Day 7

8 AM

Your bedroom.

The sunlight s.h.i.+nes on your face waking you. You blink a few time then stood and sit on your bed stretching. You suddenly notice that Saria who you spent the night with has already gone. You felt dishearted, but you got over it because Saria is the Queen of a great nation and she must be very busy taking care of her people. She can"t just be next to you all the time. Then you saw a note on the table.

"Thank you for the wonderful night. Saria." you smile and put the note down.

"It has been a week since I came here." You look out the window. Then you think about all the things that happen for the last six days, and whatever occurs you will be ready for it.

"Knock* knock* knock* Tony-sama, her majesty and everyone is waiting for you at the private dining hall." (Maid)

"I will be right there!" you shout and quickly enter the bathroom to clean yourself, and then you went straight to the private dining hall.

A few minutes later, you arrive at the dining hall. As you enter the room, everyone their head turns toward you.

"Good morning, everyone." You happily greet everyone.

"Good morning! Daring!" (Ava)

"Ahh! Tony-kun! Good morning to you too!" (Helen)

"Hmph! Took you long enough." (Lenna)

"...…..morning." (Irin)

"Good morning! Onii-chan! (Esta)

"Good morning! Sensei! (Anna)

"Morning! Aniki! (Aven)

"Ara, Tony-san, you"re just in time, please take a sit." (Saria)

You nod and sit down. Then the maid starting put breakfast on the table.

"Tony-san, there something we need to discuss." (Saria) She looks straight in your eyes.

"What is it, Sarisan?"

"As you know, tomorrow going to be a huge event in our kingdom. Not just you and Ava"s engagement event but the grand meeting of our nation. All of the n.o.bles of each city will come to discuss the current state of our kingdom, and thanks to your Portal ray, Lindsan manage to escort every n.o.ble here in a matter of minutes." (Saria) she smiles at you.

"Wow! Sensei, create such a fantastic device! I hope that I could create something like that someday!" (Anna) she looks at you with admiration.

" hehe hehe. Tony-san is your big sister future husband, after all." (Ava) she puffs her chest up.

"Yes, Tony-san is truly amazing; his creation has enough power to rival the G.o.ds. It was a great blessing and fortunate for us elves." (Saria) She then sips her tea. Anna and Aven"s jaw was dropped out of shock. "but......., there are some people in our kingdom began to fear you." (Saria) Her tone starts to change a little. Everyone at the table went quiet.

"Don"t get me wrong, Tony-san, what you did for us we are very grateful. But as you notice, we have almost had a major crisis. And you alone had enough power to solve that crisis." (Saria) she looks at you. "You notice where this is going, don"t you?" (Saria)

All you can do is nod back at her. The same things happen back in your old world. Back then there was a group of heroes called The League. And they had a major battle with a giant robot in front of your apartment in the middle of the night, what worse this that the League were getting their kicked. The noise they cause p.i.s.s you off, so you equipped your suit and destroyed the robot and went back to sleep.

And then the next day these League told the media that you are the mastermind of the giant robot. Then you were like "wow, they are such an a.s.sssss!". The article said the reason you easily destroy the robot because the robot is yours, to begin with. And the reason you destroy it because you want to call yourself a new hero and rest of the article said a lot of bulls.h.i.+t things about you like your actual goal was to join the League and cause chaos from the inside so the League would fight among themselves. You laugh because whoever in the League told the media this must be very narcissistic and scared of your power.

The reason you show up because they disturbed your peace and quiet and the League were weak as h.e.l.l, you don"t even know why they called themselves a hero.

The point of all this that, one, people fear your strength and two, they think that you set up a stage and pretend to be a good person. which is what Saria try to point out.

"Hmph! If anyone doubted with Tony-kun! they will have to face me!" (Helen) she stood up with an angry expression.

"Dear, shut up for a sec." (Saria) said in an icy tone.

"yes ma"am..." (Helen) she sat down obediently, and no one dare speak up.

"As Helen said there are some people in our kingdom who fear your overwhelming power and some think that you set up the crisis and try to be the hero so that you can get close to us." (Saria)

"Tony-san is not that kind of person! he kind and loving person. there no way he could do such a thing!" (Ava) she stood up.

"That right! There no way Tony-kun would be evil!" (Helen)

"...…Tony.....knowledge...benefit us." (Irin)

It seems Lenna doesn"t say anything and continue eating breakfast.

"Doesn"t father-sama have a magic that can see people lie? If Sensei is still here, that means sensei had no such a bad intention" (Anna)

. "Fufufufu, Anna is right, Tony-san did not have any bad intentions toward us, the real truth is Milsama herself sent him to us." (Saria)

"WHAT!!?" (Everyone) they quick turn toward you.

"Darling! Is it true?" (Ava) She looks at you with her sparkling eyes.

"Milsama as in G.o.ddess Milsama!?" (Helen) she turns toward Saria, who is calmly drinking tea.

"....Tony...….as the priestess of Milsama...please, explain?" (Irin)

You then explain the real reason that you die and how G.o.ddess Mila involve.

"I see if that how indeed happen then, our meeting is truly a fate!" (Ava) she hugs your arm.

"Yes! our meeting is truly a fate!" (Helen) She hugs your other arm.

"DADD!!! Tony-san is my future husband. So he mines!" (Ava) she pulls you toward her.

"Ava, you already know the family rules, so it not a good thing for you to hog Tony-kun to yourself!" (Helen) she pulled you toward her.

"But, but, but." (Ava) she tries to find words to argue back.

"Enough! Both of you." (Saria)

"Yes, ma"am." (Ava and Helen) they let go both of your arms and continue with their breakfast.

"Tony-san, I may have a solution on how to gain the people trust, but I need your cooperation for this." (Saria)

"You have my full cooperation, Sarisan." you happily smile at her.

"Great, then as the first order from your Queen! Tony stank! I command your Technology division to come up with a way to improve for current lifestyle and earn the trust of the people." (Saria) she spoke to you with a serious tone.

When you saw her serious tone, you stood up and bow. "As you wish your majesty."

"Fufufufu, I have high expectation from you" (Saria) she smile at you, then she looks at everybody else. "Now let us stop talking and let finish breakfast." (Saria) Everybody then eats their breakfast at their own pace. As everyone finishes breakfast, the dessert was severed on the table. The dessert was always a basket of fruits.

"Onii-chan, I want to eat those icy sweets again!" (Esta) she looks at you across the table.

"Yes! I love to having those sweet again!" (Anna)

"Please! Aniki could we have some?" (Aven)

"Tony, What are they talking about?" (Lenna) she looks at you with a suspicious eye.

"Oh, it just a common dessert from my world." Then you took bowls of ice cream each with different favours. Everyone came and took a closer look at the different colours bowl.

"Onii-chan! I want this one!" (Esta) She points at the Strawberry favour.

"Sensei! I would like this one, please!" (Anna) She points at the vanilla favour.

"Aniki! I want that one!" (Aven) She points at the chocolate favour.

Seeing these three children extended there plate empty plate toward you. You smile and scoops their desire favours to there plate. After receiving your Ice cream, they quick when back to there sit and happily enjoy it. Seeing how the little ones enjoying it, everyone then began to choose the ice cream of their choices and then...

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" (everyone) All of there eyes were wide open. Even Lenna was so shocked that she dropped her spoon.

"Here, why don"t you share this with everyone else." You hand a box of ice cream to the maid.

"It ok for us to have this?" (maid) the maid looks at each other.

"It fine, share it with everyone." (Saria) she said while enjoying the Ice cream melt in her mouth.

"Thank you very much, your majesty. Thank you very much, Tony-sama." (Maids) they bow to Saria and you, then slowly exit the room.

Suddenly you sense bloodl.u.s.t. You slowly turned around and saw Lenna who is looking at you like a tiger watch a prey.

"This is delicious! Tony-kun did you made this icy sweet by yourself?" (Helen) she is scooping more ice cream for herself.

"Ah, yes I made them." you notice that Lenna"s eyes following every single of your movement.

"Wow! That means Len-chan lose again! Hahahahaha!" (Helen)

"Mm...Lenna...… after all. Nom*" (Irin)

Lenna"s bloodl.u.s.t has increased. Yep, you can felt like she would jump on you any second now.

You quickly try to change the subject. "Ah yes, Sarisan, have you found a place for me to set up my workshop?"

"Oh yes, I completely forgot about that." (Saria) She then types on her holo-bracelet. DING* you received a message. "It is abandoned fort at northeast from here; the fort has been abandoned for 80 years, so feel free to do anything with it.

You then pop a holo-map and check the place out. "Thank you Sarisan, are you sure I can doing anything with the fort?"

"Yes, I already told everyone, so there should be no problem." (Saria)

"Oh, That Great, then I"ll go and have a closer look...…..HEY! WHAT THAT!!!" You point out the window. Everyone quickly turns toward the window.

"Tony-san there nothing out...….....….where did he go?" (Ava) She looks around. Everyone was confused as well except...

BAMM* "d.a.m.n it He got away!" (Lenna) she hammers the table in frustration. Then she quickly runs after you.

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