Day 9

8 AM

Zylris, Workshop Tower, Penthouse top floor.

"Yawn...It"s morning!" you got off the bed and went straight to take a shower. After that, you dress up and head downstairs and sit down at the kitchen counter.

"Here, your coffee, master." (Aisha) A square shape on the counter open up, and the cup coffee slowly raises up.

"Thank you, Aisha." You took a cup a coffee in your hands and sniffed it. "Ahhhh! What way better to start a day with a cup of Caffeine. Sip*" then you look around and admire the result of your work. The Workshop Tower is finally complete. The Workshop tower has everything from Bio lab, rooftop garden, Robotic factory, Yottabyte data bank storage, fully-equipped workshop with all necessary tools, a training room for fitness and weapon testing, fully entertainment room and other empty rooms you haven"t decided yet. And the floor you are at right now is the top-level the Luxurious penthouse with all the modern and advance electronics and furniture in this vast s.p.a.ce penthouse, and most importantly the view on here is best of all. You can see the city, the royal castle and the Mt. Draco the forbidden mountain. The ma.s.sive mountain in the middle of this continent and the home of the dragons the most powerful races in this world. You wonder what Dragon girls look like? You would like to meet them, but unfortunately, they are hostile to anyone who enters the mountain.

Beep*Beep* Beep* incoming call from Linda.

Beep* "Yes? Lindsan" you press a holo-b.u.t.ton on your Holo-B.

"Tony-sama, breakfast is ready, please make your way to the private dining hall." (Linda)

"Oh, I"ll be right there." Beep* you finish your coffee and head toward the portal room.


10:27 AM

Royal Castle

After having breakfast with everyone in the private dining hall. You and Saria when to see the n.o.bles and the head of all division to discuss building the Academy, and this time there no broadcast. At first, everyone agrees only to create a magic school, and it seems you will be in charge of building the facility, which you intended to go all out on the stuff you created. All of the Elves have seen your workshop tower and they everybody think that the Magic academy will be something they have never seen before. So some of the head division start to feel jealous of the magic Academy for having advanced learning facility. Unlike the human who always has a hidden agenda, and if they don"t like something, they plotting something, especially the power-hunger human.

And so they spoke out their real feeling. Some of the head division wants you to build a training facility for their division as well. Then all of the division start to argue with each other. Some saying "you don"t need another facility, we the one that needs it more!" the argument keeps going back and forward none stop.

"Enough!" (Saria) with one word, everyone fell into silence. "Everyone, there is no point in arguing against each other. After we are all on the same side in the end." (Saria)

The elves look at each other and then they turn toward Saria. "As your majesty said, our goal is for the greater good of the kingdom, and we apologise for our foolishness." (One of head division elf) they all bow toward their Queen.

"Tony-san, what do you think?" (Saria) She turns toward you. And everyone eyes are on you...…..again.

"Well. Why don"t we build the academy for all subject? That way, no one will be left out." everyone has a confused look on there face.

"How does that work? If we put all the subject together, how could the trainee study properly?" (Head division 2) she raises her hand and asks you.

("wait a minute…..could it be?") "Before I answer your question. How does education work in this kingdom?" you turn toward Saria.

"well for start children at 60 years of age will begin a standard education from their parents to 150 years of ages, after that they will be able to choose their future career and started their training on the course they want." (Saria)

You a.s.sume that 60 years old in a human year would be six years old. Which mean, when the elf is 150 = 15 would start working toward there career path.

"Mmm, is there any school for children?"

"school? Oh, you mean the learning facility. Yes, we have a few in large cities. But the purpose of it to teach the children who far Exceed in learning than other children." (Saria)

Yep, there is no ordinary school for regular children. No wonder the elf civilisation quite behind. And since the human had been summoning people from your world, there a chance that those outworlders would teach this world"s human the modern tech from your world.

"Well, the school in my world is entirely different than here. First of all the school is a big facility with a different kind of tutor to teach the student a different subject. Second of all, the school will have every equipment student need to succeed in their study. And lastly, all student are welcome no matter their age and social status ."

The elves start to discuss with each other. "I have a question?" (Head of Division 3)

"What would you like to know?"

"You said all age are welcome, right? How does that work?" (Head of Division 3)

"The child at the age of 6- I mean 60 years of age will attend a common sense cla.s.s where they learn common sense, basic history and the law of this kingdom for 30 years. And after that, they will choose what subject they would like to learn next. For example, one student would like to join the army, so we would teach the student a few basic casual drills and commands so finally when the children reach 150 years of age they will be ready to take on a stricter training." They enter into a discussion, and some of them even nod in agreement.

"It indeed very interesting but you still haven"t answered her question." (Saria)

"Oh, right. As you all know, some adult may be interest to learn new things or improve their pa.s.sionate skills. So we set up a place where the adult could study as well, and we will call it College!"

"...….so in other words, you want to build a ma.s.sive learning facility where everyone can study any subject as they please?" (Saria)

"well yes but there must be some regulation otherwise it could become a mess."

"Indeed, very interesting. What do you all think?" (Saria) she turns toward other elves.

"It just as you say, your majesty, but there seems some problem." (Head of Division 1)

"Hohh? Speak." (Saria)

"At first we would like to know where is a new learning facility will locate? And if so, how could a student form a far distance will travel there? And such a ma.s.sive project would require a lot of money and resources." (Head of Division 1)

"The first problem I will let everyone decide on where the facility will locate and for the distance. Do not worry; I will create a portal to connect all the city to the facility; that way, everyone in this kingdom will have a chance to study. And finally, the money and resources are no problem for me. The only problem we have is that everyone has to find a lot of tutor for the Academy, that is all."

"Tony-san do you know our kingdom"s currency?" (Saria)

"No, I don"t, but does this kingdom value gold?" you gave her mischief smile.

"Yes, gold is rar- CLANK*" (Saria) she was cut off when a ma.s.sive solid gold appears in front of her. Everybody"s eyes nearly pop out when they see the gigantic solid gold.

Head of treasure Division ran for closer inspection. "I IIIIIIIT REAAAALL!! AND HIGHLY PURE!!" (Head of Treasury Division) She screams with shock. Everyone starts to talk to each other.

"Sigh….look like I"m getting used to your absurd surprise." (Saria) She gave you a big sigh. You gave her a bitter smile while scratching your head.

"Right, is there anymore objection?" (Saria) she looks around, and there seems to be none. "Mm, so it decides that we will follow Tony Stank"s suggestion." (Saria) everybody clap.

"Then, I will begin designing right away. In the meantime, your majesty, please discuss with everyone for the location of the facility and find the teachers. After that, please call me back so that I can custom design each division training facility for the Academy." You bow to everyone a exist the room and portal yourself back to your tower.

"Aisha, we got another project coming up." You enter your workshop room.

"So which what of a project are we working on today?" (Aisha) she sounds exciting

"Architecture. We design the brand new Academy for this kingdom. And this project might be big than the tower."

"Shall I make some preset design for Academy?" (Aisha)

"Yes, please." You walk the table and turn on a 3D hologram projector. "Now then, where do I start....?"

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