Inma no Hado

Chapter 261

Inma no Hado chapter 257: Fate destined to be crazy

“It"s here but…. I"ve omitted the explanation on this page and I think it would be easier for students to put this part in.”
“Ye, yes…. Th, That so, isn"t it…”
“Le, let me explain this a little bit more…are you listening to me, Sensei?”
“Eh!!! Ah, no…I"m listening, of course”

Ryohei Anzai has been scratching the cold sweat, although he has suddenly denied it.

(No way, I cant say that I could see into the valley of her chest…)

Afternoon in the staff room. As an English teacher Ryohei has been working with his wife, k.u.miko and it is already about a month now. There are five English teachers, including himself working in this academy, but Junko Yos.h.i.+kawa, who is sitting next to him, is the oldest. Her background and age as an english teacher are higher in this school, as she is a senior.

(Anyway…what a good woman…)

Because the staff room is lined with desks for each subject, this extraordinary beautiful teacher is next to Ryohei. Now they"re discussing the materials to be distributed to the students and because they sit side by side, the distance is closer than usual. Therefore, rising from Junko´s whole body is a indescribable sweet smell that wraps around Ryohei´s body more than usual.

“Well, I think that this is good for first graders, but I think it"s easy for second graders to understand these materials…. But, because you need permission for the version to be used as it is, we will processed it here together…”

Listening to the explanation with a moist mouth, Ryohei cant stop his eyes from looking into Junko´s cleavage.

The well-dressed english teacher wears a sober beige suit today, which emphasizes her huge chest that can be clearly seen from above. Despite her slender body, the white blouse"s b.u.t.tons are likely to be cut off, and the white, deep flesh valley is visible from the spread collar. The skin glows white as oiled and the veins running deep in the transparent skin are clearly visible.

(If you look at this…)

Although k.u.miko, who he got married to half a year ago, is also a beautiful woman, the female teacher who is next to Ryohei is an existence of a different dimension. The eyes that are behind the metal framed are sharp-cut and perfectly matched with the well-shaped high nose and slightly larger lips. The small oval face as a whole is a masterpiece created by G.o.d.

And the body that followed it was even more likely to be a waste of being a teacher. The huge bust protrudes forward against gravity, and from there follows the waist, which is sharply squeezed down, to large, well-shaped hips. The plump thighs are well-shaped and the line leading to the thin ankle below it is beautiful enough to let you sigh. When Ryohei first met her, he even felt a shock that the mind was scolded by so much beauty.

(Ah…I want to embrace such a good woman because it is good at once…)

A evil black desire comes from the depths of his body despite the fact that it is a serious time to discuss educational materials.

“Ah, wait a minute…”

As the phone on the desk rang, Junko stood up from her chair and answers it. So Ryohei sitting in his chair has the b.u.t.tocks of a lion facing backwards in front of his eyes.

(Amazing!!! So great…)

The beige tight miniskirt is stretched on the inside with squeezed meat. If he looks closely, there is a panty line running on the b.u.t.tocks and he can see that it"s biting into the soft-looking meat. The hips are looking up and draw an exquisite line that any man would mislead.

(Holding this a.s.s and having s.e.x as much as I want…)

Ryohei, who had a neat appearance, was popular with women since he was a student. His wife, k.u.miko, is the last one he selected after having met many women. He choose k.u.miko, as she is a woman with the best appearance and content. He thought so until he was transferred to this school. However, as a woman with an attraction different from that of k.u.miko, this co-worker, the beauty of a lifetime, appeared in front of his eyes.

“…Yes? What?”
“Sensei…that, do you date Midou-sensei?”

After the material discussion was over, Ryohei asked what he wanted to hear before.

“I and the…?”
“Don"t you know, it"s all rumored in the school? That Yos.h.i.+kawsensei and Midou-sensei are dating!!”

She might have noticed that it was a sudden and rude question. So Ryohei make an excuse.

“…Why would Anzai-sensei want to know that?”

Suddenly, even if it strikes an unrequited private question, Junko rolls back with a grim smile without an angry appearance.

“Wh, why…another…that…I, I just wanted to know…. That…”

Ryohei panics. Seeing that, Junko laughs and responds with a smile.

“I and the vice dont date…”
“I, Is that so!”

He doesn"t know why, but Ryohei´s mood gets brighter and his voice rises unexpectedly.

“Sensei…are you interested in me? Though you have such a pretty wife…”

Suddenly the voice goes down and a mischievous Junko asks this question. As soon as her body moves, a rich aroma rises, and Ryohei´s heart beats suddenly at that unbelievable fragrance.

“If it"s good, I would like to go out for a meal next time? I found a restaurant with a very good atmosphere, but a single woman like me has no courage to go alone…. Of course, I will keep it a secret….uhuhu…”

The eyes at the back of the have some light like a wild beasts, but at this time Ryohei was neither calm nor objective enough to notice it.



“Divorce!!!! N, No way!!! …N, No way it is true…did Keiko really say so?”

Looking at his father-in-law sitting on a heavy office desk, s.h.i.+oya asks with a shout. The father-in-law who sits in front of him, however, looks at his face as if he has bitten a bitter insect and is grimly glaring at himself.

“Ah yeah…. Keiko…my daughter wants to divorce with you. It seems that she was really shocked by your violence”
“Th, that"s…it"s no violence…”

s.h.i.+oya tries to say something but he get stuck in words. No wonder. Even though he was drunk, it is true that he used violence against his wife, Keiko. He still direct a glimpse to his father-in-law, who is the president of Ogawa"s construction, but his eyes were more severe than ever.

“My daughter…was beaten by you and went to the hospital for about 2 days…. Because her face was so badly swollen, she had a concussion…. Why did you do that? Tell me?”
“Th, that"s…that…”

Trying to answer again, he again swallowed his words.

That day. The day when he became scolded by that devil. He went back home late at midnight and screamed in rage. As the irritability reached its peak from the daytime, his outburst was also intense.

s.h.i.+oya doesn"t remember the details of what he did, but he can see the severity of it when he looked at the amount of blood stains in the hallway and the messed up living room. Keiko disappeared in the morning and since then, his wife has never come home. He made phone calls and mailed her many times, but when he was at a loss without an answer at all, he was suddenly called to the president"s office this morning and a divorce was mentioned by the president who is his wife"s father.

“What? Can"t you tell me why?”
“No…I was drunk because of alcohol…that…”

There is no reason to tell his father-in-law the reason why he drunk so much. That day, his wife was spending time with their former middle school cla.s.smate and his heart was burning with jealousy and he went crazy. And above all, in exchange for a debt bully, he allowed that man to have a meal with his wife. Then he was driven by a delusion that as his wife hasn"t returned until midnight, that she might have had s.e.x, so he drank a lot of alcohol and finally lost reason.

In front of his father-in-law who looks at s.h.i.+oya with cold and dignified eyes, s.h.i.+oya sheds sloppy and greasy sweat. In his panicking head, he cant think of a good excuse in any way, but he just have to keep his head upright while standing still.

“You got drunk…. Speaking of which, I"ve heard rumors about you before, but it seems to be true…”
“Eh…th, that…?”
“I heard you have inviting people from the company to drink, you"re going to spend a lot of money at the expense of the company. And there"s also rumor that you"re having a woman here and there. So it seems you have done all that…”
“Th, that"s…that…. No, that"s…”

Finally, s.h.i.+oya cant help but lose his words. It is impossible to say anything because it is all facts that are true.


s.h.i.+oya isn"t able to endure the pain of being stared at so coldly by his father-in-law so he looks down all the time. It is the rust that came out of this, but if he doesn"t handle it, his position will be at risk. The current position of managing director is also a position he got as the son-in-law of the president. If s.h.i.+oya gets divorced here, it will be clear from what will happen to him in the future.

“…Emm…Keiko…. I want to talk with Keiko…”

He has never asked for his will, but his father-in-law, the president, just kept silent for a while with a breath. The existence which was the ally when the married couple was harmonious is scarier than anyone if he becomes an enemy.

The time seems endless, and finally the heavy mouth opens and s.h.i.+oya can hear a low voice.

“My daughter doesn"t want to see you again, but I don"t care…. I will ask her…”
“Is, is that true! Thank you very much!!”
“It"s too early to thank me…. It"s not like my daughter"s feelings change when she meet you…”
“There is no such thing! I"m sure…it will always be the same!”

s.h.i.+oya who says so makes his eyes s.h.i.+ne. After meeting at the age of 14 years old, those two have been together ever since. s.h.i.+oya is proud that he understands Keiko more than anyone in this world. If he explains the situation, she will surely understand. The long years spent together will surely restore the relations.h.i.+p. From now on, there is no way to expect the h.e.l.l to wait ahead and a originally confident and optimistic s.h.i.+oya believed so firmly at this time.



“Ah…st, still…”

The wish of restraint is also unreasonable and a pulsating p.e.n.i.s is inside the womb. In order to feel the vibration more, She opens her crotch and pushes her waist as much as possible, but of course the desire to burn up with such stimulation cant be fulfilled. Anyway, her husband"s p.e.n.i.s is so thin and short that she can finally confirm its presence by tightening it desperately, because it only rubs near the entrance without reaching the deepest part where she feels the most.

(Ah…. Not at all …come inside…)

Her body is on fire and wants to be plunged into the back of the womb. It is frustrating not to get it when the cervix which came down is opening the mouth.

The body of her husband who ended on one side weighs heavily. The sweaty body odor shook her nose and the middle-aged man´s belly, which had become completely metabossic, stuck to her skin tightly with sweat. The weight, smell, and warmth that she used to feel good are now somehow felt spa.r.s.e.

“Very good…Reiko…”
“…I, I…dear…”

She replies with a lie to the sweet words which are heard in her ear. This has already been repeated on this bed again and again. She has sent innumerable small lies, but she never gets used to feeling guilty.

Her husband"s p.e.n.i.s loses its power and is pulled out. It is like a child compared to that man in thin rubber. While lying down side by side in the couple"s double bed, they stop and clean up. However, her unfilled ripe body exudes slapsticks and spears in antic.i.p.ation of the true invading. The big mouth of the petal is still open.

(Aaa…still…still, this is…)

Reiko wipes the genital area with a tissue and she is embarra.s.sed by her own body which has been completely developed now. Her mature body feels shallow as light from the short caress of her husband and the quick ejacuation. The secret meat that learned what great pleasure is from another man was aching constantly and kept its mouth wide open in search of a real p.e.n.i.s.

(Like this…aaa…I don"t like this…)

Her body, which has been accustomed to having s.e.x with that man, cant be satisfied with her husband"s small p.e.n.i.s anymore. She want to have something big plunge into the inside so that it opens it painfully and plunges into the innermost point. Reiko want that her stiff and sensitive mucous membrane is squeezed over and over again. And at last, she ignores her own fear of becoming pregnant and having sperm poured into her womb.

However, Reiko cant ask for such a thing from her husband and it is impossible because of her husband"s p.e.n.i.s. It was a physical difference of hopelessness that would never be buried in things such as love or the bond of a couple.

“Huaa…. Then, I"m going to sleep…. Good night…”
“Good night…”

Her husband who is satisfied with releasing his desires begins to sleep in an instant besides Reiko who is in agony when she says good night. However, Reiko who put on a negligee and closed her eyes, isn"t able to sleep. The body which was thrown out halfway is burning.

As she has been left alone for two weeks by Kenichi, her desire has swelled to an unbearable level inside her mature body. It isn"t satisfied at all with the s.e.x with her husband, and it is a result which in turn invites the consolation.

(Sorry…aa…getting this inside…)

The pain that doesn"t end even after a while. Reiko put her hand in her pajamas with her back to her husband.


Lightly rubbing from the top of her panty, amazing pleasure is felt and her voice is leaking. However, the fingers which moved out don"t stop. Faithfully to her own desires, she squeeze the sensitive parts with her fingers.


Why did it become such a body? Her body that has matured over 40 has been developed by that man and has become completely different. It"s completely different from one year ago, and it"s a pleasure that would let her soul fall. No, she has already fallen. She hides from her husband´s eyes and opens her body in a shameless appearance he doesn"t know and mourns with a face and voice he also doesn"t know about.

(Aaaa…like this…like this is not good…)

What revives in Reiko´s mind is the huge p.e.n.i.s that let her feel the best pleasure of this world. A devil"s weapon that causes all women"s dignity, pride, and perseverance to fall, to be subordinated, and to obey. A thick, hard and large meat pillar. At least two thin fingers are aligned and put in the h.o.r.n.y hole, that is like a starving sea anemone, but it is far from that sense of fulfillment of that destructive weapon.

(Ah…I…I want to…I want to be f.u.c.ked…)

Reiko put her fingers in and out and seeks more stimulation. The sense of unbearable hunger now extends to the back gate, which is aching with the rhythm of the heart. Putting her tongue in her mouth she imagines that she licks an imaginary p.e.n.i.s. Next she slides her other hand into the pajamas, squeeze the hard erected nipples with her fingers while sucking on her breast.


A sharp stimulation runs through and a voice leaks from her half-opened lips. The more she understands it herself, the more she gets wet with l.u.s.t. If Reiko looks at her face in the mirror, she will be despaired of that much indecentness.

(I want to f.u.c.k…I want to have s.e.x…. I want to be f.u.c.ked by that person…)

As she moves her fingers, she remembers that man. That man who calls herself in a whimsical manner without thinking about anything violates her body as he desires. An shameless villain who is a devil-king type Incubus who is the enemy of humanity and prey on women. Reiko can never go against that man who is even her enemy.

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