[463] Heb. ii. 6-8. 1 Cor. xv. 25, and Eph. i. 22.--See Shuttleworth"s _Paraphrase_ of the first place cited, p. 394.

[464] Exod. xiv. 22, 29.

[465] 1 Cor. x. 1-4.

[466] St. John vi. 32-58.

[467] Hebr. ix. 6-9.

[468] Ibid. v. 11, 12.

[469] ??? t?? ?atapet?sat??, t??t?st? t?? sa???? a?t??. Hebr. x. 20.

[470] Hebr. ix. 2-5.

[471] Hebr. xiii. 11, 12.

[472] Eph. v. 30-32.

[473] ? ?a? ??? ??t?t?p?? ??? s??e? ?pt?sa. 1 St. Pet. iii. 21.

[474] Hebr. v. 10.

[475] Hebr. vii. 1-10. The student in Divinity will find it well worth his while to inquire for a Latin Dissertation by the late learned Dr. W.

H. Mill on this subject.

[476] _Essays and Reviews_, pp. 338, 375, 377, 419-20, 426, 428, 429, &c. The advice is Professor Jowett"s.

[477] Hebr. v. 11.

[478] Gen. xiv. 18.

[479] ?????? ?e???ate ta?? ???a??.--Hebr. v. 11.

[480] Hebr. v. 12-14.

[481] Dr. Temple in _Essays and Reviews_.

[482] 2 Cor. iii. 12-16.--Take notice that in allusion to the place, Exod. x.x.xiv. 34, (????a d" ?? e?sep??e?et? ???s?? ??a?t? ?????? ?a?e??

a?t?, pe????e?t? t? ????a,) St. Paul says,--????a d" ?? ?p?st????

p??? ??????, pe??a??e?ta? t? ????a. The expression is altered in order to bring out more clearly the allegorical meaning.

[483] St. Luke xxiv. 25-27.

[484] Acts xxviii. 23.

[485] Acts xxvi. 22, 23.

[486] St. John v. 46, 47.

[487] Zech. ix. 11, 12.

[488] Bp. Pearson.

[489] Consider St. John ii. 17, 22: xii. 16. St. Luke xxiv. 8, 45. Acts xi. 16.

[490] ?? st??? ??????.--St. Luke iv. 5.

[491] St. Matth. xix. 5. St. Luke xvii. 27 and 32. St. Matth. xi. 23: xii. 4 and 42. St. Luke iv. 25-27.

[492] Prov. vi. 26. Consider v. 9. Eccl. vii. 26. Gen. x.x.xix. 20. 2 Sam.

xi. 15. St. Mark vi. 25.

[493] The learned reader,--(and the unlearned reader too, who will bear in mind that ?pe?d?s?e???, [in the E. V. "having spoiled,"] certainly means "having stripped off from himself,")--is invited to consider with attention those words of Col. ii. 15:--?pe?d?s?e??? t?? ????? ?a? t??

????s?a?, ?de???t?se? ?? pa???s??, ???ae?sa? a?t??? [not a?t??, observe;] ?? a?t? [sc. t? sta???. See by all means Pearson _on the Creed_, Art. v. note (_l_): (ed. Burton, vol. ii. p. 217-8.) Cf. Eph.

ii. 16. Consider St. Luke xi. 22.] To complete the teaching of the pa.s.sage, the reader is invited to study also, in connexion with what goes before, 1 Cor. ii. 6-8; taking notice, that ?? ?????te? t?? a?????

t??t?? are not, (as the marginal references suggest,) the powers of the visible, but of the _invisible_ World. See St. John xii. 31: xiv. 30: xvi. 11, and Ephes. ii. 2: vi 12.--See Ignatius _Ep. ad Ephes._ c. xix., (with the notes in Jacobson"s ed.) See also Dr. Mill _on the Temptation_, p. 165.

[494] See Sermon VI.

[495] Professor Jowett in _Essays and Reviews_, p. 378.

[496] Professor Jowett in _Essays and Reviews_, p. 338.

[497] Consider St. John xii. 16: x. 6: xi. 13. St. Luke xviii. 34. St.

Matth. xvi. 11, 12. St. John viii. 27, &c., &c.

[498] See St. John xi. 49-52: vi:. 37-39.

[499] _a.n.a.logy_, Part ii. ch. vii.

[500] Augustine, speaking of the New Testament, says,--"Factum quidem est, et ita ut narratur, impletum; sed tamen etiam ipsa, quae a DOMINO facta sunt, aliquid significantia erant,--quasi verba (si dici potest) visibilia, et aliquid significantia."--_Opp._, tom. v. p. 421 F.

[501] _Essays and Reviews_, pp. 368, 372.

[502] Professor Jowett in _Essays and Reviews_, p. 374.

[503] Professor Jowett in _Essays and Reviews_, p. 418.

[504] Is. lxiii. 2, 3.

[505] Is. liii.

[506] Comp. Ps. x.x.xi. 5 with St. Luke xxiii. 46.

[507] By Professor Jowett for example. "The time will come when educated men will no more be able to believe that the words of Hos. xi. 1 _were intended by the prophet_ to refer to the return of Joseph and Mary from Egypt, than," &c.--_E. and R._, p. 418. _When_ did "educated men" ever believe anything of the kind?

[508] St. John xi. 50. Comp. xviii. 14.

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