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Chapter 257: 257

Publishedat 6th of April 2020 01:40:04 AM
Chapter 257: 257

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>location: b1 room

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[foot tapping]

B1: [under breath] s.h.i.t . . . f.u.c.k . .

[chair moves]

[multiple footsteps as they pace around the room]

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[someone knocks on door]


B2: [m.u.f.fled] 1? It"s me, i just came by with some rations .


[footsteps as the door opens]

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B2: you . . . Look like s.h.i.t .

B1: It"s not even been a second and you"re already insulting me .

[the door closes as multiple footsteps is heard]

[shuffling and rummaging is followed as the bed creaks]

B2: I"m only saying whatever is true .

[B1 grumbles]

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B1: S"not my fault that this s.h.i.t is happening .

[quiets down as B1 sighs]

B1: 2 . . . if we-[gulps]-What do you think we should do? If we have . . . if we can"t stay here anymore? I don"t know if 5 is getting to me but i think i"m just, with the mold and the contamination and-

B2: I don"t know 1 . [takes a deep breath] There"s not much we can do right now, we don"t know how things will turn out . It isn"t like last time, we were fine last breach but that feels like a breeze compared to what we"re going through . [Gulps] We"ve never had something on this scale happening .

B2: [sighs before snorting] At least we aren"t bored in our rooms anymore . . .

[light smacking sound as B2 yelps . ]

B1: bad joke 2 .

B2: [giggles] sorry chief . But listen, best we can do is just hold down fort and weather the storm out . Keep an ear out right?


B1: I hope you"re right 2 . . .

>recording ends

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