Instant Death

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
V2 Chapter 3 – It will be a common thing in another world

On the edge of the path, Yogiri and others confronted the dragon.
The Golden Dragon has been hovering while flapping slowly.
With a huge pair of wings and 2 legs, it’s a type of Dragon called a Wyvern.
The body that is wearing lightning is much bigger than the dragons we’ve seen so far.
The talons resemble the ones of birds of prey, so they will be able to catch the car of Yogiri and others.
The gigantic eyes certainly captured Yogiri’s, and the area around is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere.

“It’s staring at you!” (Tomochika)

Tomochika raises a voice mixed with fear.
That would be able to attack Yogiri at any moment any time.
However, unlike other dragons, there was no sign of attacking immediately.

“Wait a minute? Well, if you don’t do anything, you can leave it alone and move it?” (Yogiri)

“No no no, that’s impossible! That, the thunder-emitting feeling, probably chock-full of it!” (Tomochika)

Tomochika said so, but from the expression of the inorganic dragon, it was not possible to see its emotions.
Besides, Yogiri didn’t feel any thirst for blood.
If it was going to turn and attack, it would somewhat leak a thirst for blood.
In other words, although it was safe for now, Yogiri was curious in what the dragon had come here for.
So, he decided to wait for a while.

But, nothing happened.
The dragon just floated there, just staring at Yogiri.¹
Tomochika who was frightened at first seems to have been feeling something uncomfortable with this situation, and is now puzzled.
When Yogiri began to feel that it was okay to just move on, the dragon moved.

“I’m pa.s.sing.” (Thunder Dragon)

The dragon issued in a low and heavy voice.²
And then the dragon put strength into its wings.
It powerfully flapped them, about to leave this place.

“What, you’re pa.s.sing? Well, I don’t know it, but it seems like you’ll go somewhere!” (Tomochika)

Tomochika was relieved.
It seems she didn’t mind so much that she didn’t know the reason.

“Wait.” (Yogiri)

However, Yogiri called out to the dragon that is about to fly away.

“What are you stopping it for!? If it goes away, that’s fine!” (Tomochika)

“I told it to leave me alone, but the story is different if it understands words.” (Yogiri)

“Eh? Don’t act like you’ve been touched by G.o.d!” (Tomochika)

Although Tomochika was complaining while saying that, Yogiri called out further.

“You can see it if you saw the sight from before, I’ll kill you if you run away.” (Yogiri)

This was just a threatening complaint.
He wouldn’t kill it even if it ran away.

However, the dragon stopped moving exactly at that and stopped in the air.

“Do those wings even matter!” (Tomochika)

Tomochika is stumped.
It was a strange sight to see something that floated as if fixed in the air while stopping the flapping of its wings.

“Nuoooooo! I wish I had never talked and just flew away~kyaa! I felt like there was a time to say ‘something was wrong’~kya!” (Thunder Dragon)

“Well, if you had stayed silent and flown away.” (Yogiri)

“Um, Takatou-kun? What are you talking about normally?” (Tomochika)

A small girl was rolling around infront of Yogiri and others.

“Why is this dragon becoming a human being!?” (Tomochika)

“I don’t know even if you ask me.” (Yogiri)

Tomochika was saying that the Golden Thunder Dragon was t

he figure of a young girl.³

『It will be a common thing in another world. Dragons, wolves, and others will soon have the presence of a loli.』(Mokomoko)

The spirit behind Tomochika, Mokomoko, is nodding alone.
Even if it was said that it was common, Yogiri seemed to not know.
Although it was a dragon who was worried about being outrageous, he felt worried about that while he was sitting and corrected his posture.

“No, that’s not it. When speaking to a man, I heard that it is better to have this kind of appearance.” (Thunder Dragon)

“You heard that from somewhere!? What kind of people are in this world!” (Tomochika)

Indeed, Yogiri remembered the robot he met during the train accident was saying something similar.

“Well, anyway, why did you attack us? The dragons from some time ago were instigation?” (Yogiri)

“That is the trial of the Sword Saint.” (Thunder Dragon)

“Sword Saint?” (Yogiri)

The words that the dragon had spoken, Yogiri remembered hearing it somewhere.

“Oh, surely the cat person was talking about such a person, wasn’t she? Something about a Sword Saint’s gift?” (Yogiri)

“What!? You aren’t coming to see Sword Saint-sama?” (Thunder Dragon)

The dragon girl’s eyes stared eagerly against his.

“Wow. Some quarrel is awesome.” (Thunder Dragon)

“I thought of going to the Kingdom through this place.” (Yogiri)

“……that, there is a sword in this canyon, if you see it you can get a gift. Those who come here for this purpose go through here a lot, you are sifting in advance.” (Thunder Dragon)

“Once the dragon comes out, why can’t anyone arrive early if you fly from the mouth?” (Yogiri)

“If you do not surpa.s.s that degree, you will not qualify to meet Sword Saint-sama!” (Thunder Dragon)

For some reason the girl was proud.

“Well, in that case, that means we have nothing to do with it. Let’s go.” (Yogiri)

“Right.” (Tomochika)

That said, Yogiri tried to get back to the car.
Then the dragon girl stood up in front of Yogiri.

“Haven’t you pa.s.sed the trial!? Don’t you want to meet Sword Saint-sama!” (Thunder Dragon)

“Not particularly. I thought it was something that might have targeted us, but it seems to not be the case.” (Yogiri)

I thought that if you were an enemy you’d like to hear the relationship behind, but if not, there wasn’t any use.

“No, that, just before you pa.s.s, don’t worry about it! It is said that prospective fellows are coming with us!” (Thunder Dragon)

“But weren’t you trying to escape?” (Yogiri)

“Normally, if you are killed your fellows will escape!” (Thunder Dragon)

“Well, why bother to come in front of us?” (Yogiri)

“When the place became tattered by my minion’s breath, I was supposed to give despair by further coming! As I flew slowly, my subordinates were annihilated, so I said, ‘As I was seen, it wasn’t cool to withdraw in a panic’! Then, we thought we could preserve our dignity by saying that we came to tell you the success and leave it at that.” (Thunder Dragon)

“I knew you were stupid, but what about meeting with the Sword Saint? Is there a prospect?” (Yogiri)

In light of the creteria of this world, Yogiri and others who don’t have a gift will be considered incompetent.
Tentatively, although a disguise, it’s intended to pretend to be an ordinary person.
It doesn’t change the fact that he looks almost incompetent.

“A person is not judged by the strength of their gift. It’s true that all my underlings were killed at once. The main thing is that you have the power to make it.” (Thunder Dragon)

“But, I really don’t care about the people’s swordsmanship.” (Yogiri)

“It’s a Sword Saint! It is comparable to a sage! Don’t you want to touch a part of that power!” (Thunder Dragon)

“Even if I was told. Want to meet?” (Yogiri)

Yogiri asked Tomochika.
Tomochika shook her head.

“I am also different. Even though I’m just getting lost, it’s not like I should be wasting my time on detours.” (Yogiri)

“That! Okay! Let’s guide you! You can not pa.s.s through here and reach the Kingdom alone by yourselves! It’s not a bad story! Let me take you to the Kingdom if you meet Sword Saint-sama for the time being!” (Thunder Dragon)

『Hmm. It isn’t a bad story if put like that? Why should we just get lost in the future?』(Mokomoko)

That was the case.

Take the armored car with the dragon and move according to the guide.
The canyon seems to be like a maze, and it seems to be difficult to get out without guidance.
The idea of going to the Kingdom through the canyon, Yogiri noticed that it was a bargain plan.

After a while, we saw the green trees.
It seemed to be dazzling to Yogiri who had only seen brown rocks and the ground.
There seems to be some moisture in this dry canyon.
As they pa.s.sed through the trees, they came to an open area.
It’s a s.p.a.ce where short flowers are growing, nothing special in particular.

“Huh? Why?” (Tomochika)

However, Tomochika who saw the state of the plaza raised a surprised voice.
Because people were overflowing there.
Since she had heard the Sword Saint was there, she could predict that there wouldn’t be a few people in the place to go.
But even if she looked roughly, a hundred people she hadn’t figured would be here were here.

This was also unexpected for Yogiri.
People in the plaza are miscellaneous and are without a sense of unity.
Perhaps they also came to see the swords.

“Maybe Sword Saint is a really popular person?” (Yogiri)

Yogiri asked the dragon above him.
You should atleast know the circ.u.mstances.

“To not know, is it really just a pa.s.sing thing……surely the ones who are going to receive gifts from Sword Saint-sama will keep going. However, there are a lot of people gathered today. After all, it’s because that decides the next Sword Saint-sama.” (Thunder Dragon)

“You, are you trying to get involved in something annoying? Because promises are kept for a reason.” (Yogiri)

But in such a case, Yogiri’s ability lacked decisive factors.
It lacked in intimidation.
They stopped the car in front of the crowd, then Yogiri and others went down from the car.

“Hey! Did you come with a ride! You should not have tried wrapping around here with the earth force so far!” (???)

A man wearing a hood came in.

“Even if you say so, I didn’t mean to have a trial.” (Yogiri)

“Ha! Although it was hard work to get to such a place, you are disqualified! Shame on you!” (Man-in-hood)

Although it was said that the man ended up looking down, Yogiri didn’t have any words to return.
There is no way to react even if he gets angry with trivial matters.

“I don’t remember having imposed a trial and disqualification. Come with them if they are prospects. I just said so. Well, the guys in the canyon are selfish, no matter how I interpret it they are selfish.” (???)

But the answer to the man came from behind Yogiri and others.
The owner of the voice scoops out from the crowd and goes into the plaza.
He was an old man.
Yogiri first thought that it was because of considerable age with facial wrinkles, but the walk didn’t have the feeling of age.

『Fumu. You can’t do it pretty. Is this man the Sword Saint?』(Mokomoko)

He wonder if she felt the mastery of the steps, as Mokomoko was impressed.
An old man wearing an oriental style kimono, but the sword wasn’t on himself.
Arriving at the center of the crowd, the old man looked around.

“Many.” (Old-man)

The old man murmured so.
And after he thought a bit, he continued with his words.

“You guys kill eachother until I say stop it. Let’s choose the Sword Saint among the remaining guys.” (Old-man)

“The person within isn’t better than the person we’ve seen so far? I thought for a moment I was stupid!” (Tomochika)

Tomochika shouted out as if she was amazed.
The circ.u.mstances of Yogiri and others were full of murmurs full of breath.

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