Ling Fei’s place is in a fairly remote location.

Zhang FengLang brought an aggressive and hostile mob, but no one reported this, if by any chance they get reported, then the ones in trouble would be them.

“Who’s dog is wantonly barking, hurry and drag it back, to avoid having it jumping and barking everywhere.”

Just when everyone thought that Ling Fei was going to hide like a turtle in it’s sh.e.l.l, an arrogant voice caused their faces to turn white and green.

Arrogant, too arrogant.

Zhang FengLang’s face ashened.

The door opened and Ling Fei and Gao Ren walked out leisurely.


Ling Fei’s att.i.tude was very dismissive when he spoke, directly demoting certain people status’ to a furry pet.

For a minority, these actions were extremely beneficial to them.

Zhang FengLang is who, as he said before, belongs to the extremely proud, never even taking notice of people who are weaker than him inside the outer court, let alone someone like Ling Fei the trash.

“You’re Ling Fei?”

Zhang FengLang kept a scowl on his face, and looked at Ling Fei with an unwavering stare, it was this guy who caused misfortune to a few of the Zhang clan disciples.

“I’m merely a n.o.body, this junior brother is surprised that Zhang senior brother knows someone like me.” Ling Fei said with a light tone.

“Heng(heh?), I had thought that you possessed 3 heads and 6 arms, but now it seems you’re merely soso, could it be your victory over Zhang ChongShan was only by relying on certain methods?” Zhang FengLang shook his head in disappointment.

Those who knew Zhang FengLang well understood what this movement portended, it was his sign that we was getting angry, only calamity would ensue from this point onwards.

“If Zhang Senior brother is here for that incident, by all means “talk” openly with me, I, Ling Fei will accept it all.” Ling Fei replied in the same manner of rudeness.

Ling Fei has never been polite to people who come to his door to look for trouble.

h.e.l.l, if the emperor came he’d receive the same treatment, let alone someone like Zhang FengLang

“Junior brother really has guts.” Zhang FengLang’s suddenly changed the topic, “though, you were too excessive in the incident where you injured my Junior brother, if you kneel down right now and yell out three times that you are a piece of trash, then personally repent in front of Zhang ChongShan junior brother, then this senior brother can promise here that we can all forget about the incident!”

Such craftiness! (editor: much wow)

Everyone’s expression changed after hearing this.


A few people inside the crowd were paying extra attention to the events unfolding.

“Zhang brother, nice calculations, Ling Fei must choose this time. To had p.i.s.sed off Zhang FengLang, the results won’t be pretty, I really don’t know what kind of ridiculous luck this guy found, to be able to advance to Martial Dao Fourth Layer.”

Within the low chattering voices, slight wisps of jealousy and anger could be heard.

“Back then when Ling Fei was taking liberties of Luo ZiYan, good thing the Ling Clan made an early decision and abandoned him, or else Ling Fei would be a completely wasted person or even dead right now. Why else would he stay here at G.o.d Martial Art Sect for four years without daring to  think about going home? The five year grand compet.i.tion is almost here, if the waning Ling Clan hears about the death of Ling Fei at this compet.i.tion, I wonder what they will be like?”

Zhang ChongShan’s complexion was horrible, clearly the injuries were not that easily recovered, if Ling Fei’s name was mentioned, he would have a gout of anger but having no where to vent it.

Ever since he woke up, Zhang ChongShan didn’t dare to go outside, people everywhere were talking about his defeat. To him, this was unacceptable.

“Zhang brother’s words are correct, the Ling Clan is destined to fall, this time’s grand compet.i.tion, if Ling Clan has no more excellent disciples, its influence will drastically, and we can imagine what the city lord’s actions will be once that happens, after all, the city lord’s inaction must be related to the Ling Clan’s remaining influence.” Li XiaoChang’s face did not change, but the air around him became eerie, as if there was a poisonous snake hiding in the dark waiting.


“Zhang Senior brother, how do you suggest this junior chooses?”

Ling Fei smiled instead of getting angry, and Gao Ren next to him pa.s.sed him a glance, trying to prevent Ling Fei from being hot headed, if the Ling Fei falls into the opponent’s word trap, it’s obvious that Ling Fei would be screwed.

Zhang FengLang gave a hearty laugh, using an arrogant “I’m better than you” look, said indifferently “Of course I would follow the advice of the senior, a.s.suming that Ling Fei junior does not want to refuse my good will, right? It’s clear, as a Martial Dao Fourth Layer against the Fifth Layer me, as your senior, giving you the right advice is my duty.”

Ling Fei remained silent for a bit before breaking out in rough cussing, “f.u.c.k you and your choices! Screw your entire family!”

“Good, very good, so this is your choice.” Zhang FengLang never liked wasting time talking reason to the weak. Against a weakling, directly using force is a better choice, “You dared injure my junior brother, then take one move from me.”

Everyone’s face changed again after hearing this.

[t/l wow, this crowd can make earning as mimes…:O

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