Bonus Chapter

Yeah, it’s very late. Gomene! orz

Shirayuki is working hard IRL at day, while editing the chapter at night. I also was busy with the various stuffs for my too. So yeah, that’s what happened. >w<>

Anyway, enjoy~

Translator: Raizu
Editor: Shirayuki

Chapter 29

In the darkness, a beast aimed at its prey with sharp eye breathlessly. Tongue poking out.

To be able to fight again, its body felt crazy even at the thought of it.

The town of York"s lord Gering felt uneasy from not being able to find Ortashia no matter how much he searched. There is a possibility that she went to Banrondo without pa.s.sing the town of York, but the Fuhren Saint Knights did not want to miss the chance to catch her. But it"s all for naught. Where in the world has Ortashia gone to…

Gering groaned as he looked at the map showing the territory of the town of York. There was a sense of tension that the terrible existence, like that of the devil, is already there. But there is that territory near the capital Runat.i.tas had promised to him. With all the productivity and convenience the territory near the capital could offer, he needed to capture Ortashia by all means necessary.

[Where on earth….]

A bald-headed aide replied to that question.

[At present, even though we already searched the nearby forest and caves that can be used to hide, we haven"t been able to find her. She should be heavily injured if we go by Fuhren"s Saint Knights information. Had she succ.u.mbed to exhaustion somewhere?]

[That Ortashia? She"s suspected as a witch so she can"t be dying so easily…..]

A soldier was standing guard at the main gate outside the lord"s residence.

However, it"s not like anyone will come this late at night; demons or monsters are also very unlikely to appear. If something did come out, it will only be thieves. Therefore, it"s a boring duty.

The guard, looking up at the shining moon above, let out a huge yawn. The stars twinkled in the cloudless sky. He felt like drinking sake in this beautiful night. Two others gathered around the bonfire, talking to kill some time.

[The rumour about that Ortashia being here, is it true?]

It was said with a joking tone. A moustached guard crossed his arms and shrugged. He replied with a wry smile.

[Ha ? Yeah right. That can"t be true. Reduced security inside the town, funneling most to guard and inspect town walls, even those who work as officials. How can such a conspicuous woman enter without being noticed?]

[That"s true.]

At that time, the wind blew a little stronger, causing the flame on the bonfire to dance energetically, grazing the two guards cheeks, pa.s.sing their sides, then to the trees that grew in abundance. The two guards sent their glance following the wind"s direction.

[ What was that just now?]

[Dunno…. ]

The moustached guard narrowed his eyes. The noise of gra.s.s caught his attention.

[Who, who"s there !?]

The two guards readied their swords and threw the question but n.o.body gave a reply. But there is surely something in the dark, slowly approaching.

The guard who was guarding in the vicinity also readied his sword, alerted by the loud voice of the other guard.

[Is it an enemy?]

[No way. It couldn"t be just a stray dog, right?]

[Anyways, let"s confirm it.]

One guard brought a torch to let the others see more clearly as he signaled the other guards. The two nodded and followed behind the guard with the torch.

Watching carefully to where the noise originated from, the torch was brought up front. Then….. a woman was seen standing there. A dreary smile hanging on her face.


[Who, who the h.e.l.l are you!? ]

One of the older guards asked. The woman looked suspicious.

[Who? You don"t know…..? Your excellency, your princess. Is that too hard to understand for a common soldier?] (Ortashia)

Once everyone realized who it was, they couldn"t help but feel a chill run down their spine. They backed off. There was one whose waist rejected to move and he fell on his b.u.t.t. They understood who stood there in front of them. A young guard mumbled with a shaky voice.

[ O, Ortashia…. ]

The woman whose name had been called upon laughed then pulled out the sword that was hanging on her thin waist.

[Yes. This Ortashia has come to play with you…. To courteously entertain me is your duty, right? Come, I"d love to see it. Let"s perform a dance of death.]

A shiver ran amok as Ortacia said those words like a murderer.

The old guard readied his sword.

[Ooooortashia! Prepare yourself! ]

The old guard let out a shout worthy of admiration.

[Hoo. Pointing sword a to this me? Very well. Do entertain me.] (Ortashia)

Ortashia held her sword with one hand. The old guard attempted to swing down the sword from above, but Ortacia sank his body a bit and slashed his abdomen with a speed that the eyes couldn"t catch up with. Because it"s just leather armor, it split fairly easily. Two guards who followed also had their heads separated from the torsos in a blink of an eye. Blood poured out from the severed neck and some of it splashed on Ortashia"s cheek. She looked glad instead of feeling unpleasant. She inhaled deeply.

[The smell of blood after such a long time. My body is aching for it…. Fufufufu.] (Ortashia)

Guards who had witnessed the swift death of their companions did not have courage to fight against Ortashia. It all happened very fast that it"s hard for the brain to process. Why did Ortashia appear here in such place? Everybody was wondering. All of them trembling, their feet too scared to escape. The rumour tells about how crazy Ortashia is…. A young guard whose face turned pale blue turned his back on Ortashia and ran to the gate. He beat the gate desperately, hoping for it to open up.

[Help me! She"ll kill me! I don"t want to die! ]

Fear spread and others quickly forsook their weapon and forced the gate, pushed it open and ran away.

[Turning your back to the enemy eh, I"m too busy for this. Always like this. Well, I guess there is no other way….? ] (Ortashia)

Ortashia said with a shrug. She noticed and walked toward a guard who was on his b.u.t.t due to being too scared to move near the gate, bending her knees to kneel, then she looked into the man"s face.

[How was it? Was it scary?] (Ortashia)

He did not dare to look directly upon Ortashia due to fear. Mouth rejected to open either. The woman exhaled as she stood up, then pierced the thin sword into the man"s neck without hesitation


[This country doesn"t need cowardly people.] (Ortashia)

Ortashia looked down at the guard"s incredulous face. A young man tapped her shoulder.

[Now, let"s go ] (Shingen)

[Shingen, please do not disturb me.] (Ortashia)

[You know, about battling: you said you can"t do it just yet. But you fought like normal just now.] (Shingen)

When Ortashia was about to engage the old guard, Shingen had planned to interfere but was brushed off. There is no need to intrude. The remainder of the guards also. She might have gone and cleaned them up if not for Shingen stopping her.

[So what ? My body moved on its own.] (Ortashia)

While saying so, she placed her hands on her waist, acting with bad att.i.tude. Shingen scratched his head. Afterward, he took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood on Ortashia"s cheek.

[Oh, pardon me.] (Ortashia)

Ortashia gave a thankful word and again turned her body towards the main gate of the lord"s residence.

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