Input Log Dates

Chapter 271: 271

Publishedat 13th of May 2020 11:15:04 AM
Chapter 271: 271
Location: Main hallway

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[door opens]

B1: [under their breath]well that"s that . . .

[sounds of surprise]

B5: 1!

B1: huh?


B5: so what did they say huh?

B1: 5-5 hey hold on-

B5: come on come on! What did the other 1s say? What about the A level? Did they say how long until the server is fixed? I bet they told you what to do right? About the hole and the infection and t-the mold right? um, yeah say I was just ssaying to uh, 4 about ho-

B1: That"s Enough 5 .



[long sigh as someone else clicks their tongue]

B4: . . . no response huh?

B5: how would you know that?

B4: he wouldn"t be as pale if not .


B5: . . . 1? Tell me they heard us right?


B1: I"m . . . I"m working on it alright? Just . . .

[several grunts and groans]

B1: The others got stuff they"re dealing with right now, especially C1 . Top priority is, uh . . . to control the infection and mold rates right now . [gulps] I"m sure after a few days-


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B1: [increasingly gets more panicked] -the whole thing will blow over! 5, where are you going .

B5: [lowly] back to my room . . .

B1: wha, what? Why? Hold on-


B1: -Hey wait for a second!

B5: WHAT 1?! Huh? You said all that I need . We"re f.u.c.ked . We are going to die in this rotten f.u.c.king hole . And if you are all too blind to see just how f.u.c.kED-

B4: oh p.i.s.s off 5 . Stop with the theatrics

B5: No you f.u.c.k off 4 . I"m sick and tired of your high and mighty att.i.tude .

[door opens]

B2: what"s going . . .

B5: 2! 2, you know what 1 saw right? Don"t- [sounds of scrambling and several exclaims]-Y"know about the chat, don"t you f.u.c.king dare deny me that it doesn"t exist . You know what the 1s are talking about-

B2: B5 get off-

[loud slam and a cry]

B5: f.u.c.k yoU! TELL ME-

B1: Get the f.u.c.k off them 5!

[more sounds of struggle and punching]

B1: Now stand . DOWN .

[more fighting as the others protest]

B4: We have to stop! Nothing will come from fighting each other .

B2: 4 is right, come on!

[fighting before eventually the two are pulled away]

[more scrawble]

B5: Tell me B2-TELL ME . [loud bang] TELL ME WHAT THE 1S SAID . DO IT .

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B2: I-I don"t know!

[silence aside for panting]

B2: i . . . I don"t know . . .

B5: What?!

B2: I don"t know either okay?! I don"t have any, any power like that-2s do not see those kinds of things 5!

B5: Then you"re f.u.c.king worthless

[gasps of exclaim]

B1: that"s too far 5 .

B5: no . It"s . NOT . They"re as worthless and useless as me! NEither of us has a job here right? We"re just more cannon fodder for you f.u.c.king 1s!

B1: That"s not true!

B5: oh yeah? Then tell me what the others 1s said huh? Tell me your guys" stupid plan for us . How will you get us out of this?

B2: 5 you"re not being fair! You can"t bank on 1 to f ix, to fix a ll o f this stuf-

B5: Is that /not/ the role of a 1 in the first place?!


B1: [gulps] 5 . . . 5 I-

B5: 4!

B4: h-huh?

B5: Tell me that you believe all this . That we"ll be fine and that we should just blindly trust in the f.u.c.king 1 to keep us safe . That we"d actually /be/ okay and not infected!

B4: i-i

B5: Please 4 . You"re the only one after everyone here who isn"t afraid to say the truth . Do you think . . . [deep breath] do you think we"d actually survive this?


B2: oh 4 . . .

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B5: well?


B4: I don"t . I think our chances are . . . low . At best . With the D level gone, and I"m sure it"s gone, it"s only a matter of how long will rations last us .

B5: and what about the mold? Hm? Will we even survive to expire out of hunger?

B2: 4, please . . . don-

B4: we won"t .


B5: [takes a deep breath] Well, [chuckles] there you have it .

[Begins to clap as they continue to speak]

B5: There . You . f.u.c.king . Have . It . That"s the end of us! It"s the end of this building block . We are now stuck to die in a stupid concrete box and we"re just wasting whatever energy we have trying to prevent our inevitable expiration!

[lets out a loud laugh as they begin to walk somewhere]

[laugh continues before quieting down]

[crying can be heard]

B1: There . . . There is a plan .

B5: Oh yeah? Like it f.u.c.king matters huh .

B1: There is a plan! There is!


B1: [gulps] Everyone, get your things packed .

[various sounds of exclaim]

B5: what the f.u.c.k are you talking bout?!

B4: no . . . Wait no you aren"t thinking about-[they start laughing pitifully as something thuds against the walls]-I mean i thought of the possibility . But did all the 1s actually agree on it? Getting us the f.u.c.k out of here?

B2: [softly gasps] But B1, if the main apartment finds out-

B1: I know! [gulps with heavy breathing] I . . . I know . But C1 is right, it isn"t much else we can do . 4 is right if we stay here we expire either way . Be it by the mold or starvation or whatever . We need to get everything prepared and set up for when we have to use the elevators .

B1: B2? I need you to come with me, i need to train you on the computers .

B2: what? Why me?

B1: Cause you"re a 2 and we need to make sure we"re prepared for all possibilities .

B5: What about C1? WHat about the C level? What about A1?!

B1: All that you"re concerned with is getting this level, the B level, prepped and ready to go .

B4: . . . we"re the only one leaving huh?

B1: . . . sometimes i wish it was easier to hide things from you . Regardless, you all know your orders . While I and 2 deal with the computers, you and 5 get things ready for the move . Anything you think we might need . I don"t know how long this place is from the main apartment but pack enough to last us a few cycles .

B2: . . . Will this work?

B1: we have to hope it does . I know i"m asking a lot from you . But please, trust in me as a 1 to get you all out of here . Mark my words, i will make sure you all meet a good fate . Please .


[very quietly you can hear distant banging]

B4: There"s nothing else we could do . I"m with your chief .

B2: [gulps] as scared as I am . I trust you 1 .

B1: And 5?


B5:[shuffling] . . . you promise we"ll all get out of here?

B1: yes . with as much power as i have left, i will get you guys to somewhere better .

B5: [shakey breath] Fine . There"s not much choice anyway .

B1: good . now first, i need all of you to give me reports on what happened while the lights were out . I don"t care if it"s recordings or you tell me in person later . But I will need to make a log date on this okay?

[various sounds of agreement]

B1: alright, this . . . We got this . Now reconvene in 5 hours . There"s lots of work to get done .

u003erecording ends .

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