Isekai Izakaya Nobu

Chapter 90

Conrad in Love (Part 2)

Conrad and Sebastian left the inn and headed to Izakaya n.o.bu.
Although they were worried that the shop might be closed, the light was still on, glowing gently through the window. Sebastian knocked on the gla.s.s door while ignoring Conrad, who was trying to peep in nervously.



There were no customers in the shop. It seemed that they were cleaning up for the night.

「You came a short while ago, right?」

The black-haired waitress guided them and they settled down by the counter. As he had said before, the interior of the shop had a pleasantly warm atmosphere.

「Actually, I am looking into a woman called Celes whom I came with a little while ago.」

The shop employees made a strange face to Conrad"s inquiry.
Well, it was to be expected. Although there might be cases where one party did not know the other, despite how they came in as a party of two, it was unusual to come to ask about them later.

「He said he really wanted to meet her again.」

Sebastian added.
Conrad explained that the two people in question had happened to meet each other, then separated without telling each other about themselves. As such, he wanted to meet her again to talk.
Conrad felt that it sounded too suspicious, but the waitress placed her finger on her chin and started to think.
It was unlikely that she could remember all the customers who came in everyday, but at this point, Conrad was willing to cling onto any chance.

「I don"t remember. How about you, s.h.i.+n.o.bu-chan?」

「Her height is 160cm and is about 18 to 20 years old. Long hair with silver-rimmed, and can"t really handle hot food. She ate apple pie and kus.h.i.+katsu. She dislikes s.h.i.+s.h.i.+to peppers a little. From her speech, she is probably a n.o.ble, but I think her intonation is different from that of the people near Aitheria.」
(TL note: s.h.i.+s.h.i.+to = a sweet, East Asian variety of Capsic.u.m annuum)

Conrad and Sebastian exchanged bewildered glances at s.h.i.+n.o.bu"s reply. What astounding observation skills and memory.

「That"s great! But…」

「It isn"t a clue, right?」

If she did not have any information about Celes" ident.i.ty, he was still stuck.
In addition, it was already very late at night. It would be impossible to meet again by tomorrow"s marriage interview.

「Sebastian… fun times are over.」

「My deepest sympathies.」

The shop owner lowered his head at Conrad.

「I"m sorry we couldn"t help you much.」

「No, no, I"m thankful with just this much.」

Conrad replied, though a lingering affection still occupied his heart.
From the start, it had been an impossible search. His time spent had been unprofitable, but he had made peace with himself.
If she was his destined partner, he might meet her again. Since it was not possible to meet again at present, he convinced himself not to force it.

Once he got that out of his mind, his stomach became strangely hungry. He should have eaten more kus.h.i.+katsu earlier.

「Since this is an Izakaya, Sebastian, do you want to eat something?」

「That is a good idea. Of course, if it doesn"t trouble you.」

The waitress called s.h.i.+n.o.bu brought out warm towels with a smile.

「Well then, what would you like to order?」

They ordered a lager called "Toriaezu Nama".
Well, it was not exactly lager, but it couldn"t be compared with ale.
The clear, crisp, bitter taste was certainly different from both ale and lager in the Imperial Capital.

「This is pretty good alcohol.」

「I did not think of the idea of chilling ale and lager before drinking it. Can it be done in the Imperial Capital?」

「The Emperor from a few generations ago should have made an ice house in the mountains of Ba.s.senburg. It is possible to supply ice to the Imperial Capital in the summer if ice is stored during winter.」

「That"s going to cost a lot of time and money, isn"t it?」

Conrad did not wish to burden the national treasury. It seemed better to simply look forward to cold lager during the winter.
A platter of pickles was served after a short wait. The colours were pleasing to the eye, and the saltiness complimented the "Toriaezu Nama" well. Conrad was grateful for this simple appetizer because he had wanted something besides oily food after eating too much kus.h.i.+katsu previously.
He briefly looked around the shop, thinking that it was a strange place. Incidentally, the shop mentioned by the former Emperor apparently had a rather exotic atmosphere. Perhaps this was the shop that he was describing?
While his partner was lost in thought, Sebastian had begun to down another drink in a small ceramic sake cup.

Conrad drained his beer mug and ordered a second gla.s.s before the bitterness had left his throat.
He ridiculed himself for being effeminate, as he still could not give up on Celes.
He really craved something strong to drink, but the marriage interview was tomorrow. He had to stay sober.

Even so, he still wanted to drink until he was unconscious, just for tonight.

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