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Chapter 197: 197

Publishedat 20th of August 2019 11:45:04 AMChapter 197: 197

>location: waste roo m


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[loud groan]

[something is thrown at the wall]

C3: am i even making the right choice anymore . . . ?


C3: [sniff] i just . . . i don"t know . I don"t know what i"m accomplishing . Maybe . . . [sniffs] maybe C6 is right? Maybe I"m just that . . . a hypocrite?

C3: but what"s that worth anymore? Was it ever worth anything? Would it? But can you blame me . . . ? I have to be cautious-geez i have to! For what is a "3" that"s not cautious? As a disposer, who am i to not be cautious!

[loud thud as something is thrown against the wall again]

C3: i can"t let my guard down . . . But then again . . .

[pants as the bed squeeks as they sit down . ]

C3: they . . . [gulps] they aren"t even cla.s.sified as a threat . C1-er . . . i guess C2 haven"t . .

[sighs as they scratch their head]

C3: it has to be C2 controling the C-server at this point . The chances that C1 still is in control is so low . They have to be expired by now . Why else haven"t they come out of their room after all the-[loud banging and thudding]-s.h.i.t that we through!

[various thuds as things fall down]

[panting before a sigh]


C3: i just . . .

[foot steps]


C3: gotta set my head straight . . . what"s our options . . . ?

[squeaking as something thuds onto the table]

[pen clicking]

[various writing and muttering sounds]

>recording max @@

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