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Chapter 209: 209

Publishedat 1st of October 2019 12:20:04 PMChapter 209: 209

>main hallway

C6:-ow you do s.h.i.t under pressure . You"re getting the timing, but you need to be much better if we have to go against the f.u.c.king level .

C2: you don"t think they"re actually that good right . . . ?

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C6: . . . I hope not . But those who became As were there for a reason . What do you think A stands for?

[C2 sharply inhales]




C2: C-C6-

C6: [whispering] Don"t . Move . A . Muscle .

[both begin to whisper]

C2: What do we do?

C6: We can"t let it know we"re here .

C2: Affirmative

[distantly more wet footsteps]

C6: We need to close the door .

C2: How . . . ?

[C6 gulps]

C2: [whispered yell] C6!

[feint footsteps]

[heavy breathing]

[Door slowly creaks close]

[heavy panting]

C6: [normally] Get C3 . We need to barricade the door

C2: affirmative

[hurried footsteps as C6 pants]

C6: [quietly] f.u.c.k . . . d.a.m.n it C5 you-[inaudible]-You f.u.c.king idio-[inaudible]

C2: [distantly] they are not priority now come on .

[hurried footsteps]

C3: holy s.h.i.t that"s so much sludge!

C6: You useless f.u.c.k, go get something to barricade this d.a.m.n door!

C3: alright fine!

[hurried footsteps as door opens]

[several grunts and curses as sounds of moving furniture]

>recording max @@

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