flu-i = flow.
flug-i = to fly.
foj-o = time; _du fojoj_, twice.
foli-o = leaf.
for = away.
forn-o = oven.
frat-o = brother.
fraz-o = sentence.
frenez-o = madness.
fru-a = early.
frukt-o = fruit.
= G =
ge- = prefix denoting both s.e.xes.
gent-o = race, tribe.
grand-a = big, great.
= G =
gi = it.
gis = until.
goj-o = joy.
gu-i = to enjoy.
= H =
hav-i = to have.
hejm-o = home.
hodiau = to-day.
hom-o = man (mortal; no distinction of s.e.x).
= I =
-i = ending of infinitive.
ideal-o = ideal.
-ig = suffix denoting causation.
-ig = suffix denoting becoming.
-il = suffix denoting instrument.
ili = they.
-int = past participle active.
inter = between, among.
ir-i = to go.
-is = ending of past tense.
-ist = suffix denoting agent.
iu = some one.
= J =
-j = ending of plural.
jam = already.
jar-o = year.
jen = here is, here are (French _voici_).
ju = comparative particle. See _des_.
jun-a = young.
= J =
jus = just now.
= K =
kaj = and.
kamen-o = fireplace.
kamp-o = field.
kap-o = head.
ke = that (conjunction).
kelk-a = some.
kiam = when.
kiel = how, as.
kiu = who, which.
knab-o = boy.
komerc-o = commerce.
kompat-o = sympathy, pity.
kompren-i = to understand.
kon-i = to know.
konsil-i = to counsel.
konstru-i = to build.
kontrau = against.
kred-i = to believe.
kresk-i = to grow.
krom = besides.
krut-a = steep.
kun = with.
kus-i = to lie.
kutim-i = to be accustomed.
kvankam = although.
kvar = four.
kvazau = as if.
kvin = five.
= L =
la = the.
lac-a = tired.
lag-o = lake.
land-o = land.
lang-o = tongue.
las-i = to let, leave.
lau = according to.