10:07 AM

Somewhere in the sky.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!" (Helen) she and Lenna are flying right behind you.

"Aisha, how their condition." you were checking the status of Helen and Lenna"s suit on you visor hud.

"Helen-sama"s adrenaline is higher than the average level while there an increased level of stress on Lennsama." (Aisha) she reports and showing it on your visor hud.

"Lennsan, are you ok?" your hud pop up live image of Lenna"s face, and it seems that she is shutting her eyes tightly.

"I I"m fine! Stop asking!" (Lenna) she makes voice healthy as possible, but her face tells a different story.

"Umm, are you sure? You don"t look so good." You still watch her on the visor hud.

"WHAT! How do you-!? (Lenna) She opened her eye and saw your face on the corner of her visor hud. She realises that she being watched all along, her face got a bit red and then avoid eye contact with you.

"What? What? What"s going on?" (Helen) she pops up on both you and Lenna"s visor hud.

"Helen! Where did you pop up from?" (Lenna)

"Hehehehe. Aishchan has taught me a lot of things while we are flying. This armour suit can do a lot of things you know!" (Helen) she sounds like she is having fun.

"Eh I see, Aisha could you please Teach Lennsan a few things as well."

"Happy to, master. Also, I would like permission to unlock the flight control to Helen-sama." (Aisha)

"mmmm granted, but only 20% of the control. Did you teach her the instruction?"

"Yes master, I believe that she has absorbed 30% of the necessary instruction. By my calculations and observation on Helen-sama, she is ready to for live flight simulation." (Aisha) she shows you every detail on your visor hud.

"Nicely done Aisha. Just make sure you don"t leave Lennsan out."

"Don"t worry master, am already in the middle of teaching Lennsama right now." (Aisha)

"Very good, how long until we reach the destination?"

"Approximately 4min." (Aisha)

"Mmmm, let hope that we not late." You look at the live map on your visor hud. You saw the army of the shadow sp.a.w.ns had reached the mining city. You were very worried about Ava"s mothers.

"WOOOOOOOH YEEEAAAAAA!" (Helen) her suit was unlocked, and now she is doing a lot of mid-air manoeuvre and other stunts, but she still closely following you to the Mining City.


10:10 AM

Mining City

At the South gate wall. The elves were firing the arrows toward the army of amour Shadow sp.a.w.ns, but the arrows did not slow down the army of Shadow sp.a.w.ns at all.

Among the elves on the wall, there were two elves stand out from the rest of them. One of them had long brown hair, gla.s.ses and was wearing a white lab coat. And another elf wore a fancy white dress with a beautiful crown, hold a magic staff.

"FIRE LANCES!!" (????) she holds the magic staff up in the air, and multiple of flames that were in a shape of lanes appear in the sky and charging toward the Shadow sp.a.w.ns.

But as the flaming lanes get very close to the shadow sp.a.w.ns, then the flames vanish in thin air. The Shadow sp.a.w.n was unharmed.

"what is going on? Why does my fire lance disappear like that Irin? (????) she turns and looks at the elf with a lab coat.

".....Anti-magic enchantment...…very rare...very problematic." (Irin) she said with no emotion on her face.

"Then what you suggest we do? Our soldier"s arrows barely do anything to them, and my magic is basically useless to these abominations." (????)

"...…Evacuate.....to Zylris.....Helen…..back up." (Irin) her half-open was staring the Elf that was holding the magic staff.

"I can"t just leave everyone behind for our safety!" (????)

"...…..Saria.....we must.....their fight...…..will be in vain." (Irin)

"No! there got to be a way to-." BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Queen Saria was interrupted by a ma.s.sive explosion at the rear army of Shadow sp.a.w.ns. Everybody on the wall was staring at the sudden event. They can see the scattered body of the rear rank of Shadow sp.a.w.ns flew all over the place. The vanguard of the army stops to look at there comrade demise.

"What happens?" (Saria) she looks at Irin who was speechless as well.

Then a three armour figure flew and landed on the battlefield. Everybody eyes were locked on to these three figures that enter the battlefield.

"What are they? Are they on our side?" (Saria) she was confused to what just happened

".....maybe." (Irin) she replies.



On the battlefield.

"Helen-san, Lennsan I unlock the suit so feel to rampage on these things as you wish. Also, feel free to ask Aisha for any a.s.sistance. I"ll take care of any runaway." You turn around hovering and then few toward the rear of the army.

"YOs.h.!.+ Let compete, Len-chan! Let see who kill the most here!" (Helen) she is fisting her hand together.

"Hmph! Alright, let see who got the most kills here. Aisha, can you tracks our kill count?" (Lenna)

"Certainly." (Aisha) the kills counter pop up on both of Lenna and Helen"s visor hud screen.

"Awesome! Now Let see the power of this suits!" (Helen) The jet repulser erupts from her back, launching herself toward the group of the Shadow sp.a.w.ns. The shadow sp.a.w.ns held up there s.h.i.+eld to protect themselves, but "HHHHAAAAAAAA!!" Helen charing toward with punch. When the punch did land on the s.h.i.+eld did not stop there, but her blow when right through the s.h.i.+eld and cause a significant cack on the shadow Sp.a.w.n"s heavy armour, then that Shadow sp.a.w.n flew backwards and its allies at great impact.

"Woah, what a power." (Helen) She was looking at her armour fist, and she could not figure out how could this armour give her so much raw power. But that thought disappeared when she realised that she owns this power now. Then she looks at half-dead Shadow sp.a.w.n that was caused by her. She smiles, happy with the result. "Now then, since you freaks invade my kingdom don"t expect to run away alive." (Helen) she charged toward other group and began her slaughter.

"Hmmm, as I expect, the human has made something that could greatly tip the balance of power. Sigh, I hate to admit, but I"m glad he came to us." (Lenna) she was looking at Helen slaughtering the Shadow sp.a.w.ns left and right.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" One of Shadow sp.a.w.n sneak behind Lenna and swing down its axe down toward her head.

DINGGGG!!* Lenna caught the axe blade while still looking at Helen. Then she slowly turns toward the sneaking shadow sp.a.w.n. "Hmph, I feel nothing at all, and it quite light." (Lenna) She then grips the axe blade hold it in place. The shadow sp.a.w.n tries to pull it axe away, but the shaft wasn"t even moving from Lenna"s grips. "I see, now I know why the human was always so confident with his strength." She then crushed the axe blade into pieces. "It because he can back it up!"

The shadow sp.a.w.ns then look at its broken axe and toss it away. And proceed to punch Lenna with it armour fist. Lenna saw what it is doing and try not to do anything.

"RAAAAA!" the Shadow sp.a.w.n aim for Lenna"s head. DINGGGGGG!!* Its fist land a full blow on Lenna"s head.

"hahaha. I don"t feel a thing." (Lenna) she unsheathed her sword and sliced the Shadow sp.a.w.n it half. "Now then, I can"t let Helen beat me just yet." Her sword edge glow with a blue light."Let"s have some fun." She then looks at the group of the shadow sp.a.w.n that was charging toward her.

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