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Chapter 109

Publishedat 29th of December 2018 08:38:32 AMChapter 109

This is A2

If you are reading this, then that means i have expired .

our building has been contaminated by the M virus .

Starting from the lowest level up, black mold has grew and infected everyone .

This led to the expiration of almost everyone in this building .

and it is entirely my fault .

I do not know who got infected first, or really how, but it doesn"t matter now .

what matter"s now is preventing A1, the suspected host virus, from reaching this server .

They want to reach the main apartment . They"re convinced that they sent us here to die . They want revenge .

I do not know what A1 is capable of doing . So i hope, that whoever find this will warn the others of A1 . And i hope that this will help aid the other buildings if they find themsleves in the same situation . Hopefully, you will be able to save everyone before they expire .

And as such, I will do my best to prevent this . The time is currently 22:56, in a few moments i will open my door and attempt to dispose of A1 . No, that person isn"t A1 . . . A1 died a long time ago . Whatever is out there, that [Unknown] Ent.i.ty, is something not of this building .

if anything happens to me, i queued the server to block all members of this buliding from accessing the server . My computer included . I hope that it will prevent A1 from escaping .

This has been A2 from Building Block 12 .

Good bye

Thanks for nothing

A2 @@
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