Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 15 - Christmas

Chapter 15 - Christmas

Luo Fei followed his cousin Emil to play around Lyra for the next few days, and had a rare, relaxing and leisurely vacation.

Unfortunately, he never met Mo Han again.

He didn’t know why he felt sorry, but he actually liked cooperating with Chongming to act in front of Mo Han.

His interest seemed to be less after not seeing Mo Han?

In a blink of an eye, it will be December 25th.

Christmas is a festival that the people of the Empire pay much attention to. Most companies and businesses have a holiday on this day, and there are also many activities for Christmas in the mall. Princess Xiya bought a huge christmas tree.

The Christmas tree is three meters high, and Luo Fei was shocked when it was delivered to the door by a robot courier.

Fortunately, the living room of Princess Xiya’s villa is more than three meters high, otherwise, such a huge Christmas tree would not be able to fit.

Smiling, Princess Xiya asked people to move the Christmas tree into the villa. Once in place, she took out a large stack of red Christmas stockings, and stuffed presents into them one by one. “I buy Christmas trees every holiday, and hang stockings and presents on it for good luck, and to add a festive atmosphere.”

Luo Fei and Emil resignedly accompanied her to get presents — they’re all things like chocolates and candies, and some notes with blessings.

It’s kind of childish to be honest.

As juniors, Emil and Luo Fei had no choice but to cooperate with her “childlike innocence”.

At around five o’clock in the afternoon, after the Christmas tree was finally set up, Emil drove to the s.p.a.ce station to pick up his father, while Luo Fei stayed at home to help.

Princess Xiya went to the kitchen to prepare dinner in person, and Luo Fei took the initiative to follow behind her.

Xiya looked back at him in surprise: “You’re a prince, are you still willing to cook in the kitchen?”

Luo Fei smiled and said, “Is a prince not allowed to enter the kitchen? My father didn’t make this rule for me. Moreover, although the food cooked by robots is not bad, it’s still not as tasty as the ones made by humans. Your cooking skills are very good, so I want to try and learn.”

Seeing his serious appearance, Xiya smiled slightly, and said, “Your character is much gentler than your father, and even more gentle than your omega father.”

Luo Fei couldn’t help complaining: “My dad doesn’t have anything to do with the word ‘gentle’. It’s good enough if he doesn’t beat anyone.”

Thinking of the violent little monster Lin Yuan who beat up all the alphas in the military academy when he was young, Xiya couldn’t help laughing.

Having been beaten up by his violent father since childhood, it’s no wonder that Luo Fei has such a good temper.

After a while, she said with concern again: “By the way, the royal family has a rule for princes to get engaged at the age of eighteen. What is your father’s att.i.tude towards your marriage?”

Luo Fei said: “Father promised to abolish this system. In fact, he didn’t get engaged at the age of 18 either. These rules pa.s.sed down by the royal family for hundreds of years have long existed in name only. In addition, marriage is now free, and genetic screening is inappropriate now. I want to find my partner myself.”

Xiya asked curiously, “What kind of omega do you like?”

Luo Fei thought about it carefully, and replied: “It doesn’t have to be an omega. I think the most important thing for two people to be together is to connect with each other. Factors such as genes and family background are not within the scope of my consideration. There is only one condition – I like them, and they like me.”

I like them, and they like me?

The First Prince’s condition for choosing a spouse is so simple, it’s unbelievable. However, people who can meet this condition are not so easy to find.

Xiya nodded appreciatively: “The most rare thing to meet a lover who likes you back. It’s hard to buy sincerity.”

Luo Fei said: “I also think that feelings are more important than anything else. As long as I like someone, no matter who the other party is, I will try my best to catch up with them. Moreover, with my father’s openness, I don’t think he’ll interfere with my emotional matters.”

The two chatted while cooking. Luo Fei had never cooked before and knew nothing about cooking, but he was very good at learning. Xiya only demonstrated it once before he learned how to prepare several dishes that tasted pretty good.

Xiya praised: “You are such a considerate alpha, whoever marries you in the future will be very blessed.”

Luo Fei smiled: “You can’t say that. It’s only right to take care of the people you like. If there is a chance in the future, I also want to cook for that person. When father is in the palace, although he doesn’t cook for dad, he has always respected dad and dotes on him very much. Basically, my father will not reject the ideas raised by my dad.”

Xiya: “…”

Hearing Luo Fei utter a lot of truths that most alphas will never understand in their lifetime, Xiya’s eyes couldn’t help getting moist.

It seems that good tutoring had a profound impact on a child.

His Majesty Xize is a good father. He let Luo Fei grow up in a happy and happy family environment. He watched how his fathers respected and cared for each other since he was a child, so he formed such a concept of respecting and caring for his lover. It can be said that a father is the best teacher for a son.

As the First Prince, with his n.o.ble status, who would have thought that Luo Fei is willing to take the initiative and learn cooking skills for an unknown person he likes in the future?

If Xize knew that his son was so reasonable, he would be very relieved.


At around six o’clock in the evening, Emil picked up his father, Mr. David, from the s.p.a.ce station.

The family finally came together and had a reunion dinner around the Christmas tree.

Mr. David is a very gentlemanly alpha. He took good care of Princess Xiya at the dinner table, and even peeled shrimps for her. Princess Xiya also took the initiative to grab a piece of beef for him, and asked softly, “Why did you come back half an hour later than expected?”

David explained: “After the s.p.a.ceship took off, there was a sudden power failure. The captain temporarily stopped the s.p.a.ceship at the s.p.a.ce station for repairs, so it was late.”

When Emil heard this, he couldn’t help asking: “Luo Fei’s ship from Capital Star to Lyra also had a power outage. Is it the same situation?”

David frowned lightly: “That’s right. Recently, there’s been news reports of several accidents involving power outages, all of which happened to be KM Airlines’ interstellar pa.s.senger s.p.a.ceship. Because of these failures, KM Airlines’ tickets have become unsellable. Whenever I returned from the Cigar Galaxy before the cabin would be full, but this time, it was two-thirds empty.”

Emil sighed: “Two-thirds of the tickets cannot be sold. The airline can only eat this loss!”

Hearing this, Luo Fei immediately called Chongming, and asked him to search for information online—

The frequent power outages of the KM interstellar pa.s.senger s.p.a.ceship caused a lot of dissatisfaction, and many pa.s.sengers demanded compensation from the airline!

Many KM Airline tickets were unsold, and the stock has plummeted. The survival of the airline has reached the most critical moment!

Recently, the Internet is full of news about the breakdown of KM Airlines’ ships. No wonder his dad was alarmed and called him about it.

Luo Fei looked at his uncle and asked, “The matter is such a big mess, hasn’t KM Airlines stood up and expressed its stance yet?”

David said: “They only issued a statement on the official website, saying that they will compensate pa.s.sengers to a certain extent, but the specific compensation plan is still being negotiated. Such poor public relations crisis management isn’t like Mo Qiming’s usual style at all.”

When Luo Fei heard Mo Qiming’s name, he suddenly became curious: “KM Airlines is also related to Mo’s family?”

Emil interjected: “Mr. Mo invested in KM Airlines at the beginning of this year and became the largest shareholder of this airline. I think Mo Han also owns 10% of the shares.”

No wonder Mo Han only leaned over to say a word to the captain for him to be respectful to him that time. Obviously, he told the other party his ident.i.ty – the boss’s son came to the scene in person, so the captain naturally obediently invited him into the c.o.c.kpit.

The doubts in Luo Fei’s heart were explained, and he asked: “Fengyang Group is famous for its intelligent systems. Investing in airlines, could it be that they want to build a new generation of intelligent s.p.a.ceships?”

David looked at the First Prince with full admiration: “You are right, the Fengyang Group wants to develop a new generation of interstellar s.p.a.ceships with a fully intelligent OS. How far the project has moved is still confidential though. After these accidents, since the airline has not announced how they intend to compensate people, public opinion has been overwhelmingly negative. KM is in a very pa.s.sive position. From the current point of view, since things are already like this, I suspect there are probably preparing a big move in the future.”

Luo Fei listened carefully.

It’s really strange, he was not interested in business affairs at all before, but since he met Mo Han, every time he heard news about Fengyang Group, he listened with gusto.

At this moment, Emil suddenly said: “I just checked the news, KM Airlines is going to hold a press conference soon!”

As he spoke, he immediately turned on the holographic projection screen in the living room and switched to the Imperial Finance Channel. Mo Qiming must have spent a lot of money to be able to live broadcast the press conference during the prime time of 20:30 on Christmas eve.

The realistic picture made Luo Fei feel as if he was attending the press conference in person.

There was a row of long tables made of silver metal in the venue, giving the room a sense of futuristic technology. Several model s.p.a.ceships were placed on the tables, with a few KM Airline managers behind them. In the next moment, Luo Fei’s eyes were attracted by Mo Han who appeared on the screen.

Mo Han is wearing a well-tailored beige suit today, with a white shirt inside, and a tie with some elegant patterns on a navy blue background. The combination of white and blue brightened up his face, making him stick out on the stage.

His hair was combed very neatly, and looked mature without being too formal in the suit. His handsome face seemed to glow under the lighting of the scene. He was obviously only twenty years old, but sitting with a group of business leaders, he didn’t look out of place at all, with a calm and natural expression.

Can’t take his eyes off at all.

Luo Fei kept looking at him as the reporters asked questions, not listening to what was said.

—Mo Han is really pretty.

He’s not like those weak and beautiful omegas he’s  seen before, but calm, confident, and handsome from the inside out.

There is a saying that a person’s temperament often depends on his inner self.

Mo Han is someone with real talent and knowledge, so he won’t be timid, and contains a self-confidence and calmness from within that makes his temperament surpa.s.s all his peers.

Regardless of the secrets behind the Mo family brothers, or whether Mo Lin is mentally ill or not, at least Mo Han is a very good person as he faced the bombardment of the reporters calmly.

Luo Fei appreciated him from the bottom of his heart.

Emil noticed that Luo Fei hadn’t spoken, and turned around in doubt—

He unexpectedly discovered that Luo Fei had been staring at Mo Han the entire time. In that gaze, there was admiration, amazement, and a little… obsession?

Did he see right?!

It can’t be that the dignified First Prince has “that” kind of interest in another alpha?

This taste is too, too heavy…

Frightened by the thought, Emil trembled, and he immediately turned his head to look elsewhere, and stopped thinking about Luo Fei’s side.

Luo Fei didn’t notice Emil’s abnormality at all, because ever since he saw the handsome Mo Han appearing on the screen, his eyes could no longer tolerate others.

T/N: A Christmas chapter on a Christmas release ?

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