Infinite Evolution

Chapter 7: Real Underground Cities.

Chapter 7: Real Underground Cities.

"However, the former kind of worm, the kind that fights with biochemical people, seems to have rushed forward to the death, no matter what kind of injury or not, you are wrong." After hearing Li Qing"s explanation, the manic man retorted.

"That kind of worm does not seem to be for the purpose of hunting, I think they just purposeful behavior, compared with hunting, more like-war. The kind of war that has the will to control behind ... "Li Qing frowned and spread out after a few moments." But these are none of our business. We have come here to survive for eight hours. You can follow me, but don"t forget what we said. "

"Yes, half of you!" The manic man smiled and moved on.

Perhaps bad luck will follow after bad luck. The two did not walk much forward and finally saw traces of human habitation.

First of all, the cave walls gradually widened. Then Li Qing noticed that with the deepening of the cave walls, there were also obvious signs of artificial piling-there was a kind of hard stone tile on it. Obviously, the human settlement was coming.

To speed up the pace quickly through the huge channel, Li Qing in 20 minutes later, finally came to a checkpoint before.

The first thing printed on my eyes was a steel wall that occupied the whole view-a bit like the military fortress of the past.

Around the cave walls are also sealed by steel, in front of everything is the world of steel, in the front of the wall, there is a huge searchlight, searchlight has a huge robot as high as more than ten meters, there are huge guns, and a team of guards.

The guards were wearing huge and thick exo-metallic bones, which looked very stylish. Looking at the technology content alone, they were as high as those worn by Iron Man. They were all a bit high, but they were far less than the mechthat is, the size of one person. If we had to say something similar, it was a bit like the terran marines in StarCraft.

When the "riflemen" saw the arrival of Li Qing, they immediately separated two or three men and surrounded them. Then the carapace opened, revealing the human face inside.

"The automatic intercommunication and translation function has been turned on for contact with living heterogeneous creatures." After Li Qing alone heard the computer sound, the man who opened the mask spoke.

"This equipment ... is a low-level mercenary organization?" After looking at Li Qing"s worn and bloodstained protective clothing, the rifleman turned to the manic man and laughed. "Oh, this old man is dressed in vintage clothes. Why, is it a picnic place outside the city?"

"Our team was attacked by insects in the wild. We were the only ones left in the army. His protective clothing was contaminated and could not be worn." Through the information revealed between the words of "riflemen", Li Qing made up a lie without any flaw. "Our protective clothing is broken and our body has been seriously irradiated. Is there any solution?"

"Go to the city, you mercenary organizations are hard enough. They are poorly equipped and will die if you say so." At Li Qing"s words, the riflemen curled their lips. "Go into the city to buy some Fordring tablets or find a doctor to have a look. All the people here have been hurt by radiation. It"s not a big problem."

Say that finish this sentence, the regular army closed his mask, then there is no more questioning, waved at the other side, after the huge steel wall, a two meter high door will automatically open, Li Qing to manic man made a wink, then two people trotted into the hole.

Inside the cave wall, there was a burst of disinfection spray, then Li Qing was disarmed by the mechanical arm extending out of the cave, and then the conveyor belt at the foot of the cave moved slowly, sending them through the huge wall, which was more than ten meters thick.

One thousand

A2 iron wall.

"Guns and weapons are not allowed in the city. Your Mark 3 military energy gun has been deposited. If you need to collect it, please come and compare your fingerprints at all gates."

Standing on the conveyor belt was almost stripped clean all the way, leaving only personal clothing and daggers, Li Qing finally saw light in front of his eyes.

Since arriving in this strange world, Li Qing has been underground. After his eyes adapted to the darkness, he suddenly came to the land of light, making his eyes appear blind and white for a moment. His pupils contracted extremely under stabbing pain. After his eyes adapted to the light, he saw the magic world in front of him.

The endless steel city, steel buildings, steel bases, steel ordnance factories.

There is a huge energy ball burning nuclear energy in the sky, which brings light here like an artificial sun. In this hollowed-out underground city, like a spider"s web honeycomb, the city has been built layer by layer with various strange transmission pipelines extending in all directions, making it a three-dimensional and crowded city.

"My G.o.d, is this 300 years from now?" Standing beside Li Qing, the noisy man exclaimed.

"Should ... isn"t it?" Li Qing is not sure either, because when he said this, he pa.s.sed by a huge mechanical living body with a height of two or three meters. After the "human" pa.s.sed by, he took a look at the noisy man beside Li Qing. He seemed a little surprised by the two men"s clothes, but he just looked at them and did not stay.

However, Shen Ruyi noticed the curiosity in the eyes of the "robot" and immediately sighed, "Holy s.h.i.+t, is artificial intelligence? h.e.l.lo, h.e.l.lo, have you seen this guy"s eyes! "

As Shen Ruyi cried, he went around to the front of the mechanical body and stared at each other"s "cheeks" all the time.

"Hey, man, show some respect." Shen Ruyi stepped forward quickly and blocked the way of the "robot". Then, the guy uttered a teasing tone in his mouth. At the same time, when his arm was lifted, a blue light beam like a sword rose from there. Under the waving of his robot arm, he easily plowed a hole in the steel floor u5


B50, "although you humans are allied with us now, I still hate you carbon-based life that emits stink. In essence, you are no different from those worms. Get away. "

Accompanied by an impatient tone, the robot swept across the back of its hand like driving away a pesky fly, beating Shen Ruyi to the ground and then driving off.

"f.u.c.k." The back of the head hit the steel wall and made a m.u.f.fled sound. Shen Ruyi struggled on the ground for a long time before he got up. Then he wiped his nose and said, "d.a.m.n, it was 55 years of life, radiation and beating. Well, it"s less than 10 o"clock now. It"s almost a dead ball."

"A very strong force! An intensified human being is just like a child"s play in front of him ... "Li Qing glanced at the back of the" robot "who had not gone far, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look. Then he went to the front of Shen Ruyi, whose chest had collapsed, and asked," Do you think he looks like the protoss first-cla.s.s soldier in StarCraft? "

"A soldier? Is that a fork soldier? " At Li Qing"s suggestion, Shen Ruyi turned to look at the past and, after distinguis.h.i.+ng for a moment, called, "It does look like hey! I remember this kind of arms is very powerful. They are both first-cla.s.s soldiers, a rifle capable of beating terrans and several zerg puppies. Er, wait, it seems that this is not the focus of the problem. The focus of the problem is ...... "

"This seems to be a world of starcraft?" Li Qing frowned, with obvious uncertainty in his eyes. "Zerg are those insects outside. Protoss should be a strange kind of silicon-based life ... But isn"t this the real world?"

Standing in situ thinking for a moment, Li Qing in situ looked at the watch, time is only in the past one hour and fifty-five minutes, from his task time, there are more than six hours.

"Who cares if he is a rifleman or a fork soldier, the crux of the problem is that we seem to be safe now?" As a pure strength enhancer, Shen Ruyi"s own const.i.tution is the average person"s level, much better than Li Qingjiang"s, but his blood volume is not much. It was a few minutes before and after entering the city at this moment, and not a drop of blood volume fell off his body. When he found this problem, he said pleasantly surprised: "It seems that there is no radiation in the city, and our task is even completed?"

"It should be about the same, as the first scene, the difficulty is really not high ..." Considering the "extremely easy" difficulty evaluation when entering here, Li Qing said: "Although the task is simple, we have had several close contacts with death before and after. Since we are safe now, we should reap more benefits."

"According to the rules of this strange s.p.a.ce, it seems that we will be able to transfer back to other safe places in eight hours, and then there will be more difficult tasks waiting for us. According to the starting effect of s...o...b..ll rolling and compet.i.tive games, if a compet.i.tion doesn"t start well, we will lose half. Therefore, we need to get as many things as possible to arm ourselves. Anyway, I must live through five scenes."

"Live through five scenes ..." Hearing Li Qing"s words, noisy Shen Ruyi also closed his mouth for the first time, with a different feeling in his eyes. "What shall we do?"

"Weapons, high-tech weapons and accessories, all high-tech things can arm ourselves." Li Qing said, looking at the spider web of underground city, "since it is a civilized world, there must be money circulation, and as long as it is a civilized world, rich, can make a lot of things, come with me ..."

"Where to?"


"Casino?" Shen Ruyi shouted, "Are you sure there will be casinos in such a high-tech place?"

"As long as it is a city made up of human beings, no matter in a hundred or a thousand years, as long as human nature is still there, gambling is like a brothel and will never disappear." As Li Qing spoke, he came to a transfer channel. There was a small elevator-like room in the channel. Immediately after Li Qing entered, he presented a three-dimensional image like a subway map directly in front of him. Then a clear computer sound rang out from the "small room".

"Excuse me, sir, what is your destination?"

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