Input Log Dates

Chapter 195: 195

Publishedat 13th of August 2019 11:35:05 AMChapter 195: 195

Location: main hallway


C6: They"re all bandaged up and s.h.i.t .

[shuffling before a thud as C4 is thrown to the ground .


C3: Wait C6!

C6: What .

C3: let"s just-f.u.c.k i don"t know! Let"s all stay together or something! I think we"re all going crazy by not speaking to someone so lets-

C6: no thanks . Unlike you, I can handle not having to snoop on everyone .

C2: this is no time to be making comments like that C6!

C6: And who are you to tell me what to do huh?!

[C6 begins to yell]

C6: you"re not even C1! And don"t act all high and mighty just because your a "2" . We all know how that came to be-

C3: enough!


C3: guys! being at each others throats won"t solve any of this!

C6: then what do you suggest?
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C3: we try to get our computers to work, we try to contact A1, ask them what"s going on . And hopefully, everything will go back to normal .


C6: whatever . . .


[door opens]

[door closes]

[C3 sighs as they tap their foot . ]

C3: [chuckles] at least . . . i could say I tried . . .

[C2 pats C3 on the shoulder]

C2: go get some rest . . . thanks for the help . . .

[foot steps, then C2 goes back to their room]


[C4 eventually shuffles back to their room]

[C3 walks back to their room]

>recording ends @@

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