Interstellar Marriage Guide

Chapter 9 - Feeling out

Chapter 9 - Feeling out

Noah couldn’t figure out what the First Prince was thinking. Doesn’t he know that master is a genius hacker? The airline’s pa.s.senger list can be checked at will, and all imperial s.p.a.ceship tickets must be purchased with one’s real ident.i.ty. Fabricating information in front of the owner like this is just digging his own grave!

Noah asked curiously, “Master, before you found out his real name, how did you deduce that he was lying?”

Picking up the water gla.s.s on the table and taking a sip, Mo Han said lightly: “His temperament is quite special, not like an ordinary a.s.sistant. Moreover, he is accompanied by an Emil who can’t act—the way the Emil looked at him. He was betrayed a long time ago, no boss would care so much about an a.s.sistant and instead listen to what the a.s.sistant has to say.”

Noah suddenly realized: “No wonder the master asked him so many questions just now.”

Mo Han stroked his chin thoughtfully: “He answered so quickly, there should be an intelligent mech helping him. What is the name of the First Prince’s mech?”

Noah replied: “It’s called Chongming. The transformed appearance of this mech is exactly the Chongming bird in myths and legends. According to the information registered by the Mech a.s.sociation, Chongming was built by Mr. Brian, a genius in mech design, for the First Prince’s tenth birthday. The S-cla.s.s smart mech has a very advanced anti-detection system, so I didn’t detect its existence just now.”

Mo Han asked: “Did it find you?”

“Probably not.” Noah said, “The intelligence system installed by master is no worse than an S-cla.s.s intelligent mech.”

Mo Han nodded, stood up from the sofa, and said, “I’m going to meet the First Prince.”


In the banquet hall, Luo Fei and Emil were enjoying the buffet.

The buffet prepared for the birthday party was very rich. The two found an empty seat and took some exquisite pastries to taste slowly.

Holding a plate of fruit in his hand, Mo Han walked over to sit down next to the two, and asked politely, “Are the two seniors used to the buffet today?”

Luo Fei praised: “The taste is very good.”

Emil also said: “It’s delicious and very comprehensive!”

Mo Han said modestly: “Compared with the school cafeteria, the variety is still too small. After all, s.p.a.ce is limited, and there can only be so many dishes.” He looked back at Luo Fei and said, “I remember the steak at window 17 on the third floor of the school cafeteria is very delicious. I wonder if “senior” also likes it?”

Luo Fei was silent for two seconds, then smiled and said, “Did you remember incorrectly? The one that serves steak seems to be window 7 on the second floor?”

Mo Han: “…”

Chongming should be able to search for details of Hermann University at any time.

And to retrieve such trivial information, it only takes 2 seconds.

Mo Han really appreciates the data a.n.a.lysis speed of this S-cla.s.s smart mech. If he has the opportunity in the future, he really wants to study Chongming’s system.

On the surface, Mo Han remained calm and replied with a smile, “I remembered wrongly. Speaking of which, I haven’t eaten in the school cafeteria for a long time, and I miss it a bit.”

Luo Fei suggested: “School will start next month, and you’ll be able to go to the cafeteria soon. The fruit cakes made by the cake shop on the second floor taste very good.”

“Thank you for the recommendation, I’ll try it again when I have time.” Mo Han changed the subject, “By the way, did you join any clubs when you were in school?”

“I joined the Mech a.s.sociation.”

“What a coincidence? I also joined the Mech a.s.sociation. Every night, I go to the school’s mech building to practice mech control, but I haven’t met the seniors much?”

“I went there in the afternoon, maybe we just went at different times?”

“No wonder. If there is a chance in the future, we can learn from each other.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Luo Fei’s expression was very calm, and Mo Han’s expression was also very calm.

The two had a very harmonious and friendly conversation about the canteen, mech training room, tennis court, swimming pool, and other places of Hermann University.

Emil wanted to ask – ‘who am I, where am I, why can’t I get in the conversation? Do I want to leave?’

He suddenly had the illusion that he was not a student of Hermann University.

Why can’t he follow what they’re saying?

But he quickly figured it out – the reason Luo Fei was able to communicate with Mo Han fluently is because of Chongming.

Chongming is an S-level smart mech, and is mentally bound to its owner. Luo Fei can use his mental power to control it, ask it to scour the network, and instantly extract key information. Even if Mo Han asks about the books in the school library, it can immediately find the book number.

——Such probing questions will not trouble Luo Fei at all.

Emil was also very happy to watch the play, so he consciously stopped interrupting and sat by the side to listen to the two of them “reminiscing about the old days”.

The two chatted from the cafeteria to the mech training building, from the library to the tennis court, and almost talked about all the buildings in the school…

Finally, Mo Han stopped this topic and said politely: “Senior, I need to go over to grandpa’s side. It was nice to meet you, let’s talk next time.”

Luo Fei said, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

The two looked at each other, then Mo Han turned and left.

It wasn’t until Mo Han’s back disappeared from sight that Luo Fei exhaled softly and said, “Mo Han should trust me completely now, right?”

Emil nodded: “I almost believed that you’re a graduate of Hermann University.”

Chongming said excitedly: “Praise me, praise me, praise me quickly! My retrieval speed is getting faster and faster!”

Luo Fei smiled and boasted, “Well done.”

He never expected that, in fact, Mo Han had already seen through his ident.i.ty.


Not far away, Mo Han went out from the side door of the banquet hall and returned to the lounge.

“Master, you talked with him about many school-related topics, and his answers have always been correct.” Noah’s voice sounded in his mind.

“I know.” Mo Han said lightly.

“Why did you talk to him about this?”

“I’m not testing him, I’m testing his mech.”

“…” Noah was a little surprised. “Test Chongming?”

“Yes, Chongming’s intelligent system is currently the most advanced in the entire empire. It can search the database, extract keywords, a.n.a.lyze and reason, and find correct information within 2 seconds. Moreover, this speed is not affected by an increased workload, and doesn’t slow down. The questions I asked Luo Fei later were more complicated, but Luo Fei still answered them fluently. It can be seen that Chongming’s system is indeed very powerful.” Mo Han’s eyes flashed with excitement. “I really want to dismantle Chongming, and study its code carefully.”


Noah suddenly sympathized with the First Prince and Chongming. After meeting his shrewd master, First Prince and Chongming can only help count money after being sold.

—Trying to pretend to be a student of Hermann University?

—My master  already knows who you were.

—My master is willing to play with you because he is very interested in your mech. He wants to dismantle Chongming and study Chongming’s system.


At this moment, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open. Mo Qiming walked in, and asked in a low voice, “I saw you talking with Emil’s a.s.sistant for a long time? What’s going on?”

Mo Han smiled and said, “Can’t father see that he is not Emil’s ‘a.s.sistant’?”

Mo Qiming said: “Of course, I saw he wasn’t like an ordinary a.s.sistant, which is why I came to ask you. Did you find anything after talking with him for so long?”

Mo Han nodded: “He is the First Prince, Luo Fei.”

Mo Qiming: “…”

He knew this a.s.sistant had an unusual temperament. There is no need for Emil to be so polite to an a.s.sistant, so this ident.i.ty is obviously just a cover-up.

Unexpectedly, this ‘a.s.sistant’ turned out to be Luo Fei, the great prince of the empire.

Mo Qiming frowned and said, “First Prince? He has never set foot in the business world, why did he suddenly appear in our house?”

Mo Han replied: “Probably out of curiosity, so he followed his cousin Emil to attend grandpa’s birthday party.”

Mo Qiming stared into his son’s eyes and said firmly, “Are you hiding something from me?”

Mo Han shook his head: “No.”

Mo Qiming walked over and patted his son on the shoulder. “Every time you lie, you look into the other person’s eyes calmly, pretending to have a clear conscience.”

Mo Han immediately looked away from his father, and coughed in embarra.s.sment: “I really can’t hide from you…”

Mo Qiming smiled slightly, looked at his son with gentle eyes, and said softly: “I am your father, why hide from me? Tell me, what’s going on?”

Mo Han took a few sips from the water gla.s.s on the table, moistened his throat, and then continued: “Our Mo family has never had any contact with the imperial family. I can think of anything that can link the First Prince with the Mo family. That is, one list.”

Mo Qiming frowned and asked, “What list?”

“The matching list for genetic screening.” Mo Han explained. “Not long ago, I tracked my genetic information to the Omega a.s.sociation and found that the a.s.sociation helped the First Prince to select omega candidates for marriage. After careful consideration and screening, they selected ten omegas whose genes matched more than 90% with the First Prince, and Mo Lin was on that list.” He paused, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes. “The First Prince concealed his ident.i.ty and came here this time probably to investigate Mo Lin.”

Mo Qiming: “…”

There was a sudden silence in the room.

Time pa.s.sed by, and neither father nor son spoke.

After a long time, Mo Qiming sighed softly, walked over and sat down on the sofa next to Mo Han, rubbed his aching temples, and said, “You should know that although our Mo family is rich, His Majesty Xize’s prestige is extremely high among the people. The First Prince is also his chosen heir to the throne. If the First Prince really likes Mo Lin, and asks His Majesty to directly ask for marriage, it isn’t easy for us to refuse.”

Mo Han didn’t speak.

Mo Qiming patted the back of his son’s hand lightly, and asked in a low voice, “Do you want to be this princess?”

Mo Han said decisively, “I don’t want to.”

He put down his water gla.s.s, stood up from the sofa, and said in a very cold tone, “I thought that even if the a.s.sociation chose Mo Lin, the First Prince wouldn’t be interested in this kind of rich second-generation omega, so I didn’t pay attention to that at the time. I didn’t expect that the First Prince would come to Mo’s house in person, and even tried his best to conceal his ident.i.ty. He probably wants to know what kind of person Mo Lin is like out of curiosity.”

Mo Qiming frowned and said, “What are you going to do?”

Mo Han said: “Since he has become curious about Mo Lin, then I will let him meet Mo Lin. I will let Mo Lin become the type of omega he hates the most.”

—In this way, the First Prince will completely lose interest in Mo Lin.

Mo Qiming was silent for a moment, then asked: “Are you sure he won’t discover your secret if you do this?”

Mo Han smiled slightly: “It’s impossible for him to find out. Mo Han is an alpha, and Mo Lin is an omega. No one will think that the alpha and omega brothers are actually the same person.”

Lolol – Luo Fei and Mo Han testing each other.

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