She really wanted to fight. She could not help but wonder who was protecting whom.

So instead of paying attention to the woman in pajamas, he tore off a piece of cloth from his T-s.h.i.+rt and turned his back on the woman: "I have to pee, do you want to watch?"

"Er ..." Don"t know what is the turning point of Li Qing"s dialogue, the woman leng leng, also back to the body.

Then came the trickling sound. After wetting the cloth with urine, Li Qing wrapped him directly on his nose and tied him behind his head. Then he went to the other side of the battlefield.

"Brother, what are you doing?"  But he didn"t walk out of a few steps, then catch up with a loud voice.

"Don"t follow me."  Li Qing turned and frowned. "Be careful I spray you with a face of urine."

"No, I said brother, you are not don"t know, there is toxic.  You just saved my life, now don"t be silly, you went there ... "

"Don"t talk to me, don"t follow me."  Hearing the man"s noise, Li Qing glanced at his life value again and said: "I don"t have time to talk nonsense with you. You don"t follow me. You want to survive and find your own way. You don"t have to worry about my life."

"There is another woman over there. Don"t come either."  After saying this, Li Qing"s life was once again reduced to 21.

With the life value falling by nearly a third, Li Qing felt more and more pain from burning his skin. At the same time, at this moment, a tinnitus-like reaction occurred in his ears-apparently caused by excessive radiation. If he continued to consume it here, when the life value dropped to half, Li Qing knew that there would definitely be a heavier radiation reaction.

When the time comes, he may have weak limbs and a weak reaction-he may really die here before finding a solution.

After all, unlike those who have strengthened their physique, his body is only an ordinary person at present, even worse than the ordinary person. Other people have more than 100 lives close to 200. He has only 30 and cannot afford to spend a minute!

Just now, too much time has been spent waiting for the battle to end, but that is necessary. When it is not necessary, no one will waste their vitality on useless things such as talking nonsense-except manic patients.

So, after the last sentence, Li Qing quickly walked toward the battlefield-through the previous experiment, he has come to several conclusions through observation.

First, the liquid in the worm is highly toxic.

Second, the virulent drug can be transmitted through contact without a break in the body.

Third, virulence will not be transmitted through the air by breathing.

The first two points are very easy to say. The third point is Li Qing"s conclusion from observing the woman-the young woman in pajamas is not far from the battlefield just now. If there is poisonous gas, her body will produce some toxic reaction. However, through close observation just now, Li Qing can see that she is very normal.

That is to say, even if there is poison gas, it is also a trace of non-lethal-to be on the safe side, he still used urine to isolate his nose and mouth into the battlefield.

However, unlike the previous two, he did not directly enter the core of the battlefield-that is, the place with the most pollution and the most firearms.

Li Qing first came to the body of a man who had been blown to pieces. The man should have been killed by his companion"s grenade. The body collapsed and flew far away. It had broken into several pieces and landed in different places. Li Qinglai"s place was his head, because there was a fairly intact biochemical helmet-carefully recognized twice. After the helmet was not stained with the slime of giant insects, Li Qing opened the helmet and looked at the creatures inside.

It is an ordinary human face-although b.l.o.o.d.y, but still can distinguish facial features nose and mouth-is an ordinary Oriental man"s face, but probably because of the perennial lack of suns.h.i.+ne, the man"s skin is too white, and few hair, looks very unhealthy.

"How do people here and earth people look so like?  Where is this? "  For the first time after seeing a man"s face, Li Qing showed overwhelming surprise. He could accept being in a different world, but the human beings in the different world were exactly the same as those on the earth. This is a bit hard to say.

After all, we know from the previous intelligence that this is a real world, in other words, all the environment, species, human beings and even civilization in this world are real.

Then the creatures here should have evolved independently. Considering the current situation, the living environment here is almost completely different from that of human beings. How did they evolve almost identical faces and signs? This is completely beyond Li Qing"s previous judgment of the world.

However, surprised to be surprised, Li Qing only let his emotions have two seconds to restore calm-now is not the time to explore the mysteries of the world, his first consideration now is to survive.  The second is-can get enough benefits.

So, after looking at the man"s face, Li Qing pulled his head out of the helmet and then picked it up.

And at the same time, his wrist watch "di di" rang twice, and then a unique computer prompt sounded.

"You have obtained an item. Do you need computerized data identification?"

Having gone through a process of digitalization of characters, Li Qing and his colleagues could easily understand what this computerized digitalization appraisal was all about, so he quickly nodded and said "Yes".

"Computer Scan Begins: Data Initializing ..."

"Get the item: t.i.tanium alloy radiation mask."

"Material: t.i.tanium alloy and Angang gla.s.s."

"Weight: 0.  Eight kilograms. "

"Equipment requirements: There seems to be no special requirement. As long as you can carry a kilo of weight on your head, you can basically wear this guy."

"Evaluation: t.i.tanium alloy and Angang gla.s.s have strong anti-collision ability. Wearing it can protect your head well. The helmet has anti-radiation coating on the outside, which can reduce the radiation threat in the protected area. It is a good thing."

"Comprehensive evaluation score: 3."

After watching the evaluation of this equipment, Li Qing didn"t even think about it. He directly put it on his head-he didn"t care about equipment protection or anything, what he cared about was that he could reduce some radiation.  His life value dropped a little in five minutes now, and he has begun to feel dizzy and has radiation symptoms. If he can reduce it, he must reduce it a little.

Put on the helmet, Li Qing found that looking from behind the gla.s.s cover is still relatively clear, and there is a strange ventilation device inside the helmet, can let him breathe fog will not attach to the gla.s.s mask.

After wearing the helmet, Li Qing continued to search in situ-his goal was to find a relatively intact protective suit.

However, after searching in situ for half a day, he did not find one to wear.  After all, there are few people who have been killed by insects or by themselves. No matter how they die, it is almost impossible to have intact bodies. Without intact bodies, there is naturally no intact protective clothing.

So it took Li Qing three minutes to pick it up before he found one that was relatively wearable-it was said that it was relatively wearable because although only the upper half of the protective clothing was left, it was still not broken, and more importantly, it was a clean piece of clothing that was not contaminated with any venom except blood.

Picked up the protective clothing, Li Qing natural identification after wearing on his own again.

"Get Articles: Radiation Protective Clothing (Incomplete)."

"Material: Nano-mesh fabric."

"Weight: 1.  2 kg. "

"Equipment requirements: as long as the weight is not more than 250kg, you should be able to wear it."

"Evaluation: This stuff is broken, there is nothing below, nothing ... I think as long as it"s not terribly poor, the average person wouldn"t want this stuff.  Well, if you have to say he has some use, still can play a certain role of protection and radiation prevention ... "

"Comprehensive evaluation score: 0.  Five points. "

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