Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 31 - Law of the Jungle

Chapter 31 - Law of the Jungle

Frank’s ID in the game is “Handsome for three seconds”, and his girlfriend Kathleen’s ID is “Queen of the Hunt”.

Seeing a stranger named “Mr. F” join the team list, Kathleen asked Frank directly, “Who is this?”

Frank said: “They found me from the leaderboard, and said that they want to join our team to play high-difficulty dungeons.”

Kathleen laughed softly. “Our team’s ranking was too high last week. People come knocking everyday, who knows how long this one can last.”

Frank: “He said that he pa.s.sed the highest level a.s.sessment. Let’s take a look first. If he really is good, he can be our fifth teammate. If we a.s.semble the team before school starts, after Mo Han comes, we can directly start on nightmare mode.”

Kathleen nodded and said, “Okay, call him over then. The three of us will have a game first.”

A system prompt popped up in front of Luo Fei – the captain invites you to enter a secret realm, the misty forest (hard mode), are you sure you want to enter?

Luo Fei chose to confirm.

After a ten second countdown, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

He quickly identified his new teammates – Frank in a green camouflage uniform, Kathleen in neat sportswear. Luo Fei kept the initial appearance that came with the system, choosing a simple outfit of black trousers paired with a light brown off-the-shoulder vest that looked extraordinarily capable.

Frank greeted, “Hi.”

Luo Fei also greeted him politely: “h.e.l.lo, two masters.”

Frank said bluntly: “You know the rules, don’t you? As a team, the three of us are one. As long as one person in the team survives to the end, we will be the winners. If necessary, we can abandon our teammates and escape by ourselves. “

The implication of his words is very obvious – that is to say, if he’s no good, the two of them will abandon him and let him play on his own.

Luo Fei smiled slightly. “I understand, let’s try to survive to the end.”

Frank came over and patted him on the shoulder. “Okay, ready to go.”

The tactile effect in the holographic game is very realistic. Luo Fei really felt the pressure on his shoulder when Frank patted his shoulder. He wondered a little curiously, does this game allow intimate contact? Like hugs, kisses, or something?

Seeing that Frank and Kathleen had set off, Luo Fei quickly followed behind them.

The misty forest is a bit like the jungle in the trailer. The leaves and branches blended together, making the whole environment very dark. Only a few rays of light shone through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and some insects and birds can be heard around. Occasionally, there was the roar of an unknown beast.

The three of them walked forward one by one, and when they reached a big tree, Luo Fei suddenly stopped and said in a low voice, “Someone is coming.”

Although he didn’t know if what he said was true or not, Frank stopped immediately, hid behind a tree, and gestured to his girlfriend. Kathleen understood and stood with Frank, letting the big tree cover her figure. Luo Fei glanced around, then dodged and hid in the nearby bushes.

After a while, the sound of footsteps became clearer, and a three-person team came into view, led by someone holding a submachine gun.

In a head-to-head confrontation, they will definitely not be able to take on a team with weapons in hand, and can only win by surprise.

However, after receiving the system prompt of “there are players nearby”, the other three were also very vigilant, taking every step carefully.

Luo Fei hid in the bushes and patiently waited for an opportunity.

The moment when the three of them pa.s.sed in front of them, Luo Fei suddenly jumped up from the bushes, and hit the back of the leader’s neck with one hand!

The leader staggered and fell on the ground, and Luo Fei quickly grabbed the submachine gun with his other hand.

Seeing that their captain was under attack, the two remaining teammates tried to double-team Luo Fei. Luo Fei flipped his wrist and hit the chest of the man on the left with the heavy barrel of the submachine gun, and swept the remaining person to the ground.

Luo Fei held the gun and said with a smile, “Thank you for the weapons. Goodbye.”

Those three people didn’t realize what was going on at all, before Luo Fei sent them out of the game cleanly.

Frank: “…”

Kathleen: “…”

The two looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

This reaction is too fast. It’s a bit scary?

Frank couldn’t help but put his arms around Luo Fei’s shoulders, and said, “Good skill! Have you practiced?”

Luo Fei squatted down and searched the backpacks of the three players, and replied: “I have been fighting since elementary school, so I am more sensitive to the sounds of the environment.”

Frank said: “So, is it true you pa.s.sed the highest a.s.sessment?”

Luo Fei found that the backpacks of the three eliminated players were all empty, so he stood up. “Of course it’s true, otherwise, I wouldn’t dare to apply to form a team with someone in the top ten so casually.”

Frank nodded appreciatively and said, “Let’s go.”

Kathleen reminded: “There are a lot of wild beasts in the jungle, and the gunshots just now may have attracted the attention of players around us. We have to leave as soon as possible.”

Luo Fei said, “Go this way, I’ll cover you.”

Frank and Kathleen had some doubts about him at first, but after seeing him one-vs-three a team directly, they quickly recognized Luo Fei’s strength. Any objections to him joining their team also faded.

The three of them walked around the big tree in front and walked towards the depths of the dense jungle.

According to the rules of the game, players get equipment from killing beasts, zombies, or other monsters. They can also take the equipment off players they’ve eliminated. Once they are killed by a monster or another player, they are considered dead and are taken out of the dungeon.

Hundreds of players and teams challenge a dungeon at the same time, and coupled with the existence of powerful creatures, it is not an easy task to survive to the end.

Not long after, the three were attacked by a wild beast.

It was a mutated flame wolf, with fiery red fur, nearly two meters tall, fierce and domineering. It rushed towards the three of them, running as fast as lightning. A frightening roar came out of its mouth, almost breaking their eardrums, baring its sharp fangs at them.

It’s impossible to aim at the weak spots of such a fast moving creature, and standing around and shooting will likely mean falling to the ground and getting killed.

As expected of hard mode, the creatures in the scene are much fiercer. More timid players will probably pee their pants in fright at such a scene,

Frank and Kathleen have cleared many hard mode dungeons and are used to such giant creatures.

Luo Fei didn’t change his face at the surprise encounter. Seeing the flame wolf pounced towards him, he rolled on the spot, avoiding its sharp claws neatly, and stretched out his hand to grab a nearby vine to jump into the air and dodge.

The flame wolf’s attack failed, so it turned around and chased after Luo Fei!

Luo Fei used the vines to quickly shuttle through the jungle when the enraged flame wolf suddenly jumped up, ready to throw Luo Fei off the tree. Luo Fei decisively raised his submachine gun pointed at its head, and pulled the trigger. 

Bang, bang.

There was an earth-shattering roar, and then the fiery red monster fell to the ground with a “boom”, kicking up dust all over the place.

Frank and Kathleen looked at each other.

Most people will feel their legs go weak with fright when chased by such a huge mutant beast.

This man was able to maintain absolute calm and blow the beast’s head off with one shot.

Very handsome.

Even Kathleen couldn’t help admiring out loud, and exclaimed, “Did you go through special training? You’re so good at fighting and marksmanship!”

Frank said, “You can’t be special forces, special police, or something?”

Luo Fei jumped down from the tree, and while turning over the dead body of the flame wolf, he explained: “My father was a soldier. He has been strict with me since I was a child, and taught me a lot of fighting and shooting skills.”

The Imperial Army will conduct special training for all soldiers, so everyone can master hand-to-hand combat, precise marksmanship, and combat mechs. Many children from military families also receive training in these areas from an early age, to prepare them for military schools when they grow up.

Saying he’s from a military family is very reasonable. And he didn’t lie, both his fathers have studied in a military academy, his dad’s parents are generals, and his other family members are inseparable from the military department.

“Ah, you’re from a military family! No wonder you’re so skilled!” Frank had no doubts about his explanation. Excited to finally find a powerful roommate, Frank walked over and patted Luo Fei on the shoulder vigorously. “From now on, form a team with us. Mo Han will be very happy to know!”


Not necessarily. If Mo Han knew who I was, his face would be stiff and speechless, right?

Just like when he heard the confession that day. Luo Fei was imagining Mo Han’s expression at learning his ident.i.ty, but on the surface, he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, “Who is Mo Han?”

Kathleen said, “Mo Han is our captain.”

Frank added: “He’s also very skilled, not much worse than you. With you two strong teammates, I don’t think it will be a problem clearing nightmare mode.”

Kathleen said: “Let’s familiarize ourselves as a team first, and play nightmare mode when Mo Han comes next week.”

Frank: “No problem!”

Luo Fei, who successfully broke into the group, was in a great mood. He looked forward to  seeing Mo Han in the game, eager to show his strength in front of him. Once he does, putting aside his previous goof, will Mo Han finally think he’s handsome?

Thinking of this, Luo Fei was so excited that he couldn’t sleep.

That night, he played for hours with Frank and Kathleen, and didn’t go to bed until the early hours of the morning.

Hm, not sure author mentioned it, but what about Luo Fei’s voice? Or is there a voice changer?

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