In the affirmative:

Austria-Hungary, Mexico, Chili, Netherlands, Colombia, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Russia, Germany, Salvador, Great Britain, Spain, Guatemala, Sweden, Hawaii, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, j.a.pan, United States, Liberia, Venezuela.

In the negative:

San Domingo.

Abstaining from voting:

Brazil, France.

Ayes, 22; noes, 1; abstaining, 2.


"That from this meridian longitude shall be counted in two directions up to 180 degrees, east longitude being plus and west longitude minus."

This resolution was adopted by the following vote:

In the affirmative:

Chili, Liberia, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Great Britain, Russia, Guatemala, Salvador, Hawaii, United States, j.a.pan, Venezuela.

In the negative:

Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, Switzerland.


Abstaining from voting:

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Brazil, San Domingo, France, Turkey.

Ayes, 14; noes, 5; abstaining, 6.


"That the Conference proposes the adoption of a universal day for all purposes for which it may be found convenient, and which shall not interfere with the use of local or other standard time where desirable."

This resolution was adopted by the following vote:

In the affirmative:

Austria-Hungary, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands, Chili, Paraguay, Colombia, Russia, Costa Rica, Salvador, France, Spain, Great Britain, Sweden, Guatemala, Switzerland, Hawaii, Turkey, Italy, United States, j.a.pan, Venezuela.


Abstaining from voting:

Germany, San Domingo.

Ayes, 23; abstaining, 2.


"That this universal day is to be a mean solar day; is to begin for all the world at the moment of mean midnight of the initial meridian, coinciding with the beginning of the civil day and date of that meridian; and is to be counted from zero up to twenty-four hours."

This resolution was adopted by the following vote:

In the affirmative:

Brazil, Liberia, Chili, Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Russia, Great Britain, Turkey, Guatemala, United States, Hawaii, Venezuela.


In the negative:

Austria-Hungary, Spain.

Abstaining from voting:

France, San Domingo, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland.


Ayes, 15; noes, 2; abstaining, 7.


"That the Conference expresses the hope that as soon as may be practicable the astronomical and nautical days will be arranged everywhere to begin at mean midnight."

This resolution was carried without division.


"That the Conference expresses the hope that the technical studies designed to regulate and extend the application of the decimal system to the division of angular s.p.a.ce and of time shall be resumed, so as to permit the extension of this application to all cases in which it presents real advantages."

The motion was adopted by the following vote:

In the affirmative:

Austria-Hungary, Mexico Brazil, Netherlands, Chili, Paraguay, Colombia, Russia, Costa Rica, San Domingo, France, Spain, Great Britain, Turkey, Hawaii, United States, Italy, Venezuela.


Abstaining from voting:

Germany, Sweden.


Ayes, 21; abstaining, 3.

Done at Washington, the 22d of October, 1884.

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