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Chapter 225

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Chapter 225

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>location A1 wasteroom

A1: you stay here while I contact the main apartment .

[door slams closed]


C3: [hushed] what . . . . what are we going to do .

C2: [Hushed] This wasn"t in the plan . . .

C3: no s.h.i.t it wasn"t in the plan! I didn"t think that the level got this bad!

C2: They don"t need to report things to the lower levels so . . . It was a possibility . . .

C3: well then what are we going to do! Do you think he"s infected?

C2: . . . I don"t think there is a chance that he /isn"t/ .

C3: well what do we do! We"re stuck in a f.u.c.king wasteroom-he f.u.c.king killed B-

C6: shut up!

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C3: s . . . sorry 6 . But you get where i"m coming from . . . And he said that he"s gonna go contact the main apartment now . What will happen to us? What"s going to happen? Are we . . . We going to be killed? Oh f.u.c.k what if the apartment comes? s.h.i.t s.h.i.t what if the admi-

C2: C3 get a hold of yourself .

[heavy breathing as C2 sighs]

C2: I . . . I don"t know . I don"t know what"ll happen to us-there is no protocol to go with this . But all i know is that i need to convince A1 or whoever is out there to let us leave . For the sake of us and our data surviving . We need to get out of here .

C4: 3 . . . 3? There"s red . . .

C3: Hm . . ? s.h.i.t . . . where did this blood?

C6: Give me your f.u.c.king-

[more shuffling]

[sounds of fabric ripping]


C3: thanks 6 . . . Are . Are you okay?


C2: C6?

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[no response]

[door opens]

A1: you get in here .

C2: A1 I-

[sound of gun c.o.c.king]

A1: NOW .

C3: A1 stop this you f.u.c.kin-

A1: Don"t make me dispose of you right here . Right Now . Now move .

C2: [gulps] Affirmative .
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C3: C2-

[door closes]

C3: f.u.c.k . . . f.u.c.k f.u.c.k s.h.i.t f.u.c.k! s.h.i.t FUC-

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C6: Shut the f.u.c.k up!

C3: Why aren"t you doing anything C6? HUH?! f.u.c.k what if 2 gets hurt . What if he keeps brining us out one by one to kill us? Why aren"t you doing any-f.u.c.king-thing 6 . We could die!

C6: what does it matter anymore 3! We lost! We f.u.c.king lost . We got B1 killed and now we don"t have anyone to activate the f.u.c.king doors . D1 is probably dead by now so why does it matter!

C3: Cause we"re still alive! We"re on the top level, we can figure something out surely . f.u.c.k-s.h.i.t [groans] we-we need to get C2 and -f.u.c.k i don"t know!

C6: . . . He can kill me for all i care . There"s nothing left for me anymore . .

C3: So you"re just gonna give-the f.u.c.k-up? If this is about B1 then i swear 6, You will not hear the end of this . Who cares about B1-

C6: I DO!

[loud banging]




[light sobbing]

C6: i do . . . I f.u.c.king cared . I knew him for-f.u.c.k before the apartment . He was-I was . . . And now he"s just f.u.c.king gone! GONE! And all because i was too sloppy with my footsteps . Too-too-[sobs]

C6: he was all i had left and now . . . Poof . Gone .

C3: C6 . . . I know that you"re hurting . But we can"t just lay down and let this take us .

C6: why not . . . ?

C3: because who"ll be left to tell people about his memory? if you die then surely he will die as well . His own existence gone . As will ours .


C3: I don"t know how . . . I don"t know how we"re gonna do this . But . . . C2"s right . We"ve got to get out of here . Please 6 . . . Help us . out .

C6: what"s the point if we"re just going to die . . .

C3: so that"s it . you"re over and done with . You"re jsut gonna lay there and take it?


C6: . . . there"s nothing else we can do . . .

>recording max

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