Input Log Dates

Chapter 210

Publishedat 31st of October 2019 12:00:14 PMChapter 210

>main hallway

C3: How the f.u.c.k is this happening?!

C6: just leave it be! We have to get s.h.i.t moving!

C4: Where . . Where are we going?

C3: f.u.c.k come here C4

[sounds of shuffling as C2 exits out of their room]

C2: It"ll start moving in t-minus 60 seconds .

C6: good . Everyone has what they need? C3, you have-

C3: The gun?

C2: Correction, that"s the disposer .

C6: Correction! It doesnt f.u.c.king matter anymore .
[Loud banging]

C6: s.h.i.t we got to get moving, that thing won"t stay in there . . .

C4: [quiet and winded] are we going on a trip . . . ?

C3: [grunts as they carry them] Y-yeah man . Hold on tight alright?

C2: 30 seconds left!

[Frantic banging . Numerous screams and yells of surprise . ]

C3: He was /not/ that strong whe I disposed of him!

C6: How much time left?

[Sounds of objects falling down and frantic typing]

C2: 15!

[unknown groaning]


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C3: s.h.i.t s.h.i.t!

C6: Give me the gun!

[sounds of shuffling]

C2: 10!

[Objects being kicked over as a low groan hangs in the air]

C2: 9!

[C3 and C6 argue as "schuckling" sounds are heard]

C2: 8!

C3: Give me THE GUN!

[Sounds of struggling and C4 crying]

C2: 7!

C6: NO! We still need to-

C2: 6!

C6: Conserve our resources!

C2: 5!

[molded roars before loud and fast steps are heard]

C2: 4!

C4: C . . . 5?

C2: 3!

C3: OH my f.u.c.k! OPEN IT FASTER!

C2: 2!

C2: Almost there . . .

[Loud bang as C2 screams]

C2: 1!

[Elevator opens]


[Loud shot rings in the air as C3 and C6 grunts . Sounds of struggling continues as shots echo]



[Door promptly closes as m.u.f.fled bangs are heard from the other side . Progressively getting quieter and quieter . Panting is heard from everyone in the room]

>recording ends

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