Input Log Dates

Chapter 135

Location: Main hallway

[grunting and various sounds of scrubbing]

B5: W-will this really help out?

B4: well it has to. We don"t have much choice.

B5: [throws something squishy as they begin to sob] oh what"s the point! We"re going to end up gettin infected anyway!

B4: Shut up 5. There"s no point in hysterics.

B5: And when is it 4? HUH?! When there"s 3 of us left? 2? 1?!

B4: [stomps] f.u.c.k off 5!

B5: Make me 4! Do it you wo-

[door opens]

B1: what the f.u.c.k is going on here?

B2: you guys...

B5: It"s nothi-

B4: I was jus-

B1: Cut the c.r.a.p. This isn"t the time to be at each others throats you hear me? Now tell me clearly why I almost caught you two disposing each other.


B1: well?

B4: 5 is saying there"s no point to all of this and we"ll just end up expiring.

B5: 4 you f.u.c.king a.s.s hole!

B4: You expect me to cover your a.s.s after trying to pick a fight with me? You"re not 3! So f.u.c.k off with that.

B1: B4 stop right now.

B4: but 1-

B1: no. Nothing out of the two of you.

[silence as heavy steps are heard pacing about]

B1: we are currently under a major breach. This is not the actions I thought those who completed the trials will have in accordance to this. If you two can"t fix your f.u.c.king att.i.tudes I will ask you both to disengage immediately and return to your rooms until you can both be of use.

B2: Our objective is to ensure our safety. We quite literally don"t have time for this.


B4: I"m sorry for my actions 1.

B1: and you 5?

B5:...I"m just scared that"s all...

B1: [sighs] we all are. There is nothing in this world that could"ve trained us for this. But let"s focus on getting past all of "this" okay?

B4: better to die fighting than to die giving up.

B5: [sighs before whimpering] I think I need a break...

B1: 5, do what you need to do. Come back when you"re ready. We"ll be here.

B5: [whimpers in acknowledgement]

[footsteps are heard]

B1: Actually wait before you go.

B5: ...yes?

B1: this is for everyone. As of right now, computers are down. I"m taking it upon myself to give everyone permission to use the recorders in your rooms.

B5: [sniffling] that"s what those are for...?

B4: huh? what are they talking about?

B2: You knew about the recorders?

B5: mmhm... It"s included in my inventory list.

B1: that"s besides the point. Like I was saying, there should be a recorder in your safes. I will be giving you all access to them once I write my logdate tonight. Use them for your own logdates. They aren"t connected to the servers so if we loose power again, we should be okay. Got it?

B5: okay 1...

B2: roger that, again.

B4: affirmative.

B1: 5 you"re free to go. We"ll continue here.

B5: okay...


[door opens]

[door closes]

B1: [sighs]... is the solution working? Is it doing anything to the contamination spots?

B4: truth or?

B1: I always want the truth from you 4.

B4: ... I don"t think so.

B2: s.h.i.t really?

B4: could be the ratio of the two components. I doubt the Admins expected us to be using these against full contaminated areas. But... it looks like it"s stopped the process of growth. Somewhat.

B2: [sighs] at least that"s some good news right?

B1: [grumbling] but not enough... f.u.c.k.

B2: B1 go write the logdate. We"ll continue here.

B1: what? I ain"t going to leave you two to just-

B4: no offense chief, but it appears you"re also in no state to do this.

B1: ...[sighs] Why must you two always know what to do.

B4: cause someone"s gotta stop our 1 from doing stupid s.h.i.t.

B1: hey! I just wanted to hel-

B2: Don"t 1. This is 4 we"re talking about. They can easily beat you in a fight against your impulsive self. You sure you want to do this?

B1: [sputters before groaning] alright alright I give.
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B2: [giggles] good. Now off you go okay?

B4: take care chief.


B1: i"ll be back once i"m done. Mark my words.

B2: sureee 1 [laughs]

B1: [chuckles] thanks for keeping the mood light. Be back soon.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[sounds of scrubbing continues]

>recording ends.

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