Isekai Izakaya Nobu

Chapter 36

Details of the Three Northern Territories Conference (Part 2)

As expected, the conference began contentiously.
From the very beginning, the delegates of the Three Northern Territories had no intention of swearing fealty to the Empire.
However, it was still necessary to make preparations if they wanted to oppose the Empire. It was evident from their att.i.tudes that they wanted to delay the onset of war until the farming season had ended.

「The discussion did not progress, and stalled all the way until the conference meal.」

「Was Gernot-san present as well?」

「The city council members were also invited to the conference meal. Hence, I was also present.」

「What kinds of dishes were served?」

Gernot made a slightly disappointed expression at s.h.i.+n.o.bu, who was very interested. In fact, those present from the Empire"s side were also quite disappointed.

「It was… a very ordinary dish. There was barley bread, grilled salted fish, and meat that was still attached to the bones. Also, there were a lot of potatoes.」

「Aren"t you supposed to serve a much more luxurious meal for a conference meal?」

「Normally, it is so. Especially since the previous Emperor, His Majesty, was the one hosting the conference meal this time. The partic.i.p.ants were actually looking forward to a grand feast…」

「It was disappointing, huh?」

「That"s right…」

After all, Eleonora from the Water Transportation Guild did not even touch the food on her plate. The other Council Members were also reluctantly eating it.

「Then, wouldn"t the people from the Northern Three Territories have been angered by such a dish?」

「On the contrary, the delegates, who had been stubborn throughout the meeting, were unusually open during the conference meal, and even started friendly conversations.」


「It"s all thanks to His Majesty, the previous Emperor.」

When the previous Emperor began to eat his meal with his hands during the conference meal, the partic.i.p.ants from the Empire were shocked. It was believed that such a style of eating only belonged to the savage tribes of the North.
However, the previous Emperor, who held the highest position there, did it too. Hence, the others had no choice but to follow.

「Then, why was the conference meal carried out in the Northern Style?」

「That"s because… It seems that it had made the delegates of the opposing side let their guard down.」

It was an interesting experience for Gernot as well.
The flat and hard baked bread was used as a plate, so it could be eaten too. When the bread was torn off and dipped into the soup, it would become softer and could be eaten that way.

「The conditions for withdrawing from the Empire were not discussed during the meeting, but during the conference meal.」

「Isn"t that bad?」

「That is not so.」

The previous Emperor"s plan was a success.
He had managed to make the savage tribes, who were angry at being made fun of continuously in the Imperial Capital, sit down at the negotiating table.
However, it made it possible for the opponent to take advantage of the situation as well.

「The people of the Northern Tribes despise the Empire, likening it to an old pig. The conditions were extremely harsh as well. If the Empire accepted it as it was, they would have become a laughing stock with the Eastern Kingdom and the likes.」

「They were underestimating the Empire, huh.」

「Well, yeah.」

Taisho appeared from behind s.h.i.+n.o.bu, giving his feedback.

「I"m sorry to interrupt the climax of the story, but the Napolitan is ready.」

「Yes, yes, this is it! Can I have tobasco sauce and cheese too, please?」

「Gernot-san… is quite well-informed.」

That was obvious. He had dreamed about reuniting with this pasta for so long.
Gourmets, including himself, were known to be attached to certain dishes. He had endured it for so long thus far, so this was like a reward for him. Anybody would jump at the chance.

He almost leapt out of his seat and cried out from its deliciousness the moment he took a bite. It took all of Gernot"s self control as a prided City Council member not to do so.
Even though it was slightly different from s.h.i.+n.o.bu"s, the deliciousness of the Napolitan still reigned supreme. In other words, it was the pinnacle of flavour.

Gernot devoured it greedily, not minding that his mouth was getting dirtied.
"Ah, I should"ve asked for two, no, three servings," he thought.
Moreover, it would be such a shame if he did not fill up his belly with this heavenly food.

Would it be enough to stop with just this much?
His craving for Napolitan was what motivated him to live on till the next day. Even now, Gernot still thought so.

For the past few months, he had continuously searched for a subst.i.tute for Napolitan, through trial-and-error, day after day. Hid only solace had been his desire for eel bento.
However, it was still not the same. No matter how hard he had searched, there wasn"t any food that was comparable to Napolitan.
Therefore, he almost danced for joy in his heart when he was a.s.signed the Bachschouf case.
This way, he could legitimately order Napolitan without seeming unnatural.
He no longer felt bitter about sending letters repeatedly to the nasty alcohol brewing office in order to find a solution. Everything was done for the sake of Napolitan.

Gernot was attacked by a feeling of dreadful desolation when he had devoured everything in the blink of an eye. The blissful encounter was over, and all that was left was the empty plate.
He felt guilty when he realised he was wis.h.i.+ng for a second or third Bachschouf to appear.

「Oh, Gernot-san, if you liked Napolitan so much, we can always make it for you anytime, you know?」

「Is… Is that true, Taisho-san?!」

「Y-yes. But it"ll be impossible when we"re busy.」

「That"s not a lie, right? You wouldn"t lie to a tax collector just to gain benefits, right?」

「It"s not a lie, yes.」

Gernot looked around after saying so and coughed lightly.

「W-well, this Napolitan is quite delicious. If I pa.s.s by n.o.bu sometime, I"ll order it.」

While Gernot was making a little excuse for himself, Eva quietly handed him a handkerchief.

「Gernot-san, your mouth is dirty, you know.」

「Ah, thank you. Such a considerate girl.」

「Ah, well. So then, what happened to the conference after that?」

Gernot resumed his story after being urged on by Eva.

「The conditions demanded by the delegates from the Three Northern Territories were harsh. Every year, the Empire has to pay the Three Northern Territories reparations for being in charge of defending the borders with gold coins.」

「That would be a question of honour, huh.」

s.h.i.+n.o.bu gave an understanding look, and nodded in agreement. It seemed that this girl might be surprisingly worldly.

「When it seemed that they had begun to open up after much trouble during the conference meal, the main meat dish was brought out at the previous Emperor"s command.」

「Main course?」

「Yes, it was a whole roasted calf.」

According to the ancient Northern traditions, the leader would carve the cow and serve it to his people.
It was an important ritual for the prideful Northern warriors, as it clarified who was the leader of the many tribes in the North.

「Did the previous Emperor arrange it to display it to the North?」

「I thought so as well. Even the Northern delegates probably thought so. However, an accident happened.」


「The calf was too heavy, and that the bearer dropped it midway.」

「What a waste…」

「Everyone felt sorry about the calf too. Even the delegates from the North, who were supposed to be hostile, leaked out a sigh. But…」


「Another calf was brought out at the previous Emperor"s command.」

Everyone who was at the conference meal was surprised by it.
The calf from before was splendid, but this other calf was even more splendid.
If you thought about it later, it was probably a planned strategy from the very beginning, but no one was able to say anything at that time, while they were looking at that magnificent beast.

「When the previous Emperor carved the calf, the delegates from the North became meek. They were probably awed by the bottomless a.s.sets of the Empire they despised so much.」

Gernot had thought that s.h.i.+n.o.bu and Taisho would be surprised by the story, but their reactions were dull. When he looked at them properly, both of them were looking at Eva for some reason.

「Don"t you think it"s amazing? With the previous Emperor, His Majesty"s wits, the crisis regarding the withdrawal of the Three Northern Territories was avoided.」

「E-eh, it"s amazing, I think.」

For some reason, they were focusing their attention on Eva, who was looking at the handkerchief in Gernot"s hands with a stiff smile.

「Is there something wrong with this handkerchief? It seems to be made from very good silk, but…」

At that moment, Gernot"s expression froze.
The silk-woven handkerchief was pure white except for its four corners, where a crest was embroidered onto it.

「Now then, a three-headed dragon and a hawk’s talon crest…」

Only a single person among all the royalty and n.o.bility in the whole continent was permitted to use this crest. That person, who was from the House of the Prideful Hawk, entered his son-in-law"s family, the Imperial House of the Three Headed Dragon.

「Th…this is the previous emperor’s crest…」

He had wiped his mouth with a handkerchief that contained the previous Emperor"s crest.
It was a rare experience that couldn"t be experienced by other people, but Gernot, who had a renewed sense of admiration towards the Imperial Family after this case, almost fainted after finding out.

「E-Eva-dono. I"ll wash this handkerchief and return it! I"ll surely return it!」

「Do, dono? Ah, yes, please return it if you can…」

Gernot unconsciously handed over the payment from his wallet, and rushed out of Izakaya, leaving it behind. Gernot believed that n.o.bu might have connections, since the lifting of the ban on lager had happened at a strange time.

「Wh-what a frightening store.」

"I"ll never demand an unreasonable tax from this store."
Gernot swore it on his life.

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