Input Log Dates

Chapter 187

Publishedat 23rd of July 2019 11:50:07 AMChapter 187

>location C6 waste room

[sounds of running water]

[water being splashed]

C6: urgh . . . man . . . .

[sigh before the water is shut off]

C6: i think i"ve stabilized my s.h.i.t . The code is just about perfected . . . i just need a few more minutes to . . . [intellegible due to quietness]

[more muttering]

[typing on keyboard]


C6: what?

[Ding . Ding . Ding . Ding . Ding . ]

C6: geez okay-what the f.u.c.k is going on?

[silence aside from the dinging]

C6: [quietly] "did you get them yet . . . ?" . . . hrrm . . . " . . . isn"t responding anymore" . . . ?


C6: I . . . . Did i . . . whose chat log is this . . . ?


[numerous dings]

C6: . . . B level . . . ?


[Distant thuds]

C6: again . . . ?

>Recording stopped @@

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