Day 5

Mining City

11 PM

You just finish most of the project and happy with the result, especially the anti-portal device which does not affect your portal ray, It a mechanism for those people that attack the elf kingdom. All you need to do is set it up all around the Island when you have time, and right now you are set up a secure defence system here in this city because you checked with Alice and saw a tremendous amount of mana stone under the mine.

And you have the feeling those guys know about the mana stone. Otherwise, why would they attack the elf? With those mana stones, they would have the power to take over the world easily. So you must protect this city at all cost.

For defence, you set 100 heavy combat drone and 50 remote old version armour suit. It might be weaker than your armour suit right now, but it still gets the job done. You set all those things at a different part of the city, from north, east, west, south and centre. And thanks to Lenna who told the guard about your defence system. They don"t come to poke things around with you and your stuff. Finally, you inform the city guards about the defence and what it does and finish the Mining city defence system installation. You then head back to the Mansion.

"welcome back Tony-sama!" (Maids) They line up on each side and bow at you.

"I"m back, but you all don"t need to waste your time just to welcome me."

"We can"t. Tony-sama is one of the most people in our kingdom; we must take an absolute care of your need. We would happily offer ourselves to you if you so desire." (Maid) All the maids smile at you and all of them look extremely beautiful. Seeing all this you start to have a weird idea like stips all clothes and put on a show for you. But no, you don"t want anyone to hate you. So you put that weird idea away for now.

"That"s ok right now I"m really tired and I would like to rest."

"As you wish, then please pick one of us to accompany you tonight." (Maid 2) Ok, you might have second thought now. But you repressed your l.u.s.t for now, because of the new continent popping from left and right, you just can"t let your guard down for one second, It a habit from your old world, and you are exhausted since you hadn"t slept yesterday.

"It ok, I would like to rest alone. Thank you for your kind offer." You reply with your smile.

"Well if that is your wish, then good night Tony-sama." (Maid 1) they bowed at you and went their separate way.

"Sigh." You kind of want to have s.e.x but there so many things you need to do before you can relax. You then walk up, stair toward your room, and when to sleep right away.


Day 6

10 AM

Morning has come, and you wake with the refres.h.i.+ng feeling. You slept like a log yesterday. You got up and did some stretches.

"Good morning, sleepy head." (Saria)

You quickly turn toward the voice ower who sat on the chair, reading a book next to your bed. "Good morning to you too." You reply with a smile.

"Words has been going around the city." She smiles at you. "you been quite busy yesterday." (Saria)

"Well, I"ll do what I can to help." You scratch your head while smile embarra.s.singly. "Anyway, can I help you with anything?" you were wondering why she would wait for you to wake up instead of waking you up.

"Oh, I just want to talk to you, one on one." (Saria) she put the book away.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Word has been going around at the south of our border. People have been calling you the G.o.ddess"s champion. They said that G.o.ddess Mila had sent you to guide us to a new era." Then she looks at you straight in the eyes. "Tony-san is it true that Milsama had sent you here?" (Saria)

"Ahhh, I don"t know how I came to this world. All I remember was that I when to sleep, and then I woke up here in the new world." You lie to her. Although you don"t want to lie to her, right now there something going in this world and there something hidden in the shadow. You don"t want to reveal yourself just yet.

"I see, our G.o.ddess has really sent you to us." (Saria) She closes her eyes and looks upward. And there a silence between you and Saria.

"......Eh?" you finally notice."Sarisan, there was no Go-."

"Tony-san, I am sorry that I haven"t told you earlier. I have an artefact that can detect a lie." (Saria)

"...….." you cannot say anything but to sit in silence.

"I"m sure you must have a lot of things you can"t say, but I trust you. Tony-san." (Saria) she reaches out and holds your hand together.

"Heh? But I lie to you and everyone." You felt guilty.

"It was yesterday that I ask you who you are, and you answer the truth. That why I believe you." (Saria) she pulls you toward her and hugs you.

"I also heard from Ava about your past. It must be tough for you, but it alright now. You have us; we"re your family now. So rely on us more, you not alone anymore, ok." (Saria) She gently rubs your head with her hand. You never like this before. It was like you miss this for your whole life. Tears began to fell down from your eyes, and before you know it, you bust out and cry. It like all these tears was bottle up inside you for a long time, and now you finally let it lose. You cry for a while, then you finally stop.

"Feeling better now?" (Saria) She still gently rub your head. You slowly separate from her and nod.

"I feel a lot better now. Thank you so much. You remind me of mother that I don"t remember what she looks like."

"Fufufufu. Don"t worry Tony-san, just think of me as your mother. From now on." (Saria) She came and hugged you again. You also receive her motherly hug as well. "Right now, you don"t tell me anything. Just know that I will always be here for you." (Saria)

"No. I will tell everything." You separate from and look in her eyes. You then told her everything from beginning when you died and how you met Mila and why she sent you here.

"I see what Milsama was like?" (Saria)

"Beautiful, kind, cheerful, smart and mysterious." You give an honest opinion.

"mm, that sound like her." (Saria) she picks the book that she just read while waiting for you.

"Sarisan, there another thing I need to tell you." the expression on your face look very serious.

"What is it?" (Saria) See how serious you are, she turns and face you and listening to you carefully. You flip on your Holo bracelet and show her the real world map. Saria was confused; she doesn"t know what you are showing.

"Sarisan in this world there are three main continents, the west the east and the centre. As you know, the centre is where we live.

"Then, the other two?" (Saria)

"It the continent where the human race live."

"What?!" (Saria) her eyes were locked to the holo map you show. Then she also figures out something. "was that"s means?" (Saria) she s.h.i.+fts her eyes to you.

"Yes, they are the one that behind all of the attack of our kingdom." Then Saria fell in deep thought.

"I see, the Human didn"t when extinct but separate from us. Now it all makes sense, why are our sea explorers cannot leave this land. Look like we need to research on what happens 100000 years ago." (Saria)

"Mmm, the one attack us seems to be just scout, and since this continent is behind on technology, they decide to take action."

"But you interfere and save us from that happen." (Saria) She smiles brightly at you. "the people were right. Milsama did send you here for a reason." (Saria)

"Maybe….." you began to that as well. Then you took out the mana gem out of your inventory.

"wow, it beautiful." (Saria) she picks it up and has a closer look.

"I think this why they attack. The mana stone is actually quite precious." You then began to tell her all about the Mana Stone. After you tell her everything. Saria looks very tired for some reason.

"What wrong?" you look anxious.

"Sigh, Tony-san there so many surprises are going for two days in a row and I think I could not handle this alone." (Saria) she lay back on the chair.

"I"m sorry. This my fault."

"Oh no, don"t be! What you did to us could not be paid back in our lifetime. I"m just trying to digest all these new things that keep popping up." (Saria) she quick tries to comfort you.

"Ah, ok." you feel a lot better.

"Hmm, it seems like you need to join in our grand meeting as well after the engagement event. Everyone needs to know about this." (Saira)

"Will everyone hates if they knew that the one that attacks this kingdom is a human?" you worry again.

"Oh no, Tony-san is Tony-san, we judge people for who they are not what they are. And also from what you told me so far was all true. So you don"t worry at all." (Saria) she smiles at you and pats your head.

"Thank you, am glad that the person I meet in this new world is the elf kingdom."

"Me too, I"m glad the first human I meet would be Tony-san." (Saira) Saria hug you again. "Now then why don"t we get you something to eat. You must be starving by now." (Saria) she stood up and extended her toward you.

"Mm, That sound nice." You grabbed her hand and got up off the bed.

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