Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 29 - Mo Han"s troubles

Chapter 29 - Mo Han"s troubles

T/N: One more week full of daily IMG updates next week! I miscalculated originally (105 ko-fis = 3 full weeks, not 5)


Mo Han has always felt that because the First Prince grew up in the palace, and didn’t have much experience, he would be easy to deal with.

Back then, when he came to his home to investigate Mo Lin, his fake ident.i.ty was seen through within ten minutes. Mo Han made a big show so that the First Prince would lose interest in Mo Lin, thus solving the troubles brought about by the royal family’s genetic matching.

Things were going very well – the First Prince hated Mo Lin, a crying omega, and never mentioned him again.

Mo Han thought that the problem was solved, but who would have thought that Luo Fei didn’t like omega Mo Lin, but fell in love with alpha Mo Han?

Liking an alpha as an alpha, the First Prince really has unique taste and isn’t shy to admit it!

Mo Han looked at the guy in front of him with a stiff expression. Luo Fei is 2 years younger than him. He cooperated with Luo Fei’s acting to tease him, because he thought he was cute and silly. But now, Luo Fei’s slight blush as he looked at him seriously with a pair of eyes, and his sincere confession is completely like a young man who just fell in love.

Mo Han felt like he was probably the first in the entire Empire to play himself to death with acting!

After a moment of embarra.s.sing silence, Mo Han came back to his senses. He coughed lightly, avoided Luo Fei’s fiery gaze, turned and walked to the porthole.

He looked at the sky in the distance, and said calmly, “Luo Fei, I’m an alpha.”

Under the golden light, Mo Han’s profile was perfect without any blemishes. Luo Fei looked at his side profile with eyes full of admiration. “I know you’re an alpha. My liking you has nothing to do with whether you are an alpha or an omega. I like you, not your pheromones.”

Mo Han: “…”

What kind of nonsense is this? And yet it seems to makes sense?

Luo Fei continued to say seriously: “You may feel it’s sudden, but sometimes, liking someone is something that happens all of a sudden.” Luo Fei stepped forward and stood side by side with Mo Han, peering into the golden sky in the distance. He smiled and said, “The feeling of “liking” may never develop between some people after being together for more than ten years. Just like Iman and I, although we grew up together, we treat each other like brothers and liking one another is out of the question.”

He turned his head to look at Mo Han, and said with a very gentle tone: “But you, I thought you were special when I saw you on the s.p.a.ceship for the first time. The image of you in a mask and your beautiful eyes stayed with me. Later, when I saw you at Mr. Mo’s banquet, I was pleasantly surprised to see you standing behind Mr. Mo. I didn’t expect to meet you again.”

“I heard a lot of stories about you from Emil, and after meeting your brother again, I became more curious about the two of you. Later, I slowly got in touch with you. That day in the botanical gardens, when you were picking plants, I found my eyes were completely attracted to you. I can’t help missing you if I don’t see you for a day. I’m curious about everything about you, and I know, this feeling is called liking.”

Mo Han: “…”

His confession was very sincere, but it only made Mo Han’s scalp go numb.

Being liked by an alpha who is two years younger than him is like having a puppy nip at his pants. To be honest, this feeling is not good!

Mo Han couldn’t help interrupting Luo Fei: “Isn’t there a rule in your royal family that princes should get engaged to the most suitable omega after they reach adulthood?”

Luo Fei smiled and said, “This rule has long been abolished by my father. I have no intention of getting engaged to an omega.”

The corner of Mo Han’s mouth twitched suddenly. “Then why did you come to Mo’s house and investigate Mo Lin? Didn’t you come to investigate him because he’s a good match, and wanted to get engaged?”

Luo Fei explained: “No, I was just curious to see what he looks like.”

Mo Han: “……”

So, he misunderstood the First Prince’s intention from beginning to end? He never had any intention to marry Mo Lin, and simply came out of curiosity?

Then why did he even act in the first place? Was his act as Mo Lin completely meaningless?

In the end, his acting was too realistic, arousing Luo Fei’s curiosity, and made Luo Fei fall in love with his ident.i.ty as Mo Han?

Mo Han was so regretful that his intestines turned green.

If he knew this earlier, why did he act in the first place?!

This feeling was like lifting a rock and smashing his own feet.


Mo Han didn’t speak, and Luo Fei didn’t know what to say to continue after his confession, and the mech c.o.c.kpit fell silent.

Despite the embarra.s.sing silence inside the c.o.c.kpit, the scenery outside the window was extremely beautiful. The golden light at dusk softly enveloped the Capital Star, and the clouds in the sky were also coated with a layer of gold. Chongming flew through the golden clouds at a slow speed, carrying the two of them.

Surrounded by the vast sky, and seeing the city full of tall buildings underneath, the two stood side by side. Neither of them dared break the silence.

Luo Fei was thinking in his mind: “What should I say to impress him?”

Chongming: “Master, I don’t think you can impress him!”

On the other hand, Mo Han was thinking in his mind: “What should I say to make him give up?”

Noah: “Master, I don’t think he will give up easily.”

Two extremely entangled masters, and two artificial intelligences that gloated at their master’s misfortune and were not afraid of being dismantled by their masters, were communicating in the world of spiritual power.

After a long time, Mo Han finally cleared his throat, looked back at Luo Fei, and calmly said, “Thank you for your appreciation, but Luo Fei, it is impossible for us to be together.”

Although the First Prince was stupid and innocent, Mo Han couldn’t bear to hurt him by saying too much in light of his heartfelt confession.

He could feel the purity in Luo Fei’s feelings, so it’s better to speak clearly to avoid giving him false hope.

Thinking of this, Mo Han took a deep breath and said solemnly: “First of all, you are the First Prince of the Empire. As an alpha, if you want to be with an alpha, you will face huge opposition. Your father will not agree, and the people of the Empire may not accept an alpha as your consort…”

Luo Fei said: “It doesn’t matter. My father is very open-minded. He liked a beta regardless of opposition, so he will understand me. I can guarantee that I can convince him. As for the people, I will also find a way to make everyone understand that liking someone is inherently pure, and there is no need to care too much about one’s ident.i.ty or background. Marriage is now free, and although there is no precedent for alpha and alpha getting married, I can make an exception for you.”

He looked back at Mo Han with serious eyes. “I only know that you are the consort I want, and I don’t want anyone but you.”

Mo Han: “…”

Mo Han’s heart was slightly shocked by his straightforward earnesty.

This disregard of world affairs, and just a simple, brave, but firm love for someone. This desire was like the purest and most innocent first snow, gently falling on the tip of Mo Han’s heart.

Mo Han is very popular at Hermann University, and this wasn’t his first time being confessed to.

However, Luo Fei’s simple and direct confession was like a sharp sword, piercing through the barriers around his heart in an instant, and landing with a thud.

Mo Han’s head began to hurt.

If it were an ordinary person who confessed to him, he would refuse without hesitation, even if saying something hurtful was required.

But for Luo Fei, such a serious and lovely guy was so straightforward that he couldn’t help but soften his heart.

Mo Han sighed softly in his heart, and looked back at Luo Fei. “Luo Fei, even if you don’t mind that I’m an alpha, I can’t follow you back to the palace to be some kind of princess. I have many responsibilities, and can’t leave the Mo family. The Fengyang Group is the painstaking effort of our Mo family ancestors after several generations, and has branches all over the Empire. As the designated heir of the Mo family, it is impossible for me to leave everything behind and follow you.”

Mo Han paused slightly, and said: “No matter the angle, I am not suitable to be your consort.”

Luo Fei said, “But I…”

Before he had time to argue, Mo Han interrupted. “Listen to me. You grew up under the protection of your father, the emperor. Your experience is lacking, and you have met too few people. It’s your first time meeting a hacker like me, so you’re drawn over because I’m different from those around you. I understand. But it’s just a temporary impulse. I think you should calm down and think about it some more. After you experience more and meet more young people who are better than me, your mind will change.”

Luo Fei fell silent.

He already knew that Mo Han would not accept his confession easily.

But he didn’t expect that Mo Han didn’t simply refuse with “I don’t like you”, but a.n.a.lyzed so many reasons why they were unsuitable.

Just like an elder brother, giving some advice to a younger brother in the gentlest way.

As expected of Mo Han, the person he had his eyes on!

Even though he’s a little arrogant, when facing critical problems, he is always calm and rational.

Mo Han did not completely sever the relationship, but a.n.a.lyzed the reasons why they were incompatible. In addition to not knowing each other and the responsibilities to be borne, the biggest problem is that Luo Fei has too little experience. In Mo Han’s eyes, his liking is just a momentary impulse and blind appreciation; such a feeling will naturally fade.

Luo Fei thought about it carefully, then nodded seriously, and said, “What you said makes sense.”

Mo Han smiled and said: “So, you should give up on me, we are not suitable. You will definitely meet someone who is better than me and more suitable to be your princess.”

His tone was as gentle as possible, clear and persuasive, guiding the First Prince on the right path.

However, at the next moment, the First Prince said seriously: “I know, I’m young now, and am a fool who’s in over his head in your eyes. But it doesn’t matter, I will mature as soon as possible and become a responsible man. When the time comes, I will make you believe that my love for you is sincere and that I have the ability to make you happy.”

Mo Han: “????”

Why’s this different from what you just said?!

I’ve already said so much and a.n.a.lyzed the pros and cons just to make you give up!

Why does this First Prince always play his cards without common sense…

Mo Han rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a headache coming on. “Didn’t you hear what I just said?”

Luo Fei replied: “I heard you. I know that I’m not mature enough to stand by your side, but I will try my best to make myself worthy of you.”

There was a breath of air stuck in his throat that made him want to vomit blood. Resisting the urge to hit someone, Mo Han said, “That’s not what I mean. What I mean is, you should give up on me and think about others. There must be someone more suitable than me to be your princess.”

Luo Fei smiled slightly, and said seriously: “It doesn’t matter how suitable they are, I don’t like them. The only person I like is you.”

Mo Han: “Your liking is just a spur of the moment illusion.”

Luo Fei: “I think about you every day, how can it be an illusion?”

Mo Han: “You should calm down for a while first.”

Luo Fei: “I have calmed down and thought about it carefully. You are the one I like. I will not give up on you. Give me a chance to pursue you.”

Mo Han: “…”

This was the first time Mo Han was silenced.

Noah continued to gloat: “Master, what are you going to do with him? He doesn’t seem willing to let go.”

Mo Han felt like his head was about to explode. This brown candy1a sticky brown candy First Prince was so sticky that he couldn’t even pull it off.

What else can he do?

Or let Mo Lin come out again?

But the problem is, Luo Fei likes his ident.i.ty as Mo Han – he can’t let Mo Han become a crying psychopath too!

Just as he was feeling troubled, Luo Fei suddenly said, “Mo Han, let me ask you another question.”

Luo Fei turned his head to face him, and asked softly, “Tell me the truth, do you hate me?”

The youth’s eyes were black and bright, full of sincerity, looking at him earnestly and gently, like a cute pet wagging its tail at its owner.

Mo Han couldn’t say the word “hate”.

Because this Luo Fei, he really can’t hate him…

Seeing his silence, Luo Fei was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth immediately curved into an excited smile. “As long as you don’t hate me, then I still have hope, right?”

“Although the problems you mentioned do exist, there are always solutions to these external factors. The most important thing is how you feel about me. With your strength, I know you can settle the Mo family; I’m also confident that I can handle the royal family. “

After the First Prince’s IQ came online, he was able to quickly identify the key point: “You don’t hate me now, so maybe one day, you’ll like me too. As long as you like me, then all the problems you mentioned will no longer be problems.”

Luo Fei paused, looked at him with a smile, and said, “I will try my best to make you like me.”

Mo Han: “…”

WTF, why on earth did he provoke this sticky brown sugar?!

Hahaha, poor Mo Han

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  • 1a sticky brown candy

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