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Chapter 253: 253

Publishedat 18th of March 2020 11:10:05 AM
Chapter 253: 253

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>Location: B5 storage .

B5: [sighs] That"s not much left . . . uh, um .

[more stammering]

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B5: I should, I should probably say something . Or introduce myself? I dunno, I don"t remember if we had any uh, "training" with these sorts of things . I guess, out of everyone, /I/ should"ve been the one most fluent with the equipment . After all, a 5 is meant to know each and every object on our inventory list . But . . .

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B5: I find that I can"t even remember that . [sighs]

[claps hands]

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B5: well, well! Besides that . Uh, hi! I"m B5, 5 if you want . [quietly] if you want? I"m not talking to nother resident here, come on 5 pull it together . [normally] sorry but uh, I"m B5 . Inventory of the B level group of Building Block O . As of currently it is . . .

[quietly counts]

B5: [quietly] That"s it . . . ? just 5 rations left of the . . . ?


B5: I should probably explain . uh . . .

[clears throat]

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B5: I went to go check how much of the old rations we"ve got left in stock . I hate to say it but it"s grim . Seems like everyone doesn"t trust the new s.h.i.t, myself included . So here i am . I haven"t even /checked/ what could be in the long term back up ration . . . thingy we were given . Those ones are supposed to last us in the event that the Main apartment can"t send us, uh, can"t send anymore supply .

B5: [chuckles] who knows if those are any better?


>recording ends

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