Isekai Canceller

Chapter 12: Staying at the Inn

Chapter 12: Staying at the Inn


「Goshujin-sama. What should we do about vising Eringi[1]? Today, the sun had already begun to set, and I believe that the store should be closing soon――」(Melissa)


Melissa asked me while sitting on the coachman’s seat.
We certainly spent a lot of time in Dowan’s store after all.


Well, I’m fine with that either way.


「Let’s leave going to the magic device shop for later. We might find some other uses for the recall stones after all. There’s no real need to sell them right now. It would be a bit different if we really needed the money, but for now we’re finished selling things」(Hitto)


「Yes. You are certainly correct. Since purchasing recall stones would cost us 60,000 Gold, I also believe that it would be a good idea to hold onto them for now.」(Melissa)


…… Do they really go for that much? No, they sell for 20,000 so double that price would be within reason, but to think it would be three times that…


「Well whatever. So then, next is an inn. We’ve got to find a place to stay for the night」(Hitto)


「Eh!? Ah… Yes, that is true. An inn is it」(Melissa)


Hmm? for some reason her eyes are darting back and forth. Why is her face turning so bright red?


「Melissa, your face is red you know」(Hitto)


「Hya! I-ish dat sho?」(Melissa)


Yea. Not just her face, but her p.r.o.nunciation is also a bit off.


「Do you have a cold? In that case, it would be better if we found an inn quickly huh. Do you have any recommendations?」(Hitto)


「Ye-Yes. Then, I know of an inn just ahead that will also be able to accommodate the wagon」(Melissa)


Fumu. I would be grateful if they looked after the wagon as well.


「Well then, I guess we should go there. I’ll leave the navigation to you, Melissa」(Hitto)


「Of course! I have received your command!」(Melissa)


Hmm? Somehow, she’s become strangely energetic huh? Was it not a cold?




Melissa guided us towards the inn and we arrived shortly after.
It was a building made of bricks, and it stood three stories high. It’s appearance closely resemble a Business Hotel.
According to Melissa, there also appears to be something that looks like a large public bath.
There was also a Toilet[2] installed in each room. Since it had a magic device used for flushing it with water, it felt pretty much the same as back on Earth.


In front of the entrance stood a man that looked exactly like a bellboy and, upon noticing the wagon approach, he led us to a private stall exclusively used for wagons.
We left the wagon there, and together we headed to the inn.


Incidentally, it appears that they will also properly feed the horses fodder. These accommodations are certainly convenient.


And then, in order to complete our check-in, we were escorted to the front-counter which pretty much resembled one from my world.


The stone floor made a nice *Click-Clack* sound as you walked across it. It wasn’t as good as marble, but it was still a good floor nonetheless.


Behind the counter stood a plump woman around the age of 40.


「I would like to check-out a room for today」(Hitto)


「Yes, lodging is it. Is it your first time here, Okyakusan[3]?」(40-something)


「Yea, that’s right. Are there any empty rooms?」(Hitto)


「There’s no problem with that. It’s just, since everywhere is swamped I think you’ll have to room together though. If you’re rooming together with a slave then in that case I’ll be taking the fee for only one person」(40-something)


I unintentionally knitted my eyebrows in suspicion. What is this woman even saying?


「Hmm? Are you unsatisfied wit that? In that case I think it would be best if you searched for a different inn, Although it will be the same everywhere else――」(40-something)
「I’m not upset because of that sort of thing. I don’t know if being a slave makes a difference or not, but since another person is staying too, naturally you should charge for two people right?」(Hitto)


I asked this with a “What the h.e.l.l are you playing at?” att.i.tude about me. But instead the woman responded with a confused look.


「Well, if you consent to that then I’m fine with that too. So, about the room, if you’re together with a slave then in that case I guess it’ll be a Single-sized bed」(40-something)
「Hey wait a minute. Why did you a.s.sume it would be a Single?」(Hitto)


「Eh? Ahh, I see, so is a Double more to your preference? You’ll have plenty of extra room with that. In that case」(40-something)
「Wait, wait, hold up. That is, no, I don’t think it would be too strange, but do you have any Twin beds?」(Hitto)


Geez, going straight to a Double-bed is being way too hasty.


「Haa? Twin? Hey you. That kind of room has two separate beds, you know?」(40-something)


Of course it does. Why are you saying something so obvious. Do you think that I don’t already know that?


「I know that. So, do you have any empty Twin rooms?」(Hitto)


「We have some but, is that really alright with you?」(40-something)


「Of course it’s alright with me. That’s what I’ve been telling you」(Hitto)


「Ano, Goshujin-sama. Will that really be alright?」(Melissa)


Eh, You too, Melissa!? Why are you guys asking me this with such confused looks.


「Anyways, a Twin is fine. How much is the fee?」(Hitto)


「Ah, yea… well then, the fee for a one night stay for two people is 8,000 Gold」(40-something)


…… That’s pretty expensive. I remember that, back in the game, the more expensive ones costed 2,000 Gold for one person.
Well, but it can’t be helped. I paid the woman the fee, received the key, and headed to the room with Melissa.


By the way, we started off with a Single but I think that having separate rooms would be best. But since I was worried about having to look after the wagon, I decided to settle with being in a room together.
If I voiced a complaint then I think they would change it but, judging by her att.i.tude, I don’t think Melissa would be alright with that.



The room was, well, it felt pretty ordinary. Conversely, the fact that I don’t feel any discomfort might be considered amazing.
Although the ground was made of floorboards, a personal toilet was prepared, and inside near the wall were two beds lined up side-by-side


There was even a closet for you to put your clothes. Across from the bed was a night stand with a magic device on it that made sure you had enough light.
A desk with drawers was also installed, and a single notepad was left on top of it.


Right now the curtains were closed, but if you opened them then you could see through a gla.s.s window.


Honestly, if you ignored the fact that there was no TV, then this would be exactly like a Hotel from my world.
All that’s left is if there was a bath or not, huh.


And, just when I was thinking that I should take off my armor and combat equipment, Melissa came and gave me a hand with it.


This somehow makes us look like an intimate married couple―― Wait, what am I even saying.


Well, for now I stuffed my armor into the Magic Bag, but I kept out my weapons as usual.
You never know what might happen after all.


And, I sat down on the bed but…… I wonder why Melissa kept standing in front of me with her hands held together.


「No, Melissa. How about sitting down and relaxing a bit?」(Hitto)


When I called out to her, she responded with a “Yes, Thank you very much”―― and She sat on the floor in a Seiza position.


Yup, looks like this world has Seiza[4] too huh…… No, that’s not right.


「What are you doing?」(Hitto)


「Yes, you told me to sit down so, Ah! Perhaps I have done something to offend you! Is there something wrong with the way I am sitting?」(Melissa)


「No, instead of that, sitting on the bed should be fine. There’s an extra one after all」(Hitto)


「Tha! That sort of thing! The likes of me who is but a lowly slave, other than as a nighttime companion, for me to do something like sit on the bed is just simply, just simply!」(Melissa)


Yea, just now a certain “keyword” came out but, well let’s leave that aside.


「A lowly slave…… Melissa, you should stop undervaluing yourself already. I’m pretty sure I told you this already but you have been plenty helpful and have saved me plenty of trouble so far. That’s why you should go ahead and use the bed without worrying about it」(Hitto)


「But that is…… Even so, I am still a slave―― For me who is nothing other than Master’s possession, to be treated like a human being is……」(Melissa)


Why is that so? Exactly what kind of treatment has Melissa been given before that made her like this? Seriously, I have a hard time understanding it.


「Melissa, it seems you’ve misunderstood something but, certainly I just went with the flow and decided to buy you as a slave however, I didn’t originally intend to do ‘that’」(Hitto)


「Eh……? Ah, i-is that so―― I guess that’s how it is……」(Melissa)


Huh? What? For some reason she became strangely depressed.


「Anyways. Even if you still embrace your status of a slave for now, I think it would be best if you did something about that way of thinking from now on. But nonetheless, I still can’t see you as a slave. So please, go ahead and use the bed」(Hitto)


「But that’s……」(Melissa)


A very weak voice escaped her lips. But, she really did lose all her enthusiasm huh? What’s up with that.


「Fine, in that case, please listen to this command. Use the bed」(Hitto)


「…… I understand」(Melissa)


After that she finally moved over to the bed.
But, is it really alright if slaves are treated like that? Certainly I once thought about things like buying a slave but, When I look at Her now, instead of thinking of Her as a slave, I wish to accept Her more as an ordinary comrade.


But as expected the funds needed to set her free are quite high. In our present state we are hopelessly limited.
Seriously, it really feels hopeless.


Hmm? Did the negativity somehow spread to me too?
Muu, in that case I better do something about it――


TL Extra note: Poor Melissa.


TL Note: Still not sure if this is a name or “King mushroom”. In this context it sounds like a name, it’s probably both though (Like Bungle’s name).


TL Note: The original word here is Toilet but you can think of it as a bathroom as well.


TL note: Okyakusan is like saying “Mr. Guest”, that sounds weird so I left it in Romaji.


TL note: Seiza is a formal j.a.panese way of sitting. It’s the one where you sit on your feet and is sometimes quite painful. Wiki link if you want.

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