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Chapter 220

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Chapter 220

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>location: B3 room .

[distant muttering and the sound of chewing]

[this goes on for several minutes]

[sounds of rustling as C3 groans, presumably waking up]

C3: . . . C4?

[silence aside from mutters and chewing]

C3: C4? hey C4

C4: Huh?

[more sounds of ruslting]

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C3: hey kid, what"s wrong?


C3: oh geez man, you"ve gotta stop chewing on your nails! They"re to the nub . f.u.c.k, alright hold on, let me get some bandages and s.h.i.t .

[bed creaks as light padding is hear accompanied by rustling]


C4: . . . why are you caring?

C3: hm?

C4: . . . you . . . you want to dispose [quickly interuppted by C3 sushing them]

C3: please don"t remind me .


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C3: . . . [sighs] listen C4, I don"t know how much you"ll remember this . But just for the record . [silence before groans] f.u.c.k I don"t know . I just-seeing C5 in that state and seeing all the s.h.i.t you"ve been through and knowing how I couldn"t do my job effectively to prevent C5 f.u.c.king, um, you up just got me all f.u.c.ked up inside . And like, I just-I"m sorry C4 . Really I am, and I guess I"m hoping that-

C4: It"s okay .

C3: wait what?

C4: It"s okay . I understand .


C3: . . . you can be mad you know . . .

C4: Come here .

[bed creaks as sounds of crying can be heard]
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C3: this f.u.c.king sucks . . . Can"t do my job right and now we might need to face f.u.c.king the main apartment and i might get f.u.c.king- [ gets interrupted by C4 sushing them]

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[this continues for some time]

C4: hey C3 . . . ?

C3: yeah?

C4: I don"t like the banging .

C3: hm? You mean the rumbling? yeah, i guess it"s kinda off putting . I mean-

C4: N-No . . . Not like that .

C3: what?

[C4 sushes as they both sit in silence again]

[very feintly, they both hear distant banging against a wall]

C3: what . . . ?

C4: promise me that you"ll stop me?

C3: Hold on C4 what the f.u.c.k is-

C4: Promise me! I don"t . . . I don"t want to . . . Before the mold gets me . Promise me that you"ll stop me .


C3: i"ll do my best kid . . .

[from outside the room, a door slams loudly as different screaming is heard . ]

C3: What the f.u.c.k?!

[The sound of B2, B1, and C6"s voices are m.u.f.fled as both residents leaves to open the door]

>recording ends

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