What do you think? Lennsan?" you smile at Lenna.

"Mm, I like it…..but since it in crimson colour, I called it Crimson t.i.tania." (Lenna)

"cool." you nod in agreement.

"So, how do I unequip it?" (Lenna) she looks around her armour body.

"Oh it on your screen."

"Oh….. got it." (Lenna) the armour is folding itself back to a crimson bracelet.

"So how do you feel when you wore the suit?" you walk toward with an HB screen on your arm.

"mmmmmmmm, Powerful, comfortable and....strange?" (Lenna) she closes her eyes and thinks deeply.

"mm, mm, how strange?" you were typing on your holo keyboard.

"Ummm...…when I"m inside the suit...I feel really calm, like strangely calm." (Lenna)

"oh, that is nothing worry about." You don"t want to tell anyone about the skills. Because it is rarer than G.o.d tier magic and demiG.o.d magic combine. And you can"t choose those skills when you use the crafting systems. The skills are random, so if you want a G.o.d roll, you need to build it again and again and again which consume a large number of materials. which you okay with it, thanks to all the infinite materials you have.

"Ok, I"m transferring your data from your original HB to C t.i.tana HB and that done, next is.....everything checks out.... Anddddddd there you go, Lennsan, your very own armour suit."

"Mmm, I love it. Thank you, Tony." (Lenna) She smiles, warmly at you, which made your heart skip a beat. You never see her smile like this.

"...ohh um you are quite welcome…" you try to hide your blush.

"So umm…. Can I take t.i.tania for a flight? (Lenna)

"Yes, yes you can, the armour is your Lennsan, you can do whatever you want with it. if there are some issues with the suit, don"t worry, just come back, and I"ll fix it."

"Ok." (Lenna) she nods and the press the jewel on the crimson bracelet. The crimson bracelet then transforms Lenna into a crimson armour warrior, Crimson t.i.tania. With a glowing green neon of two stripe pattern on her arms and legs. And an eight epic green neon wide wing blades that can intimidate anyone. It was truly one of your great masterpieces.

t.i.tania"s thrusters roaring and then she took off with incredible speed toward the vast hole which caused by her and exited the tower, you can even see a green neon trail in the far distances.

"Sigh....Aisha repairs the hole please." You turn around and walk toward Irin.

"Right away." (Aisha) Ten holes open from the floor, ceiling and the wall. Then a bunch of drones flew out of those gaping holes and starting to repair the damage hole of the Tower.

"Irin-san, what think? This is how I made the armour suit." You put your hands on your waist to Showing how proud you are.

"Mmm….amazing...." (Irin) she nods.

"Ok then, let go back to the workshop and let test on what you learn....shall we?"

"mmm…..sound fun…"(Irin) she follows you toward the workshop.

After that, you and Irin spend time together at the workshop. Irin manages to build her very own version of ACR Core. It not as powerful as your ACR Core, but it different from yours. Her ARC Core had some magic engineering on it, which is quite unique. Irin was pleased and proud of herself, and you were very impressed. Ever since you came to this world, you have never done science and magic gadgets, because you still studying magic. The only magic you can do right now adds skills, but unfortunately, those were the only crafting system power, not yours. And since Irin was the first person to achieve the fusion of science and magic. You can"t help but feel left behind.

"Tony?…..Tony?...Tony...how is it?"(Irin) she is looking you expecting an answer.

"it marvellous, extraordinary!" you then turn toward her while holding the fusion ACR Core. "Irin-san, you achieve something that I have yet to achieve. It is truly amazing!!"

"It is...that....amazing?"(Irin)

"Mm! It is! Although there some flaw, with some improvement, this Core might surpa.s.s my original Core."

"Ohhhhh.....amazing."(Irin) Her half-open eyes were sparkle like a star. Although low tone voice sounds a bit lazy, she was extremely happy. She then grabs your hands which holding her Core. "Thank you...Tony…Thank you for teaching me…." (Irin) she looks at you in the eye.

"It was my pleasure." You gave a warm smile. Then both of you stare at each other for a bit.

"Oh…umm let call it a night shall we? It already late." You gave the Core back.

"Um....I"m…..getting sleepy." (Irin) She nods in agreement and receives from the Core from you. You and Irin head toward the elevator and enter the living room.

"So...you can have the room next to the kid"s room and if anything you need you an find me in my room at the end over there." You point toward the door at the end.

"um...ok." (Irin) she nods.

"Well then, good night Irin-san."

"Umm...…good night...Tony." (Irin) She turns around and heads toward her room. You did the same and head toward your room.

After you enter your room, you took off your leather jacket and headed the shower room; you took a light shower and brushed your teeth, then you change your cloth, satisfy with yourself you jump toward your soft, comfy bed melt away your exhaustion. You then doze off into asleep....

1: 49 AM

You suddenly woke up; you were hot and sweaty.

"Aisha….is the air conditioner working?"

"The Tower"s system has been offline due to reset repair. All system will back online in 5min." (Aisha)

"I see…." You got up and sat on your bed. You can"t stand sleep while your body is sweaty. You thought about going to the shower, but you are in a mood for a bath. You then go up of your bed and head toward the large bath area.

The large bath area was huge; it was more like a luxury resort bathroom with a multi waterfall and fancy decoration, sauna and even ma.s.sage room.

You enter the changing room, remove all your cloth and put them in your basket. You pick a towel from the shelf and wrap it around your waist. You then walk toward the gla.s.s door and slide it open, letting warm mist pouring through. You start walking through the warm fog and head to the large hot open pool in front of you. And then you realise that you are not alone. At a distance, you saw someone relaxing in a pool. You walk closer; you identify who it was.

"Irin-san, you can"t sleep as well?" Irin turns toward you and nod. Then you start to exam her body. Her skin is as smooth as a baby. She had a towel cover only at the front. Her bust is around C cup and waist is very curvy and a nice perfect peach a.s.s.

"Tony?..." (Irin) you stop exam her after she calls you.

"Y yyes?" you quickly respond.

"...…that..." (Irin) she pointing at something below you. Then you notice that your big boy this poking through your towel.

"OHHH, I"m so sorry." You quickly turn away in embarra.s.sed. "I"ll go over there, so enjoy your-." You try to walk away, but Irin grabs your hand. You turned your head to look at her and saw she sake her head.

".....me too…"(Irin) She stood up and removed her towel. You can fully see her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her 6-inch p.e.n.i.s stood up begging for attention. She was undoubtedly small than others.

"so….ummm are you sure you ok with me." You were trying to avoiding eye contact but fail.

"It...Tony fualt…..you made....Irin…..hard."(Irin) She looks at you in the eyes. You could see that she really want it this.

You step into the pool, remove your towel and walk toward her. Irin throws her towel away as well. Irin then jumps and put her arms around your neck, press her lips against yours which caught you off guard. You then kiss her back while grabbing those delicious fat booties. You both kiss pa.s.sionately, your and Irin"s body press against each other. You feel her soft breast and her c.o.c.k was rubbing with your c.o.c.k, you could tell how h.o.r.n.y she is, she was moving her hips back and forward. You start to get heat up; you then reach for your and Irin"s c.o.c.k.

"..aaahhhh…."(Irin) she let out a soft moan.

"Sorry.....too soon?" She sake her head. "more...…stroke me...more. Kiss* kiss*"(Irin) you began to stroke both c.o.c.k in one hand. You could hear Irin"s moan, she really enjoying it, so did you, then suddenly you b.u.m the edge of the pool behind your thigh. you quickly glance behind you

("When did move backwards?")

"Tony.....sit." (Irin) you turn back to her.

"Sit." (Irin) You then sit on the edge of the pool. Irin crotch down and spread your legs show your hard throbbing c.o.c.k. Irin smiles and lick her lips and came close to your member.


"Fufufufu…..Irin….will take care of…. you."(Irin) she kissed your c.o.c.k"s tip and began to lick you member as if it the yummy treat she ever tasted.

("Ooooh ohh ohh s.h.i.+t! She, she goooodd!! Ooooooh fuuckkk!") you moan.

"suck* suck* suck* chuu* Ahhhh…..fufufufufu….enjoy?"(Irin) she smiles at you.

"Yyyes that was the best."

"Irin...do more…better."(Irin) she lifts up b.r.e.a.s.t.s and rubs your c.o.c.k with it.

"ooohhhhhhhh, that feels nice, so soft!!" you were enjoying the sensation. Enspaiclly when she presses nipples on your tip.

"Ohhhhhh Irin-san, I"m, I"M GOOING TO c.u.m!!"

"Come Tony...COME!"(Irine) she then put your c.o.c.k in her mouth.

"I"M COMINGGGGG!!" Your head bends over backwards while releasing your load inside her mouth.

"mmmmm…..gulp* gulp* gulp* aahhhh...…..fufufufufu...yummy…."(Irin) she stood up and look you while licking her lips, which you find that very hot. Your c.o.c.k began to harden again.

"Irin...want more...….Tony"s yummies....but Tony...…..do Irin"s...…as well." (Irin) you then notice her c.o.c.k was twitching, begging for it love by you.

"Ok, let do together then." You smiled at her. Then both you and Irin got off hot tub pool. You lay on your back while Irin lay on top of you in 6-9 position. You could see the pre-c.u.m oozing out of her c.o.c.k. And above her b.a.l.l.s, her p.u.s.s.y is soaking wet, and it was not the bathwater, because you see her p.u.s.s.y juice gus.h.i.+ng out. It was so tempting that you spread open the forbidden flower to reveal its beauty, the nectar was gus.h.i.+ng out, even more, dripping on your face.

"Ahhh....Tony....not there...here"(Irin) she swings her hip down and forces her hard twitching c.o.c.k into your mouth. "Ahhh....that it.....adore my c.o.c.k."(Irin) She then continues to move her hips up and down. You happily receive it by grabbing her soft fat b.u.t.t and guide them downward with your hands. Irin was happy to see you how eager you are she then began to suck your c.o.c.k again.

Minute pa.s.s by as you and Irin suck each out c.o.c.k. You then began to taste the saltiness in your mouth, and you predict that she blow soon. Then you had an idea; you take three-finger and shove it inside her p.u.s.s.y.

"Ahhhh…..Tony? Ahhh....no...don"t...….if you...do that....I"ll come."(Irin) you then continued to finger her p.u.s.s.y and began to suck her c.o.c.k hard.

"Noo….nooo…I c.u.m...I"ll c.u.m…..I will c.u.mmmm!!"(Irin) her hip began to move faster, and you finger her deeper and deeper.

"My milk.....my c.o.c.k milk...….c.u.mMMINNNNNGGG!!"(Irin) her whole body is twitching in pure ecstasy while she unleashes her hot seed into your mouth.

("it here! It here!") you happy gulp down the fresh milk seed down your throat.

"Ahhhh…..drink more.....there….. more."(Irin) Her hips were still twitching downward toward your mouth, pumping her s.e.m.e.n into your mouth.

Irin c.u.m volume wasn"t like Saria"s c.u.m, where she unleashes it like a water hose, Irin ejection was more normal which allow you to shallow every dorp it. Finally, Irin stops and hips up, pulling her c.o.c.k of your mouth, but you would not let it go. You still try to suck every last drop of it. Irin giggles when she saw you act like that, and eventually you let her c.o.c.k go. She then lay down next to with a happy smile on her face.

"Tony….like Irin"s...milk?" (Irin)

"Yes....very much." You nod.

"Fufufu….Irin….will give….more…..but."(Irin) she grabs you erect hard c.o.c.k. "This....boy...…need attention." (Irin) She then began to stroke it. You gave her a soft moan.

"Tony....so cute kiss* kiss* kiss*" (Irin) she leans forward for a kiss while stoking your member. You could feel your climax was coming up but Irin notice and gave an evil smile.

"N-o-p-e."(Irin) she grabs your member tightly.

"I I Irin-san?" You were confused by her action.

"Don"t….come yet."(Irin) She then stands up and makes her above your c.o.c.k. You could see the full view of her whole body. Irin"s c.o.c.k began to harden again, which very s.e.xy. One of her hand is stroking her c.o.c.k while her other and fingering her p.u.s.s.y. "Fufufufu..." (Irin) she lifts her b.a.l.l.s and spread her flower open and slowly crouch down toward your d.i.c.k. Your c.o.c.k is now touching her hot wet p.u.s.s.y. Irin giggles and then she slowly inserts your c.o.c.k inside her. She then teases you by pointing on her stomach to show you where your c.o.c.k is; her figure slowly moves up while her body is going downward. Then her finger stops at her belly b.u.t.ton, which is where your c.o.c.k is right now. That not the only thing her inside was amazing, you which you could stay here forever.

"Fufufufu….I"m….moving."(Irin) She began to move her hips forward ad backwards. She then starts to moan and stroke her d.i.c.k. You also feel it as well, you grab her thigh and move your hip up and down.

A few minutes went by; you were about to reach your limit. "Irin-san….hahaha….I"m about to-." Suddenly you felt something you never felt before. Your c.o.c.k is getting squeeze by Irin"s inside. It painful but it feels freaking amazing.

"N-o-p-e.....we come... together."(Irin) she gave an evil smile and began to move her hips faster.

"Hahaha….i II Irin-san…..I can"t hold it anymore! Hahaha, I"m going to c.u.mmmm!" you expect to unleash your load, but something stops you. Irin"s p.u.s.s.y squeezes your c.o.c.k more.

"OOooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I IIIIrin-sannnnn??!!!" you look at her bewitching eyes.

"T-o-g-e-t-h-e-r~"(Irin) you actually that realise that she might be a s.a.d.i.s.t.

"AHHHHAHHHAHHHAAAA IRIN-SAAAANNNN!!" you don"t if this is the torture of pure ecstasy. Irin is really good at controlling her p.u.s.s.y.

"Ahahaha...almost there….." (Irin) She stroke her c.o.c.k even faster. And you felt like you reach your climax multi-time, but you didn"t at all.

"ahahahaha....Tony...toghter…..together….TOGETHER!"(Irin) she is also reaching her limit.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSSSSSSS!!!" You move your hip more intense than before.

"c.u.mMMIINNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!" (You and Irin) You both reach your climax. Irin un grip her p.u.s.s.y and let you c.u.m with the big load you had ever unleash; it felt so good that your eyes roll backwards. Irin also showers with her seeds all over your body. Her c.u.m was like a bottomless well. Your chest and your face was cover in Irin"s c.u.m. And then she finally stopped and fell down on your chest. You and Irin eyes lock against each other, and then you both kiss softy.

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