Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter OneFresh Prey(Part 1)

Chapter OneFresh Prey(Part 1)


In that place, the constant sound of water dripping from the ceiling was no longer accompanied solely by howls of resentment from those who had died in the cave.

There was an area that was gloomy, impure, and had wound up distorting.

In that area, a slow, sensual sound—a woman’s voice—was echoing off the walls. A part of the ceiling collapsed in the interior of the cave where no light s.h.i.+ned, allowing a small shaft of light to beam down.

Inside this abandoned mithril mine, a monster had been born. Far inside, there laid a women.

It wasn’t that she was asleep. Her arms and legs feeble as though forgotten, she quivered in response to the stimulation at her hips. It didn’t appear as though this was intentional.

The only thing on her upper body was a black unders.h.i.+rt. Her lower half was completely exposed save for the boots on her feet. Those almond-shaped eyes that had once shown the woman’s willful nature were now clouded, not reflecting anything. Here brows drooped in defeat, in surrender, all that could be seen was hopelessness.

Violated by the slime—what she judged to be a black ooze, a monster—her mouth that had once spouted her rejection and unwillingness was now degraded into being nothing but an orifice for panting and conveying her pleasure.

By these past several days, her body that had been ravished to the point of fainting was exhausted, even her throat in pain from screaming.

Her prided b.r.e.a.s.t.s, at one time hidden behind her robe, were violently shaking out of her black unders.h.i.+rt. Her nipples that had grown to the size of tootsie rolls a while before were making their existences known.

Her torn robe and thick trousers were cast aside nearby, telling just how intense her a.s.sault was.

There was something that covered her lower half. It was a black slime, almost like a distortion.

Violating the female mage… Frederica, it was an existence that drove one’s mind into a corner.

“A-ah… ah! Ii… ehhh… iii!”

Her limbs were numbed by its paralytic poison so that she wouldn’t run away. However, that was very likely already unnecessary.

Three days had pa.s.sed since Frederica was brought into the cave, but the woman hadn’t showed any behavior as though she wanted to escape. Was it that she didn’t think it was possible to escape? Was her will simply broken? Or maybe she was waiting for a chance?

Although the black ooze didn’t understand it, that didn’t change what the black ooze would do.

It would rape this woman.

Up until now, monsters hadn’t thought for themselves. It could be said that monsters were imprinted with certain instincts, warped intents.

Charging into her v.a.g.i.n.a, banging against the entrance to her womb, it sometimes dominated the deepest reaches of the woman’s womb. Letting out a coquettish voice when the monster nudged against the top of her womb, her waist trembled as though to tickle her womb’s entrance. Her fluids overflowing, a healthy serving of muddied white juice leaked out after several minutes of being violated.

In these three days, Frederica’s spirit was driven to its final line of defense and her body had been changed into an obedient female sow.

Her mouth that used to beg for release now unknowingly taught the slime her weak points. She preferred her lips to be pulled on, to be gentle with her c.l.i.toris at first, before being forceful midway, to include her armpits as along with the other areas, to be a.n.a.lly penetrated both rapidly and shallowly.

If she kept being violated in this cave as is, in the end, she would even forget how to speak, being reduced to nothing but a beast that craves s.e.x.

“There—there, haaarder…”

Using just a tiny amount of strength that she had recovered from fainting, she shook her hips towards the monster that should have been detestable to her on her own volition. An adventurer that should kill monsters… begged a monster that should have killed her.

She wouldn’t be spared, nor would she be released… so she begged to be violated.

If someone who knew Frederica saw this, they might not believe their eyes. She was a beautiful woman, ever full of confidence in her ability.

That Frederica did not exist here.

This was a woman that parted her legs towards the monster, pleaded to be raped, and exposed her body that would turn men’s eyes with l.u.s.t unashamedly.

This was the Frederica that existed within the abandoned mind.

“Harder, harder… hardeeer—”

Her words didn’t feel strong at all. She simply kept voicing her bodily desires, mumbling in delirium. Even so, while her voice was feeble, it felt to those hearing it as though it was a voice that came from her heart.

And so, obeying her voice, the slime earnestly and resiliently rammed its tentacle inside the woman. Drilling inside her soft meat and beating against the entrance to her womb, it ma.s.saged her violently swaying b.r.e.a.s.t.s while vigorously rubbing her nipples as though to light them on fire.

Despite being a.s.saulted by the pain, the only thing carved into the woman’s face was delight.

Tears ran down her cheeks and her nose dripped with mucus. The form of a helpless sow. Even prost.i.tutes wouldn’t show off a face like hers.


The woman’s body gave in to particularly violent convulsions. Both her words and her body told of her climax.

Filled, the woman’s once-dignified face was now perverted and unsightly, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she fainted.

At the same time, there was also a change in the slime.

Although it did not know why, when it brought the woman to a climax, the female mage’s mana flowed into the slime.

One of those three men it absorbed, likely one of two young adventurers, had an apt.i.tude for magic.

What was mana? It was a sensation that could be called like a warm vitality. Although the slime wasn’t able to comprehend it that well, mana seemed to be a kind of vitality birthed from the body.

That answer was wrong. In reality, existences that were able to ama.s.s mana that overflowed from the existence of the natural world were mages; however, since the slime still had not digested a mage, it hadn’t obtained that knowledge.

Even so, it did manage to come about procuring a vessel that could ama.s.s mana by absorbing someone that had an apt.i.tude for for magic. By nature, it was a slime that didn’t do the thing known as thinking. Even if it obtained something that didn’t exist in its knowledge, it didn’t intend to examine it further.

Functioning on pure instinct, the male black ooze that knew about violating women from absorbing that man would violate women. Violate them, conceiving a child.

And so it would continue.

This slime, everything the black ooze was, could be called a mutation.

The slime divided its body to shackle Frederica’s limbs to the ground after she’d climaxed and fainted again and again.

In the center of the light that beamed down from the abandoned mine’s collapsed ceiling was a beautiful woman whose limbs were restrained by black fetters. Wearing nothing but the black unders.h.i.+rt that just barely concealed her plentiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her leather boots, her figure was more than enough to stimulate a man’s s.e.xual desire.

And then… it crammed a tentacle about the thickness of a rope into her uncouthly slack mouth.

“O—, gu—-!”

Ignoring the m.u.f.fled screams coming from her, it managed to reach her stomach through her throat. Like that, it poured digested wild gra.s.s that held no toxins for beasts and humans directly into her stomach.

The black ooze understood that humans easily died if they didn’t take in nourishment. Although it was probably best for Frederica herself to eat a meal, as there was the danger that she would run away, it did it like this.

Besides, it didn’t think that the woman who had drowned in pleasure would do something like prepare a meal for herself. She was wriggling as though trying to draw a circle with her hips; did she feel pleasure from this meal as well?

After pouring nourishment into her for a short while, it retracted its tentacle from her throat.

“… Hau—n…”

Her hips trembled a few times. Food was poured into her forcibly. Her body reacted to this deed as well, reaching a soft o.r.g.a.s.m.

Even though she’d lost her senses, what would the Frederica of old thought about her body reacting as such?

Overflowing with pride and will, that was the sublime and powerful mage named Frederica.

Now, however, she held a body more sensitive than a prost.i.tute. Even comparing it to a wild beast’s wouldn’t be enough, she had come to covet s.e.x.

A beauty. Now with a lewd body.

Now that her body had become like this, she would very likely be unable to return to a proper life after tasting heaven.

But even so, that topic had nothing to do with the slime.

Although she wasn’t aware of anything, she moved her hips back and forth with an expression dyed in ecstasy, as though begging for stimulation… or perhaps, begging for a male.

As for the slime, as the woman’s body continued to plead for it, it penetrated her v.a.g.i.n.a with its tentacle.

As always… even though she had fainted, Frederica continued to c.u.m endlessly. Even if she awoke, she would swoon once again by giving into the pleasure.

This could possibly be called a h.e.l.l. (Part 2)


There was alteration to the slime’s geographical knowledge after ravaging Frederica. It now knew of the existence of a road that lead beyond the village at the foot of the mountain.

Well, although it did know about it, it still hadn’t mobilized due to running the risk of being discovered by humans. Even so, it understood the capability of adventurers—things that were its natural enemy—to some degree, so it wound up attacking beasts that were making the areas along the road their territory.

Wagons coming and going through the rural road were things that typically wouldn’t stray too far off of the path. This was because of their weariness against wild animals and bandits.

Therefore, it was able to unhurriedly catch and digest animals some distance from the road. Of course it would spend its days on the mountain and in the cave while the sun was high, but it would go out and hunt beasts as night fell. Due to the slime relying on its instincts at first, it had consumed all of the mountain’s animals and there was no food left for it on the fountain.

It was alright with a.s.saulting the domesticated animals in the village at the base of the mountain, but even that had its limits. Although the slime wouldn’t die if it didn’t eat, it had an appet.i.te and hungered.

Additionally, it needed to prepare food for Frederica. It violated her during the day and attacked beasts along the road at night.

This was the slime’s life.

Several days pa.s.sed like this. Around ten days after Frederica’s group went missing, there was a certain commission posted on the adventurer’s guild’s bulletin board in the royal capital.

As the royal capital’s guild was overflowing with various work, the addition of another commission doc.u.ment wasn’t something unusual.

However, the person that started this commission—what they had brought in was a problem.

Two days after Frederica had gone mission, several of the the village at the foot of the mountain’s elders searched the mountain with the abandoned mine on it. They were terrified, but because adventurers had gone missing, it had already become a problem for knight or mage corps.

They looked around to at least get some evidence. With that thought in mind, the several elders found a splendid staff, as well as the adventurer group’s luggage.

Although the black ooze was able to dissolve things like meat and plants, clothing and leather armor took time to melt away so it discarded them out of its body.

Finding those things, the elders brought it to the royal capital. For an incident like the disappearance of adventurers, even if the village didn’t prepare a reward, the country would prepare a reward in accordance with the details.

As such, because the person to go missing was Frederica, someone famous in the guild and had a fair bit of ability, it just so happened that many people were interested in commission’s details. A mage had gone missing, leaving behind her own staff. Staves could be considered as a mage’s identification.

What had happened? No mage would leave their staff behind and disappear.

Something must have happened to Frederica’s and the others’ bodies. That was the adventurer’s guild’s view on it.

“Should we do it?”


However, even with that said, no one was going to jump on board with it. With that much of a reward, there was that much of a risk to their lives.

Their lives came first, nothing else would matter if they died.

Frederica was famous amongst the guild’s youths and was even recognized as a skilled mage. With that in consideration as well, everyone avoided the commission.

In truth it was because she had let down her guard and made a mistake due to the dark of the night, choosing the wrong king of magic to use.

Even so, the people in the guild wouldn’t know about something like that.

Like that, the commission doc.u.ment for surveying the abandoned mithril mine was left posted for several days.

Everyone turned their eyes from it, taking the commission doc.u.ments posted around it. It slowly became the only one in its area on the bulletin board, alone.

A small hand reached out towards that doc.u.ment, grasping it.

Following that, a quiet voice that seemed to drown out the guild’s clamor could be heard.

“… This commission.”

A small woman could be seen; she was carrying a disproportionately large staff and stretching on her tiptoes for that commission doc.u.ment.

Her long, beautiful and seemingly transparent platinum hair was gathered to the left side of her head, hanging down low in a ponytail. She read the commission doc.u.ment with somewhat drowsy eyes.

Her brown eyes moved left to right and back as she looked over the doc.u.ment, reading line-by-line.

“Satia, you’re taking that commission?”

One of the men in the guild called out to the mage who had stopped in front of the bulletin board and read the doc.u.ment.

Satia. With no family name, she was a former female slave. Satia had some potential for magic, so she was bought as a slave and used as an adventurer while obeying her adventurer master.

Her experiences as an adventurer were lengthy, she was a woman who became an adult the moment she first pa.s.sed through the guild’s entrance. Although she had a somewhat doll-like figure and was fairly short, she gave others the impression of being more beautiful than adorable.

Satia was around half a head shorter than others, even those the same age her or younger. And that’s why the large staff she carried was disproportional to her, it was practically just as tall as her. It caused others to experience something like being attracted to a pretty girl.

She was also clad in a thick nun-like black robe. Adventurers would generally give off more of a boorish impression, but this girl was small and lovely—that was the sort of impression she gave.

She looked up towards the man that called out to her with her drowsy eyes.

“… Yes.”

“But y’know, that one’s about Frederica goin’ missin’ yeah? You guys ready for a load like that?”

“… Is it? I will discuss it with Goshujin-sama.”

All the man that was Satia’s master has told her was that he wanted her to look for a commission.

The reward was good and the commission itself was the only one that stood out, but she listened to the man’s advice. She had been treated as a slave in the past, so she was bad at interacting with men.

So even though she understood that he came with good intentions, she kept a distance away from him. Answering with a vaguely unsociable response, she moved away without even giving a single word of grat.i.tude.

Everyone in the guild adored her like a doll, but she herself didn’t feel she was worth their time.

She put some time in looking over the other commission doc.u.ments, but there were just things like garbage cleaning in the royal capital’s back alleys or medicinal herb collections remaining.

They were all more like the work a child would do for pocket change than what an adventurer would do. Even their rewards were lacking.

“… This one.”

“Ah, feel free to ask if you need any help.”

“… Yes.”

In the end, her response was curt.

Even though she understood in her heart that it would have been better for her to say her thanks.

Well, the man simply smiled complacently at Satia’s cute voice and appearance, followed by returning to his companions without taking it to heart.

In the corner of the bustling adventurer’s guild was a young man around twenty years of age.

It was Satia’s master, Alfred Will. With blonde hair and blue eyes, the he was an agreeable youth with a good natured smile.

Satia placed the commission doc.u.ment she’d taken onto the desk where her master sat.



“… For just that, the reward is good.”

“Really? Thanks.”

Saying that, Alfred looked over the commission doc.u.ment Satia presented him with.

Satia stared at his profile silently.

This was the sole area in the guild that felt quiet.

“… Frederica-san seems to be missing.”

“Yea, looks like it…”

Although Satia wasn’t acquainted with Frederica herself, Alfred had done several commissions together with her.

The image Alfred had in his mind of Frederica was that of a bright and sociable mage, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with beauty and will.

Although they weren’t at the point of being friends, it wasn’t as though they didn’t know each other at all. She had gone missing and this commission doc.u.ment found its way to him.

Even though it was dangerous, he wasn’t interested in leaving it alone and deserting her.

“The reward’s good too, so how about we take it?”

“… Yes.”

If a slave’s master decided on something, they had no way of rejecting it. Although she didn’t know what kind of person the woman named Frederica was, she would protect her master for the commission.

Her unshakable determination had become her core. When Alfred stood up, he moved over to Satia.

“It is dangerous for just us two, I want to hire a few people.”

“… Is that so?”

From Satia’s point of view, Alfred’s skill in the sword and magic were at considerable levels. There were likely few in his age group that could surpa.s.s him in Fonteau.

Even so, this young man didn’t relax his guard nor did he drown in self conceit. He would accomplish commissions by minimizing dangers to the utmost of it ability.

For Satia, her master called Alfred was an existence that could even be called a [Hero] that saved her from h.e.l.l.

He bought her as a slave, but hadn’t used her as a woman*. Satia didn’t know if Alfred had some other woman in his heart, but it would soon be two years since she was picked up by him.

She had never entertained him. He had never even asked. Of his orders for her, none were unreasonable.

It was like Alfred treated her carefully, like a younger sister or a daughter. From what Satia knew of what people who bought slaves were like, it could be said that Alfred was simply too kind.

Although the mage didn’t say much and was emotionally lacking, she still harbored the emotions of a girl her age.

She would feel affection towards those that treated her nicely. He was excellent in both appearance and talent, but most important was that his nature was good as well.

However, their positions were that of master and slave. Her chest had tightened before she realized it.

Satia’s platinum hair shook as she chased after the young man heading to inform the guild head that he would be accepting the commission.

Her eyes looked drowsy—as they always did—but they were fixed firmly onto her master’s back.

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