Input Log Dates

Chapter 188

u003elocation: B1 room

[quiet breathing]

[loud exhale]

[the words "what can I do" are quietly repeated]

[another loud exhale]

B1: [quietly] come on 1, you gotta keep it together. For 4, for 2, for everyone I-[m.u.f.fled whimper]

[B1 continues to pace around, muttering underneath their breath. In the distance, the sound of running water is heard]

[knock knock knock]

B2: [m.u.f.fled] B1?

B1: [to himself] s.h.i.t 2, uh- [louder] give me a sec!

[door opens as the sound of is heard with it]

[a soft gasp imminent from B2]

B2: wha... 1, what"s going-are you okay?

B1: [alarmed] huh? I-I"m fine! I"m okay! ha ha, why do you-no I"m fine 2. See!

[footsteps are heard more things are kicked out of the way, B2 making their way into the room]

B2: what did you do to yourself...? What"s going up with your-Did you suffer a breakdown?

[B1 is speechless as they sputter]

B1: N-No! NO! I"m [struggled breath] I"m... okay. I should be asking you that. What"s up with you lately? I...

[B1 gulps as B2 continues to move about in the room. More objects being shoved aside, presumably to make more room]

B1: Where... Where were you? What happened to you?

B1: Did you not hear the s.h.i.t storm that"s been happening?!

B2: I-I"m sorry chief I-

B1: No! You don"t get to be sorry. I needed you here-I needed you. I just [sharp intake of air]-just f.u.c.king go, uh-[snaps repetively]-get the f.u.c.king meds. You"re on packing duty.

[B2 lets out various adlibs as a struggle is heard. B1 begins to drag B2 across the room.]

B2: please list-listen to my chief, what"s going on?

B1: No, I don"t have time for this. YOu f.u.c.king pick up your weight now 2. I don"t care what"s going on with you.

B2: [lets out a small cry] you don"t mean that...

B1: right now, I do. Do you know how much I f.u.c.king suffered? Do you think I wanted to do this? f.u.c.king watch everyone die or go in-f.u.c.king-SANE?! DO you know how tORturous it is to deal with all this c.r.a.p and /not/ have the person who made you take the position be there? What happened to "we"re a team, I"ll be the 2 to your 1"? [their volume starts to increase] What happened to that 2! You"ve left me to do this s.h.i.t alone, might as well continue on with that right?

B2: I"m s-sorry, I"m sorry! I"ve just been... so tired lately I-[sobs] I don"t know anymore. It"s no excuse but I"ve just been so tired and hungry and and...[devolves into sobs] but please, please 1.

[B2 cries more]

B2: please... Please look at me. Come on 1, we"re still a team. I"ll carry the load with you. You"re not alone anymore, please please look at me.

B1: I can...I can"t deal with you anymore 2. Please, just go get things ready. I need to go back to work.

[silence befalls the room before a strained groan is heard from the waste room]

[distantly more groaning and sounds of pain comes out from the room]

B1: [quietly] ...we"re continuing this later.

[a brief moment of silence is heard before frantic footsteps as both residents run into the room]

B4: [in a weak tone] W..what"s going on? why do I h-hurt? [their voice becomes croaky] w-water, please...

B1: sure 4, pa.s.s me the bucket will ya?

B2: on it.

[the sounds of water splashing is heard before B4 starts to gulp frantically.]

[the silence takes over once more as they continue to tend to B4]

[B1 and B2 exchange words of comfort and rea.s.surance]

B1: there you go kid, there you go. Think you can stomach things for a bit longer?

B4: mm, yeah I think so... I-what even happened?

B1: You"ve made a wicked storm all over the wall next to B5"s room. Wouldn"t stop making a mess of yourself. I had to use meds on you to get you to stop.

B2: Wwait that happened?

[distantly, the computer dings a bit]

B1: [spits out his next words] Yes, that"s what f.u.c.king happened. [clears throat before returning back to pa.s.sive tone] 4, what happened? What"d you see? Why"d you go... all t.i.ts up and all that?

B4: [sputters a bit before responding quietly] ...g..give me a second. I"m woozy.

B1: no no, that"s fine. Just chill out okay? [lets out a long sigh before slumping onto the ground] Let"s just... breathe for a bit.

B2: [complies and sits on the ground as well.]

B2: Do you want anything to eat?

B4: [near screaming volume] NO!

[B1 and B2 quickly become quiet as B4 starts to hyperventilate.]

B4: no, f.u.c.k no... [they gulp a big breath before calming down.] You can"t, you can"t eat anymore.

[B1 and 2 lets out sounds of concern as B4 gulps, seemingly trying to clear their mind. Shuffling is heard as B4 stands up, the other two residents protesting in turn]

B4: get the f.u.c.k o-off me, I"m fine!

B2: you"re clearly not, what do you mean we "can"t eat anymore"?

B4: It"s the new rations. They"re-they"re bad. We /can"t/ eat them. Even if we"re starving we can"t.

B1: what are you going on about?

B4: move it.

[B4 stomps away from the wasteroom and across towards the storage room]

[B1 and B2 consistently question their motives as B4 rifled through boxes. Haphazardly knocking into ration jars as they mutter beneath their breath.]

B4: I, I notice something bad. At 5s? THey, their storage room. Remember how it looked? The psycho knocked all the rations on the floor-h.e.l.l you can"t even see the floor when you walked in. [they begin to hyperventilate the more they talked] We need to get rid of them. We /have/ to get rid of them.

B1: take it easy 4! Please!

B4: I don"t want to take the chance 1, not now. Not anymore. 5"s storage room, those rations, I couldn"t tell them apart from the mold. They all just... mixed together.

B2: What"s the relevancy of this 4?

[B4 lets out a frustrated growl, stomping their foot once. It is presumed that they turned towards the other two residents]

B4: [quietly] ...I"m starting to think the mold came from the rations.

[immediately, the other two lets out yells of protest]

B1: that"s just speculation 4, we can"t jump to conclusions!

B2: I agree. The rations are what"s keeping us from an early expiration, I-I mean what if 5"s was just faulty? or how do you know that the mold came from the rations? It could"ve just mixed in from contamination or something!

B4: But what if it wasn"t! what if this is why the new rations are bad?!

B1: We can"t possibly know that 4. I"m sorry but we"re already running low on the old supply. Sooner or later, we"d need to tap into the new rations else we expire.

B4: what about biscuits?

B2: those aren"t enough to sustain us.

[the room falls silent as B4 lets out a cry of frustration]

B4: please 1... please, I have a hunch and you know that I"m never wrong about my hunches. [sobs] please, I"ve been ruminating on this for so long.

B1: [licks their lips as they hum in discontent] what say you then 4. What do we do?

B4: ...I, I don"t know. We gather the old stock, the old ration and well, uh ration off of that. Board up the storage rooms after until we desperately need more. I just, don"t want any of us to end up like 5. Whatever 5 did, whatever he /ate/, I don"t want that to happen. Not anymore, not when I could prevent it.

B1: ... What say you, 2?

B2: [sucks in a deep breath] I... I want to say no. BUt this is on you chief.

B4: 1, please.

[silence before 1 sigh]

B1: fine, fine! We"ll pack up the old supply and half intake for now. We can"t be wasting time now y"know? But I"m willing to play around with this, just in case 4 is right again.

B2: you wish chief.

B1: good. Now both of you take care of that, I need to check in with the elevator situation.

[B1 begins to walk away as B4 makes a sound of agreement. B2 calls after 1 and it is presumed that the footsteps leading to the hall were 4"s]

B2: We"ve got the elevators working?

[B1 grumbles as they sit in their chair.]

B1: not yet. I still need permission from C1.

B2: need permission...? Is C1 infect-

B1: yes. [takes in a deep breath] A lot has happened while you were MIA 2. I"m doing the best I can.

[B2 falls silent as B1 begins to type in the computer.]

B2: ...D1?

B1: yes and?

B2: I didn"t... I didn"t know D1 was able to talk-

B1: well they are. And they"re fine. As I said, you missed a lot.

B2: I said I was sorry already.

B1: Sorry doesn"t cut it B2! [takes a deep breath to calm down] As much as I value your input, I think it would be more productive for you to go and help 4. OR at the very least, tell me why the f.u.c.k you haven"t been here.

B2: . . .

B1: You weren"t here when B5 was disposed of, you weren"t here when B4 was going nutso, f.u.c.k you haven"t been here at all have you?

B2: I don"t know what"s going on with me anymore!

B1: Like I would know either.

B2: Oh shut up jacka.s.s, just [takes a deep breath] just listen to me okay?

B1: . . .

B2: good... good. okay, uh, f.u.c.k how do I...? f.u.c.k it.

B2: I"ve... been pa.s.sing out. And before you say anything, no it wasn"t because I was staying up. But I"ve been lapsing in my consciousness and... come to think about it... my memory?

B1:"re having a hard time remembering too...?

B2: er, yes. I, I"ve been gone because I literally can"t stay awake long enough until now. I"ve just remembered bits and pieces and sometimes I wake up to hear yelling... But the moment I try to leave, it"s like something pulls me away.

B2: [shaky breath as their voice starts to crack from crying] ...I don"t know what"s going on with me... [devolves into sobs] why can"t I stay awake? Is this a dream even?

B1: f.u.c.k, B2 come here.

[B1 hugs B2 as they continue to cry]

B1: You"re awake love. You"re fine. That"s it, big breaths.

[B1 sighs as B2 quiets down]

B2: I"m sorry you"ve been so alone... were you okay...?

B1: [sighs again] I... managed. B2, you focus on getting better. Help 4 out with getting set up. I just need to go confirm some things with the other 1s.

B2: o-oh... Okay, I"ll do my best. What are they saying?

B1: No word from A1, that abandoning b.a.s.t.a.r.d. But C1 has been getting the server ready to help move the elevator. I should be getting their permission for their server soon. And D1-er D4 actually-is helping out too.

B1: [sighs in relief] We"ll have to go grab them before we face the As.

B2: D...D4?

B2: Why does that sound familiar...?

[a sudden thump as B1 curses out, quickly grabbing 2 before their head hits the ground.]

B1: s.h.i.t, s.h.i.t love. Hey, stay with me here.

B2: [mumbled slurs] stomach hurts chief...

B1: I"ve got you 2. Just, just here-[numerous objects are thrown onto the ground while the bed creaks as B1 sets B2 onto the bed]-it"s alright, just take a deep breath.

[B2 becomes incoherent, becoming too weak to properly speak. The following words are a sum of what can be made out of her speech:


not again







B1: just... just chill out okay. You"ll be okay.

[B2 in consoled and quiets down. It is speculated that B2 begun to sleep as indicated by the soft breathing heard from the clip]

[the room false silence]

[the computer dings]

[footsteps are heard as B1 slips into their chair again.]

u003eRecording max

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