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Chapter 227

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Chapter 227

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A level hallway

[sounds of grunting and thudding]

[C3 growls]

C3: give a guy some warning would you?


[loud slap]


A1: shut up .

C3: alright I got it f.u.c.k!

[something else hits the floor, but lands in something sticky . ]

C6: [quietly] of course i have to be in this f.u.c.king s.h.i.t . f.u.c.k . f.u.c.k .


[footsteps being m.u.f.fled by somethng sticky]

C2: That"s enough A1! We get it . Tell us your orders .

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[loud exhale]

A1: each of you, hands behind your heads . Right Now .


A1: Now, by order of the Main Apartment, I will dispose of each of you for defying the rules and foundation [sniffs] we promised to follow . By refusing to follow the rules, you have become a threat to this apartment and thus must be disposed of clear-clearly .

[loud breathing]

A1: As the main Admin of this apartment block, it is my duty to ensure the safety of those who live here .

C2: A1-

A1: Shut up . Where was i . . . ? Right, I"ve stated your case . Now you are to plea guilty and take your punishment as I see fit . Any last words?


A1: well . . . [sounds of disposer setting up]
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C2: f-f.u.c.k wait A1!

A1: what is it heretic?

C2: [gulps dryly] May . . . I wish to excersice my right to speak my final will . If you please, A1 .

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A1: you have 5 minutes .

C3: [whispering] what are you doing?!

C2: [whispering back] Let me do this .

C3: you"re f.u.c.king crazy! You"re actually doing this?!

C2: I know what I"m doing jus-

A1: tick . Tock .

C2: [clears throat before talking normally] I-I"m sorry A1 . uh . . .

C2: In my years of living in the main apartment, I have sworn to be loyal to the Admins and as such have worked hard to complete the trials and get my position as is .

[sounds of something walking in muck]



C2: And-and as such, I have sworn to work with the other 1s and 2s to ensure the safety of those in this building block . Which is why we, C2, B1, and D1 has all agreed on freeing the inhabitants left in this apartment to further our survival rate .

[walking stops]

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A1: . . . w . . . what?

C2: A1, there is no chance for this apartment to survie any longer if we continue to live . In . Here . The ammount of infection, the contamination, the mold is everywhere A1 . And if we were to stay here, our residents will cease to exist . /we/ will cease to exist .

[Growling as something stumbles about]

A1: . . . no . . . no . . . no . . .

C2: A1 look around! Look at your level! Look at the amount of mold!

A1: shut up!

C2: Tell me that this is what it looks like to accomplish our tasks, to accomplish our missions .

A1: i-it"s not that bad! I-I I was trying to [grows more quiet] fix it . um I just kept, sorry I kept forgeting things and it"s getting harder to clean .

C2: that"s not it A1 .

A1: yes, yes it is uh I just [grows to a whimper] I haven"t failed yet . I couldn"t have failed . I can"t fail .

C2: But you will if you refuse our proposal to leave .

A1: what . [growling as something stomps through the mold] Say that again!

A1: [more distorted] y o u can"t possi bly KNow what It"s lIke! YOu"re just a af.u.c.kIng B! A B!

C2: Does it matter when more than half of this building block expired? A1, please! We are all that are left . If you kill us, I will a.s.sure you that you have throughly fail your mission . And the Main Apartment will never respond back to this building . In fact . . . They already did didn"t they?

A1: n-No! SHut up!

C2: That"s why you had to shut down our computers . You weren;t able to use your own because there was too much detection of infection . You forced us to not use our computers so that we won"t find out how bad the apartment got . You fought relentlessly against C6"s server because you refused to let people see you fail!

C3: . . . C2 wait stop-

A1: [Disposer gets set up again . ] Don"t you say another word!

C2: You did all you can to make sure no one saw how the mighty A level fell . How they allowed the mold to get in . And the reason you did all this is to make sure the Main apartment never saw your mistake . But they did didn"t they? They found out what you did . And do you wanna know what they did?


C6: They . Blocked . Your . Access . To . The . Server .

C3: Wait no! C2!

C2: wait hol-



[loud screaming]


C3: NOO!

>recording max

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