Isekai Izakaya Nobu

Chapter 31

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The Secret of "Toriaezu Nama" (Part 3)

Izakaya n.o.bu had made preparations to greet the representative the next morning, based on the directive that the City Council had sent out the previous evening.
The notification letter was quite elaborate; it was in an envelope sealed with a wax seal, and a piece of high quality parchment paper was inside.
The signatures of both Bachschouf and Gernot were lined up at the bottom of the letter, which signified that it was an official letter.

「There was nothing written on the paper.」

n.o.buyuki muttered while grumbling.
Today, neither Helmina nor Eva was called in.
s.h.i.+n.o.bu and n.o.buyuki were standing together in front of the shop, which had been cleaned beautifully.
Somehow, when they were together, they felt that they could do something about it, one way or another.

「Speaking of strange things, it is weird, huh.」

「About preventing our escape?」

s.h.i.+n.o.bu had properly thought about that option.
If n.o.buyuki were to run away, it would be akin to confessing to the crime, and he would be branded as a criminal.

「I wonder if they will read the charges out loud and arrest us immediately.」

「I don"t like that…」

「I just wanted to grill bacon.」

According to Nikolaus, the highest level punishment for smuggling lager was the death penalty.
In addition to that, offenders could also be burned at the stake as punishment.
However, that form of punishment was only limited to people who had revealed the manufacturing method of lager, or those who had attempted to smuggle lager outside of the country in bulk.
Even if s.h.i.+n.o.bu and n.o.buyuki were to be arrested, Nikolaus had predicted that they would only be fined or imprisoned.

「Ugh… Have they come?」

n.o.buyuki squinted his eyes.
The clatter of the horses" hooves, which were pulling the carriages, gradually approached the store.
Though they weren"t sure whether it was the same carriage that had come by during the stormy evening, they were still splendid carriages, engraved with the emblem of the city council.
The two carriages slowed down, and stopped unhurriedly in front of the store.

「To wait for us without fleeing, how admirable.」

The first thing that Damien did as he got out of the carriage was hurl abusive words.
Both Gernot and Bachschouf followed him out. They didn"t seem to be accompanied by guards.
s.h.i.+n.o.bu tried to catch Gernot"s eyes, but he skillfully evaded her gaze. However, he had a stern expression.

「Now, what are we still doing here in front of the store?」

n.o.buyuki opened the gla.s.s door, and the others followed him inside.
The atmosphere, which had been calm before, now felt extremely strained. It was a little suffocating.
s.h.i.+n.o.bu thought about preparing some tea, but Gernot"s stare and clearing of his throat held her back. Was it possible that he had been bribed?

「Now then, shall we begin?」

Everyone took a seat at Bachschouf"s words.
It was a four person table. Bachschouf and Gernot were sitting near the entrance, while s.h.i.+n.o.bu and n.o.buyuki sat on the opposite side. Damien placed himself in front of the door as an observer, probably to prevent them from escaping.

Gernot took out a thick bundle of parchments from the bag he was holding under his armpit.
These were probably the results of the investigation on the lager, a prohibited item. As far as s.h.i.+n.o.bu could see, she couldn"t understand anything other than the fact that the characters were written neatly, line by line.

「Now then, Gernot-kun, let"s get started quickly. We have a City Council meeting in the afternoon.」

「I shall do so, since there should be many things to settle at today"s meeting.」

「Oh, that"s right. That meeting is nearing. For the Old Capital"s honour, that meeting must carry on smoothly, at any cost.」

The meeting was a conference with the three territories in the north.
According to Deacon Edwin, important people would gather for conferences at the Old Capital because it was considered a neutral city.

「It would be problematic if this contraband issue was discovered before the important meeting in the Old Capital. My reputation is on the line, so I would like to maintain a clean slate. 」

「This Gernot wholly agrees with you, chairman.」

Based on Gernot"s att.i.tude, one would wonder whether he already belonged to the other side.
Even though she understood that he was like that due to his job as a tax collector, s.h.i.+n.o.bu couldn"t help but feel a little lonely.

「Now then, I will report the final results of the investigation.」

A piece of parchment with fine, closely packed letters written on it was unfurled onto the table. s.h.i.+n.o.bu realized that she had only memorized a little of the Empire"s official language, so she felt relieved that she couldn"t understand what was written.

「This is the data obtained from the Empire"s alcohol brewing director. It took some time for this lager incident to be investigated, since we had to communicate with the one in charge of brewing lager.」

The Sommeliers were the official authority on brewing alcohol. Based on Gernot"s tone, it seemed to be a government position with quite a significant amount of power.

「I see, the director of alcohol brewing, huh? However, how is it possible to escape their eyes when such strict monitoring is already in place? 」

「It is possible, so a thorough investigation was conducted this time. As a result, it was found out that a considerable amount of lager was smuggled out.」

「I knew it! As expected.」

It was a dire situation.
If the smuggled lager was currently being sold in Izakaya n.o.bu, they would be found guilty. n.o.buyuki hung his head down too.

「This time, the director was infuriated by this matter, so he ordered all of the employees in the alcohol brewing office to be investigated. This was the result.」

「I have troubled you this much, huh. However, we are grateful. It will save us trouble if we single out the dishonest employees from the investigation.」

Bachschouf grabbed the parchment that Gernot presented, but his expression changed as he read it.

「Gernot-kun… What is the meaning of this? If I remember correctly, didn"t you just say that a considerable amount was smuggled out?」

「That is indeed true.」

「Then, what is with this difference in amount?! Only 37 barrels were smuggled out?」

「There were 37 barrels of lager that should not have been distributed, and were smuggled out. I cannot help but call this a considerable amount.」

Certainly, 37 barrels could be considered a considerable amount, but it was too little to amount to anything significant.

「On top of that, the whereabouts of 30 barrels have already been located?」

「Yes. It seems that they had been secretly bought by the regent of the Eastern Kingdom for a banquet. That is most unforgivable.」

「But… You do not know where the remaining seven barrels are, don"t you? Were they sold in this pub?」

Gernot shook his head in disapproval at Bachschouf"s words.

「Izakaya n.o.bu set up shop in the Old Capital half a year ago. If they had been selling lager for all this time, it would be impossible with only seven barrels. Don"t you think so?」

「Adulteration! They must have mixed ale and lager together! It must be so!」

「Indeed, such a ruse is possible as well. However, that is also impossible.」

After looking over the next parchment that was handed to him, Bachschouf"s angry red face turned grim.

「Of the remaining seven barrels that were smuggled out, it was reported that six of them had been carried to the southern region of the Empire, and had been smuggled over the border. I fear that it"s likely that those barrels were smuggled to the Holy Kingdom. It is unnatural for lager that has crossed the border to reappear in the capital.」

「B…But, Gernot-Kun. One barrel. There"s still one barrel left, isn"t there?」

「Yes. But it is only one barrel. If this one barrel had been used to adulterate… Do you think you would still taste the lager when you drink it, Bachschouf-san?」


Gernot was n.o.bu"s ally.
s.h.i.+n.o.bu felt ashamed of herself for doubting him a moment ago.
When she glanced at Bachschouf, she could see his distorted expression. Not only had his plans to take over the store crumbled, he would also suffer humiliation for stirring up the City Council.

「By the way, Bachschouf-san… There is something I want to know.」

「What is it, Gernot-kun? I will not answer trivial questions.」

「It isn"t trivial. In fact, it"s a very important issue. How did you recognise the taste of lager?」

At that moment, Bachschouf"s expression froze.

「Well, that"s because I was invited to a feast held by a n.o.ble when I was at the Imperial Capital. I must"ve tasted lager there…」

「Whose banquet was it? And in which month and year was it held? Since only someone who is a part of the Imperial Family can drink lager, there is a possibility that this n.o.ble has committed a serious offence.」

「Ah, no. I was wrong. That, that is. Let"s see.」

Gernot cleared his throat, and took out another piece of parchment.

「Actually, I have roughly grasped the whereabouts of the remaining barrel. It"s in the Old Capital.」

「Ah, come on. Then, isn"t everything solved? That one barrel is in this pub after all…」

「Well, I wonder.」

Bachschouf suddenly stood up from his seat.

「Of course it is! You, girl, bring me a mug. Pour one for Gernot-san, too. That "Toriaezu Nama". Everything will become clear with this.」

「Ah, I shall decline.」

Bachschouf grabbed Gernot"s collar when he refused, and demanded an explanation while nearly screaming.

「Why?! You will understand when you drink it!」

「Why? I won"t understand even if I drink it, you know. Because I have never drunk a drop of lager, which is a prohibited item, in my whole life. And…」


「I am on duty right now.」

Gernot answered as he straightened his collar, while Bachschouf slumped down onto his chair.

「Bachschouf-san, please listen until the end. When I said "roughly", I had already found out that it was delivered to the Bachschouf Firm. What I didn"t know was who had drunk it.」

Bachshouf stared at the ceiling with a pale face.
s.h.i.+n.o.bu couldn"t understand what was going on at all.
She could only make out that Bachschouf was apparently the one who had smuggled the lager.

At that moment, there was suddenly the sound of the gla.s.s door opening.


s.h.i.+n.o.bu looked over at the gla.s.s door when Bachschouf shouted, but Damien"s figure was already nowhere to be seen. It seemed as though he had abandoned his master and run away.
However, Gernot was perfectly composed.

「Let"s leave the small fry alone. I"m sorry to bother you, Taisho-san, but could you go to the guard’s post and call for someone? Since it"s necessary for me to stay with the criminal who has dealt with illegal goods.」

n.o.buyuki nodded, stood up, and ran outside.

「Well, looks like it"ll be busy today. There are many things to settle in the meeting. Including the successor of Chairman Bachschouf.」

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