Irresistible Forces

Chapter 5.

Instead of answering her, he placed the bottle of champagne on a nearby table and crossed the room to her. There was no need for formality. They both knew why they were there and as far as he was concerned, now was just as good a time as any to get the ball rolling. And speaking of b.a.l.l.s...he felt his thicken. His testosterone level was so high that he wouldn"t be surprised if he were to impregnate her with twins.

The thought of such a thing actually happening made him that much more aroused. It actually made his body ache. Seeing her again was doing a job on him, a real exclusive number. He couldn"t recall ever wanting a woman so badly. When he stood directly in front of her, he reached out and cupped the back of her neck to guide her mouth to meet his.

The moment their lips touched he felt it. Pa.s.sion so thick you could lap it up. Spread it about. Get smothered by it. And when he went past her moist lips and inserted his tongue inside her mouth, he knew he had been antic.i.p.ating this very moment ever since the night they had dined together over two weeks ago.

Her response was immediate, absolute and totally delectable. The reason they were here might be staged, predestined so to speak, but the s.e.xual chemistry between them was as instant and spontaneous as it could get. The depth of her sensuality was enough to make him want to jump in the ocean to cool off. A cold shower just wouldn"t work off the heat. He had discovered over the past two weeks, ever since she had placed her proposal into his lap and he had accepted, that he desired her to the point of madness. And this was the result. He was getting a pretty good taste of her and she was getting a good taste of him, as well.

He heard her groan low in her throat and knew if he pushed hard enough they would be making love right here, possibly on the floor, which wasn"t where he wanted his son or daughter conceived. He knew she could feel how aroused he was from the way his body was pressed against hers. He wanted her to feel it. Get used to it.

He really did need to slow down, he thought, as he continued to lap her up. He would take things slow the next time around. But now this seemed appropriate. This is what he wanted. And he was struck by the enormity of just how much pa.s.sion was in one single kiss. Of how much tongue action was required. He was enjoying sharing both with her. There was nothing gentle about the kiss. Far from it. There was hunger, greed and a desperation he hadn"t been used to before, but was getting familiar with now. For some reason she felt right in his arms. Right in his mouth. Right with her body pressed intimately against his.

It wasn"t easy, but he finally gained control and pulled back. She gasped for breath the moment their mouths separated. After pulling air into his own lungs he leaned back close to her, lowered his head close to her ear and whispered in a deep, husky tone, "Hmm, so much for us not being on speaking terms."

For a full minute Taylor was speechless, too awed to form any kind of coherent words. It was hard to believe that this was the man with whom, until three weeks ago, she"d shared a strictly professional relationship. And now what they were about to share was anything but that. And considering the reason they were there, she could hardly suggest to him to slow down.

Her heart was racing as she stood rooted in place. Dominic, however, seemed rather at ease, unerringly calm, as he walked over to the sofa to remove his jacket.

"I take it you had a nice flight here?"

She blinked upon realizing he had spoken. She glanced across the room at him and felt a sweet craving invade her body. The man was simply gorgeous and exuded a degree of sensuality that should be outlawed. He was wearing an expensive tailored shirt with a pair of dark slacks. He was tall and lean. His shoulders were broad and his hips narrow. What a body! She didn"t want to think about that same body, naked and in bed with her, flesh to flesh.


It was then she realized she hadn"t answered his question. She pulled in a rather shaky sigh. "Yes, it was nice. What about yours?"

He stood beside the sofa. His hair was loose and flowing around his shoulders and his feet were braced apart, again making her conscious of what a good-looking man he was and what a fine physique he had. He was in great shape and she would undoubtedly find out just how great later that night.

"The same. I took a nap so now I"m pretty well rested."

Taylor swallowed. Was he giving her fair warning? His expression was inscrutable and she couldn"t tell by his eyes what he was thinking.

"What"s this?" he asked, picking up the gift bag off the sofa.

She looked at the bag he had in his hand. "That"s something I was given at check-in. I haven"t had a chance to see what"s in it."

"We may as well take a look together," he said. The first thing he pulled out was a book. His chuckle made her wonder what type of book it was. He glanced over at her, evidently saw her curious expression and said, "I guess you can call it a self-help manual. It"s t.i.tled Best s.e.xual Positions for Baby-Making. Best s.e.xual Positions for Baby-Making." He flipped through the pages and looked back up at her. "There are even pictures. Umm, interesting."

She could just imagine, but even if curiosity killed her, she would not cross the room to take a peep. He placed the book on the table next to the sofa as though he intended to take time to delve between the pages more later. He then pulled out several jars of what looked like creams and other items. He proved her right when he said, "An a.s.sortment of flavored creams, a bottle of lickable lotion and several gels. This feminine arousal gel I would a.s.sume is for you and the erection gel is for me."

Taylor"s gaze automatically shifted to his crotch. She was staring at it, but at the moment she couldn"t help herself, imagining...

"There"s also a notice about a free movie they"re showing tonight on the television. It"s guaranteed to put us in the mood if we"re not already there," he was saying.

The thought that crossed Taylor"s mind at that exact moment was that literally, she couldn"t speak for him but she was already there. In fact her body didn"t rightly seem connected to her brain. It wanted to do one thing while her brain was trying to drill some sense into her. She really wasn"t paying attention.

"There"s also a notice that dinner will be served in our room around six." He checked his watch. "That"s a couple of hours away. Is there anything you"d like to do until then?"

Taylor took a deep breath while thinking that, yes, there was something she would like to do until then. Jumping his bones seemed like an activity worth trying. But she knew she couldn"t do that. She had put too much work into her seduction scene tonight to get carried away by a few errant hormones. Well, maybe more than a few.

"What about a walk on the beach?" she decided to ask.

From the look on his face she could tell her suggestion surprised him. "A walk on the beach?"

"Yes, and then we can return to the room and shower for dinner," she said.

"Ok, then let"s take a walk on the beach."

She glanced at his clothes. Not the typical attire for walking on the beach. "Do you want to change first?"

He smiled. "No, I"m fine."

He most certainly was.

He moved toward the door. Paused and glanced over his shoulder. "Are you coming?"

Not yet, she thought, but she had a feeling that"s all she would be doing later tonight underneath his hard, muscular body. "Yes," she said, crossing the room to where he was standing. He smiled again and she felt all kinds of flutters fill her stomach. She couldn"t wait until tonight.

Dominic thought the same thing as he walked beside Taylor on the long stretch of beach. He couldn"t remember ever taking the time to do something so relaxing. He definitely hadn"t ever done so with Camry. Their lives had been fast paced-jetsetters-with no thought of settling down and taking things slow or making a family. They"d figured that would come later. And they had been so wrong.

Not wanting to think of his life with Camry-and what he"d lost with her death-he wanted to concentrate on what he would gain with Taylor. Since he had no intentions of every marrying again, at least he would have a son or daughter who would inherit what he was working so hard to acquire. His own Saxon dynasty.

He had removed his shoes and socks and actually liked the feel of the sand beneath his feet. He also liked having this woman beside him. They continued walking down the long stretch of beach. The sugar-white sand gave way to a clear blue-green sea and the scent of the ocean filled his nostrils. Taylor wasn"t saying much but then neither was he. He was too busy thinking of what he would love to be doing with all those jars of flavored creams this week. What he intended intended to do with them. to do with them.

"The beach is simply gorgeous, isn"t it?"

He turned his head and caught her gaze. His eyes moved to her lips, remembering how they"d tasted and a sensation pa.s.sed through his body. "Yes, it is," he responded, thinking so was she. "I can"t recall the last time I"ve done something like this."

"Really?" she said, looking at him. "But you own an entire island on the ocean."

He wasn"t surprised she knew that. Other than his parents, Matt and the IRS, she was the only other person who knew the vast extent of his wealth. The media thought they knew but in essence they really didn"t have a clue. His grandfather was determined to make sure Dominic took his place as the rightful Saxon heir and had set up various accounts for him in all parts of the world. Dominic wanted no part of it and to this day refused to acknowledge the old man"s generosity. Dominic was determined not to accept his grandfather"s money, which he saw as a device Franco Saxon was using to alleviate his guilt and buy his way into his grandson"s affections. As far as Dominic was concerned, it would not happen.

"Yes, I own that island but I rarely have time to enjoy it. You of all people should know how busy I am."

It seemed he was driven to acc.u.mulate even more wealth and was beginning to believe the accusations his father had once made were true. As long as he maintained a degree of his own wealth, he would not be tempted to accept what his grandfather was offering.

"In that case I"m glad at least you have this week to relax and unwind."

He chuckled. "Um, is that what I"ll be doing?"

Her grin was almost contagious when she said, "Somewhat. But I promise it will be a week you"ll remember."

She sounded confident. Certain. But then he was also convinced it would be a week he would remember. Deciding he needed to talk about something, anything that would take his mind off bedding her, he said, "I understand your sister is getting married in June to Cameron Cody."

She glanced at him. "Yes. You know Cameron?"

"Yes. We"ve met. We"ve even been partners in a few business ventures. He"s an astute businessman."

"So are you. It doesn"t surprise me that you know Cameron. We met when he tried to take over my family"s business."

Dominic lifted a brow. "You"re kidding, right?"

She smiled. "No, I"m not kidding. It was supposed to be a hostile takeover, but he never got all the voting shares he needed."

"So your family became friends with him instead?" he asked, amazed. He"d been involved in a few takeover attempts himself. The last thing the parties involved felt toward each other afterward, regardless of whether the attempt had been successful or not, was friendliness.

"Yes, at least, my four male cousins did," she was saying. "It was a male thing. I think they admired Cameron"s tenacity and respected his drive to succeed. They never saw him as a threat because the Steele family is so close, so we weren"t worried about anyone defecting. But Cameron had to learn a valuable lesson."

"Which was?"

"No matter what, blood is thicker than money. And trust me, he was offering a lot. But for us it wasn"t about the money. It was about the legacy that my father and uncle pa.s.sed on to us. They started the company many years ago and had always intended for it to be family owned and operated."

Dominic nodded. "And now Cameron will become a part of your family."

"Yes, he will be. He loves my sister very much and she loves him."

Love. He was familiar with that word because of his parents but had yet to experience the emotion himself. He had loved Camry but not in the same way that he knew his father loved his mother. What he"d felt for his wife had been more fondness than love. They respected each other and were good friends during their brief marriage. He was familiar with that word because of his parents but had yet to experience the emotion himself. He had loved Camry but not in the same way that he knew his father loved his mother. What he"d felt for his wife had been more fondness than love. They respected each other and were good friends during their brief marriage.

"Ready to head back?"

Taylor had stopped walking and was smiling politely at him. "Yes, I can certainly use that shower," he said.

And he could also use something else. Something he was looking forward to getting later.

"Are you going to take a shower with me?"

Dominic"s question made Taylor"s stomach lurch in heated l.u.s.t. An ache started at the juncture of her legs. They had returned from their walk on the beach and were standing in the bedroom. He had wasted no time removing his shirt and stood with his hands in his pockets, which caused the material of his pants to stretch tight against his thighs. And they were such muscular thighs.

She cleared her throat to swallow the lump that had formed there. "I"d rather wait until later, after we make love."

He looked amused at her statement. "And may I ask why?"

Yes, why? why? She shrugged. "Although we won"t know the exact moment it happens, I know that I will get pregnant from you this week and I"d rather not let the first time we come together be in a shower." She shrugged. "Although we won"t know the exact moment it happens, I know that I will get pregnant from you this week and I"d rather not let the first time we come together be in a shower."

He gave her a smile that intensified that ache in her body. "You don"t think we can share a shower without making love?"

"What do you think?" she countered.

He stared at her for a moment, in that way that always got to her, making her hot all over, as his gaze traveled up and down her body. Finally, he said, "I think that you"re probably right."

Oh, yeah, I am right, trust me, she thought. "I"ll wait in the other room for you to finish and then I"ll take my shower," she said, heading for the door. she thought. "I"ll wait in the other room for you to finish and then I"ll take my shower," she said, heading for the door.


She turned back around. "Yes?"

"I think you should know that I want you."

She saw the heat in his eyes, felt the l.u.s.t and desire in them from across the room. She was no novice at being wanted by a man, but this was the first time she could actually feel the intensity. And what was so amazing was that she craved him just as much.

"Thanks for telling me," she said softly. "And I want you, too." She decided to lay her cards on the table since he was laying down his.

"Come here. I want to give you something to think about while I"m in the shower alone," was his comeback in a husky tone.

She started to tell him that it wasn"t necessary. She had enough to think about already. But she figured he was going to kiss her again, which she didn"t have any qualms with. She was looking forward to it. Her lips were still tingling from their last encounter.

She retraced her steps and crossed the room to him, trying not to focus on his naked chest and finding it hard not to do so. Especially downward, where the sprinkle of hair seemed to take a low path toward his waist, even lower toward his...


She shifted her gaze from his chest to his eyes. "Yes?" She"d been caught staring.

He didn"t say anything for a moment; he just continued to look at her, especially her mouth. And the more he stared the more her lips itched for him to taste them. "I"m going to enjoy being here with you for the next seven days," he said, as he reached out and untied the straps at her shoulders, and then gave each a quick tug.

She hadn"t been expecting it and before she could blink, the top of her sundress dropped and she was naked to the waist. She opened her mouth to say something and that"s when he inserted his tongue inside. At that moment she forgot about everything else except what his mouth was doing to hers. He was part French and she wondered if it was an inborn part of a Frenchman"s nature to master the art of French-kissing, because he certainly had. She would even go so far as to say he was an expert. She"d been French-kissed before but never like this. His tongue was definitely a weapon of ma.s.s seduction.

Automatically, she angled her head to get more of the pleasure. If this was what he wanted to give her to think about then he was succeeding. He had her thinking. He also had her panties getting wet.

He released her mouth. They were standing so close, their lips mere inches apart, as if ready to go at it again, devour each other senseless, when she discovered the kiss wasn"t all he wanted to give her to think about. She sucked in a deep breath when she felt his fingers touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. At that moment her brain seemed to turn to mush. He cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands and began ardently caressing them, letting the tips of his fingers rub gently across her hardened nipples.

He met her gaze and the heat she saw in the depths of his green eyes made her a lost cause. At that moment she wanted to make love to him and she didn"t care if they conceived their child right there, while standing up. She wondered if that particular position was in that little book.

He lowered his mouth to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and like a vacuum he sucked a hardened tip into his mouth. Then his tongue went to work like a man famished for the taste of her. She responded with a soft moan and reached out and sank her fingers in his hair to hold his head to her, experiencing a heated breakdown of all her senses. Her stomach began quivering with a need that was as intense as anything she"d ever encountered.

She let out a deep, startled moan when he suddenly slipped a warm hand under her dress and immediately went to the area between her legs. Slipping underneath her panties, he planted his fingers in her sensitive flesh. Blood pounded in her ears when he began stroking her intimately. She wasn"t sure what was sending her over the edge the fastest, his mouth or his fingers. She released a soft sigh when he intensified the kiss at the same time he increased the tempo of the stroke of his fingers.

He was showing no mercy. She tightened her grip on his head and called out his name when a shudder of immense proportions rammed through her, shaking her to the core. She squeezed her eyes shut when everything in the room seemed to come rushing together, bearing down on them. She could barely stand and her mind was void of any conscious thought except the intense pleasure ripping through her.

When he finally released her it took a few moments to get her mind back in check. She opened her eyes and nearly lost it again when he took his finger, the same one that had intimately stroked her, and brought it to his lips and tasted it.

The corners of his mouth distended into a serious smile when he said in a huskily erotic voice. "Take my word for it. The last thing you need tonight is arousing gel."

Chapter 5.

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