Translator: OkubyoukunEditor : Fluffthoughts

Ferdinand’s Anguish

[Don’t just selfishly enter somebody else’s house without their permission.]

Alex sighs.

Ferdinand acted as if he’s the owner of the house as he stayed seated on the chair.

[It’s your fault for staying out for so long. If it opens so easily, why even bother locking it?]

Upon Ferdinand’s words, Alex who seems to want to say something closes his mouth. He pulled one of the chairs in the corner and heavily sat down. He’s still holding me in his arms.

[So, what is that you’re drinking? It can’t be me precious wine, can it?]

[Don’t worry, this is something I brought. You drink, too.]

Ferdinand lifted the wine bottle and poured it on the gla.s.s placed in front of Alex.

Alex lifts the gla.s.s a smells its aroma.

[….This is a good wine. No, ah, wait a minute. Although I’d like to drink a lot of it, that won’t be good. Have work tonight.]

[If it’s that then don’t worry. I called in sick for you.]

When Ferdinand said it with a straight face, Alex’s face twitched.

[Hey, what are you selfishly…]

[It should be fine to skip every once in awhile.]

[What if my superiors say something?]

[By the way, Alex.]

Ferdinand placed his gla.s.s on the table with a clink and shifted his gaze to me.

[Does that dog hold a grudge against me or something?] (TN: Pfft… what are you talking about? After doing all that.)

On Ferdinand’s words, Alex slightly took a peek at me then breathed a little.

[You, why are you making  that face?]

I was glaring at Ferdinand fiercely.

[Sorry about this. I guess he just isn’t fond of you.] (TN: Likewise.)

Alex laughs.

[I don’t remember ever doing something worth hating for, though.]

Ferdinand quietly said so.

You did, really.

[And? Why are you here?]

Upon Alex’s words, Ferdinand sighed heavily.

[…..It isn’t particularly important. I just thought I’d accompany you for a drink.]


Alex raises his eyebrows and tilts his gla.s.s.

[What happened?]

Ferdinand averted his eyes and hesitantly spoke.

[….He has regained his consciousness.]

Eh, is that?

[“He”? You mean that living corpse?!]

Alex shockingly replied.

[Don’t call him a corpse. He’s still alive.]

[Aah. sorry. But well, he’s been asleep for more than a month without drinking, eating and excreting anything, right?]

Ferdinand heaved out a deep breath.

[That’s right. But he’s regained his consciousness, albeit for just a moment.]

Alex filled Ferdinand’s empty gla.s.s.

[And, isn’t there nothing wrong with it? It should be celebrated. Just because he’s become a normal man, it’s not like you’ve lost interest in him, right?]

[Don’t say something stupid.]

With a weird expression, Ferdinand drained his gla.s.s.

[….I was happy.]

Ferdinand suddenly muttered.

Alex and I inadvertently saw his face.

[I have been constantly by his side without any dissatisfaction or complaint. It’s because I have always been by his side as he lays there quietly that I thought of such moments precious. However, as soon as he opened his eyelids and I saw those pitch black eyes, I felt my heart being filled.]

Ferdinand dropped his eyes and rolled the gla.s.s in his hand.

[He called my name.]

Ferdinand opened his mouth gently said those words

As if he’s talking about a very precious memory.

[My name. I wonder how he knew it. Even though he’s been unconscious the entire time, has he been listening to my words? I forgot myself and kissed him…… However, his consciousness only returned for a brief moment. Afterwards, no matter how much I called him, no matter what I did, he just won’t wake up.I desperately did all I could think of the whole day that before I realized it, night has once again come. I was utterly disappointed. More than anything, I was disappointed with myself. “Even if he remains unconscious , I will still be satisfied" even though I  seriously believed it. Seriously, I’m really too selfish.]

As if trying to shake something off, Ferdinand drained the content on the gla.s.s.

Alex shook his head a little.

[To wake up for just a moment…… I wonder what’s happening? Have you caught on to something?]

[I don’t know.]

[…..I see. Well, in the first place, his existence itself is a mystery. Are you investigating how he’s turned into that condition?]

I have people look into it. But it seems difficult. Even while throwing some questions on some clinics lead to nowhere.]

Alex looks at his face and pours wine in his gla.s.s.

[…Well, whatever the case, I think it’s better if you don’t put your nose in too much into this.]

[It’s already too late.]

Ferdinand bitterly laughed and emptied his gla.s.s.

[If I were to only wait for him to wake up, then I will have to take it as a dream when he opened his eyes and called my name.]

Alex shrugs his shoulders a bit and once again refills Ferdinand’s gla.s.s.

[It might have really been a dream. Just treat it as if it was a dream.]

[Don’t just say whatever you want just because it has nothing to do with you.]

[I’m worried. It’s because you might go somewhere dangerous. Don’t overthink things too much. It’s bad for your health.]

Ferdinand gave a small laugh.

[…I guess you’re right. As I thought, it’s easier if I talk to you.]

[I’m glad, then. While searching for what you possibly can, just patiently wait for him to wake up. Don’t push yourself.]

[…Aah, I guess that’s the only thing I can do.]

While listening to the two of them talk while drinking, I stiffened up.

Just because I called Ferdinand’s name by accident, it turned into something troublesome.

While listening to hs story, I kinda felt sorry for him but, when I think about it, wasn’t it because he forcefully kissed me that I turned back to being a dog? It’ because of his s.e.xual hara.s.sment.

Also, because I got carried with the conversation but, I did regain my consciousness for a moment, didn’t I? So if I do something, then I can return to my body after all.

But I wonder what that was? I wonder what I need to do to properly go back to being human again?

This is an unedited version.

First Time on Doing an Errand: Buying Bread Alone.

Remembering the new word I memorized from the card, I happily smile.

After I remember the technique of combining several words, the number of cards has been increased to about five sets.

Alex placed a hand on his chin as if he’s thinking, then said.

[It can’t be, are you saying you’re going to buy bread alone?]


As I thought, Alex understands me well!

I was so happy I energetically wagged my tail.

Several days have pa.s.sed since Ferdinand visited the house.

Regarding on what to do with both my human body and dog body, while I am worried, I’ve completely gotten used to living my life as a dog. i’mm too used to it to the point that it’s scary.

**Every day by while Alex teaches me the letters, helping Tess , getting messed by Tess, being taken to a walk, playing, and chilling naps.

During those times, I felt a little unsatisfied. Living a dog life is fun and the helping Tess out during her works is also fulfilling, but there’s just something, I want to be a bit more useful.

As I was thinking about what I should do, it dawned on me.

It’s doing errands!

If it’s the bakery then we’ve pa.s.sed by there before so I know where it is, and I think I can at least buy some bread, you know?

[It’s impossible for you.]

Alex’s reply was very straightforward.


Even I can do it!

You can tie this cloth on my neck. 

While I was huffing in anger, I looked for a cloth to wrap the bread and pulled it over to have Alex tie it on me.

Alex heaved a sigh.

[You sure are stubbron, aren’t you.]

Alex seemed to have given up and took out a needle and a thread to sew the cloth on a bag.

Alex, you can even sew. What a skillful guy.

When the bag was done and fastened on my neck, I tapped on a wallet and made an appeal.

Put the money here.

While sighing, Alex put the money in a small drawstring and put it in the bag’s pocket. Additionally, he wrote something on the paper and showed it to me.

[It has  “1 baarne(must be the bread’s name)” written in it. i’ll put this in the bag, too. I made sure to put enough money so you won’t need to be given a change.]

Waa, that’s helpful.

[Are you really going?]

Leave it to me!

I replied with a bark.

I immediately ran outside

This is the first time I’ve gone out alone after living together with Alex. I’m a little nervous.

In this world, it seems to be normal to attach instructions to animals.  There are a few dogs taken for that purpose.

There’re some of the knightish people, like Alex, put Henexia in the vest. That’s so when a fight happens, there won’t be any problems.

it somehow sounds free and nice.

After a while, I entered the market. As usual, this place is busy from the stalls lined up all along the road to the selling children calling out with a loud voice. A lot of people are coming and going. I stood before the stall of a bakery while paying attention so as not to be stepped on.

Excuse me~.

[Give me three baarnes and four crocans please.]

[Here you go.]

I got  overtaken by a granny who came from the side.

[Your total is 4 houn(currency). I will add in 1 crocan as an extra.]

[Thanks a lot.]

Excuse me.

[Can you give me three sandrune (include the “e” when you read it)?]

I was pushed aside by an uncle’s foot who cut in.

[Yes, welcome.]

From then on, I was interrupted by customers who always came in succession and I was not noticed at all.

…. I’m startinng to feel really lonely.

Noww that I remember, wasn’t there a picture book? The one which the MC  buys milk. His voice is too small so it’s hard to notice him. I, if its now, I can relatte to how he felt at that time.

I feel like crying a little.

But I will persist.

When the wave of customers have receded, I went up to the bakery auntie’s feet and  nudged it with my paw.

Excuse me~.

[Uhyaa~ that surprised me. Eh, no way, a dog?]

I would like to buy some bread.

[No way, I can’t give you anything so go over there.]

Eh? Huh? No, you’re wrong.

[Hey, go over there. Shoo, shoo.]

When I was driven out by her hand, I was shocked.

When I staggered to move to the side, the uncle from the next stall showed out his face.

[Hm? There’s something stuck on that guy’s neck.]

The man stretched out his hand and took away the bag of my neck.

Ah, what are you doing?!

The uncle placed his hand inside the bag and pulled out the paper Alex wrote on.

[Oh, something’s written on it……Hmm? One baarne?] (TN: Btw, you read it with the, too.)

The uncle and auntie both looked at me with surprise.

The uncle once again shoved his hand inside the bag and took out the bag where the money was placed.

[Oh, there’s exactly two feta (again, currency) placed inside. Hey, could this puppy be here to buy some baarne?]

the old man laughed hard as if he’s  finally understood.


[Hey, sell it some.  I’v never heard of a dog going shopping before. It’s interesting.]

Because of the uncle’s loud laugh, a crowd ended up gathering together.

[Hey, what’s going on? What happened?]

[He said that the dog is here to buy bread by itself.]

[Eeh? No way! Is that true?]

Even though the auntie’s ace seems down, she took one piece of baarne and placed it inside the bag.

[What a way to use a dog. I was really surprised. Although as long as I get paid with money then I won’t complain, though. Here you go.]

[Haha, good for you, dog!]

The uncle refastened(?) the bag to my neck.

[Thanks. Come again next time.]

Everyone sent me off as I walked away. The bag carrying the bread was heavy. Also, the bread was bigger than I antic.i.p.ated. The upper half is protruding from the bag while the lower half looks as if I’m dragging it.

….c.r.a.p. I forgot about the shortness of my legs again.

I’m being laughed at by everyone as I walked funnily. It’s so embarra.s.sing to  be the center of attention.

Uuun, I want to think that I’m being wonderfully observed. No, let’s make it as so. However, it’s really hard to walk.

It’s more troublesome buying the bread than I thought.

So the dogs in this world don’t do errands. No, I don’t think there’s a lot of dogs doing it even in my previous world, though.

While walking as if I was dragging the bag, I left the market.

NOw, let’s go back to Alex’s place. In the mean time, it’s mission completed.

Although I still get a lot of attention even outside the market, I completely igored it as I walked back home.

Only when a huge dog approached and sniffed at me did I growled at it and chased it off. I was bit scared.

When I turned around the third corner, I felt that I caught something strange at the edge of sight, I stopped.

There’s something between the gap of the houses.

It looked something like a black haze. When I went for a walk before, it looks like the ones I saw in the forest.

What’s that scary thing?

I quickly ran without thinking and b.u.mped into something. That scared me. it’s a person’s leg.

At the impact of the collision, the bread rolled out from the bag. The person I b.u.mped into slightly glance my way and continued walking. The break rolled over the loose slope.

Ah, wait!

I chased after it, pinned it with my legs and bit it.

However, the bread that I finally caught is now on a horrible state. I did not notice, but it seems that the bottom of the bag has been destroyed before and the bread was on the ground the entire time. It’s dirty with soil an the place where I bit it has drool in it.

…..This can’t be eaten.

Somehow, i just really feel like crying.

Even though I’m already seventeen years old. Just what am I doing? To think that I can’t even buy a piece of bread…


When I heard a familiar voice, I flinched as I raised my head.

It’s Alex.

Why is he in a place like this?

Alex picked me up and a big hand gently is stroking my head.

[So you were able to buy the readd. Well done, thanks.]

I pressed my head against Alex’s chest.

However, the bread is already soiled. I couldn’t do my errand properly.

[Idiot, don’t cry. The bread is fine. If I just peel the skin, I can still eat inside of it.]

I wonder how Alex could tell that I’m crying? Even though I’m a dog. Even though there are no tears ffalling.

[You are the best.]

Alex gave my head a kiss. He’s gently patting my body.

Somehow, inside my chest felt fluffy and warm.

Alex sure is amazing. He always understands what I’m feeling.

[Let’s go home.]

After we arrived home, Alex sc.r.a.ped the outside of the bread as he said, and ate it deliciously.

He also let me eat some of it, and somehow I’m feeling a little bit happy.

When my legs have grown a bit longer, let"s try doing some errands again.

And then someday, let"s try buying some milk.

Translator: OkubyoukunEditor : FluffthoughtsA Surprise in the Bathroom

I can hear the sound of water dripping.

Steam is rising up.

Oh, I"m taking a bath. It"s been a while since I"ve last taken a bath.

It"s so pleasantly warm. It feels so good that my body unconsciously relax.

All of a sudden, my arm is being caressed.

That hand wraps the palm of my hand and washed each of my fingers one by one.

Each my fingers were being touched by something successively.

Somebody"s hand suddenly touched my flank.

And that same hand slowly descends to my thigh.

Oh, I"m naked.

Well, of course. I"m taking a bath, after all.

What a big hand. It"s slowly reaching my foot. The knee is being wrapped by the palm.

The hand that once again climbed up stroked my shoulder that now has hot water running on it.

It feels good.

Arms encircled around my stomach and pulled me in.

I can feel someone"s skin on my back. Our distance is seriously too close.

So warm.

I could feel someone"s breath at the back of my neck.

The hand reached out again and the fingertips gently grazed the edge of my chest.

My body trembled.


What"s happening?

I  twisted my body and as I stiffly looked behind me.

He"s there.

It"s Ferdinand.

Right. I thought that"s the case.

I felt like crying.

I was stark naked. And so was Ferdinand.

And then, Ferdinand hugged me from behind and his fingers were in the middle of my chest.

…….The situation just worsened!!!

Even though I was wearing pajamas before this!

Something"s being done to me!!

I"m being overly s.e.xually hara.s.sed!

Ferdinand was staring at me with astonished eyes.

For, for now, I should get away.

[Let, let me go…]

I desperately pleaded.

I don"t know how but I"m so glad I can speak normally.


Ferdinand looked as if he’s been duped. He seems to be confused about the situation  and just stayed still.

I was trying to stand up for the time being and with the hot water spilled on the floor, I almost slipped.

[Are you okay?]

Ferdinand panicked and supported me.

[Th, thank you.]

Ferdinand’s shoulders flinched and then trembled.

Aah, geez, we’re getting closer again!

He’s holding my shoulders, he’s touching the back of my thighs, and my waist!

U, uhh, anyway.

[We’re going out.]

[Got it.]

Ferdinand placed his hand below my legs and lifted me up. (TN: Princess carry… again.)

[Wh, whyyyyyyy???]

Princess carry? He’s doing the princess carry in here?! I’m completely naked, though? All the important parts can be seen though!

[Pu, put me down…]

Ignoring my desperate plea, Ferdinand walked steadily while holding me and left the bathroom.

I frantically twisted my body to at least prevent my secret parts to be seen as I tightly held on to his neck.

There’s something like a reception room outside the bathroom. I’m so glad n.o.body else is present.

Ferdinand put me down on the sofa, cupped my cheeks with his hands and looked at me with a serious face.

[Your name is?]

Huh? He’s asking my name in this timing?

[Please tell me your name.]

No, no, wait a minute, I’m still stark naked right now. I really don’t think this is the time for that.

[Something… clothes.]


Like I said.


Please let me hide my crotch!

[Krish?] (TN: He’s probably heard it as an answer to his question… or he just chose to believe so.)

I repeatedly nodded my head.

I wonder if my words are properly understood.


For now, any clothing…

When I pleaded with watery eyes, in Ferdinand’s eyes seemed to be filled with suspicious heat.



I had a bad feeling so I stiffly turned around but, there’s something impressive! Ferdinand’s splendid thing is more than splendid!

Ferdinand leaned forward and pushed me down!


Wait! Wait a moment!

This isn’t the reason why we’re both naked! (TN: It’s not? o.O)

I’m already..

At my limit.

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